Week 3

Respond 1:

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 The company that I found interesting is Apple Inc., which is conceded the largest company by market value.  It is know for its Iphones.  This includes its latest Iphone 11 model and other devices such at the Apple Ipad. According to Apple they are expected to announce results, posting quarterly revenue and diluted earning gains of 4.5% and 8.2%, on a year over year basis, according to consensus estimates  Investors enthusiasm about Apples’ services strategy has help the stock to dramatically outperform the market in the past 12 months, posting at 111% total return compared to a 26% return for S&P 500. Apple Inc. has asked chipmaking partner Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to increase the amount of chips for A-Series processors this quarter in which to satisfy the anticipated IPhone demand. 

Respond 2:


Other companies in the industry are companies like Johnson and Johnson (J&J), Colgate-Palmolive (CL), Avon Products (AVP) etc.

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When comparing the performance of P&G with that of the performance of the industry and other players in the industry we can see that performance of P&G is in line with the performance of the industry and other companies (which are key competitors of P&G) in the industry.

Take for example Colgate-Palmolive. The company also has a total rating of 2.7 out of 5 and has a ‘hold’ recommendation by the analysts covering this company. On the other hand J&J has a lightly better rating of 2.4 but it still is in between ‘buy’ and ‘hold’ recommendation. Same is the case with Avon Products which has a rating of 2.5 and is in between ‘buy’ and ‘hold’ recommendation.

Thus we can see that even though P&G has a hold rating its performance is in line with the industry performance and it has not underperformed when compared to the industry. So when compared to other companies in the industry or to the industry average itself the performance of P&G is at par, though not above average performance which outperforms the industry and the competition.


(link for Colgate Palmolive)

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