Week 2 Discussion Question (for Hifsa Shakaut)


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Chapter Readings:

Chapter 2 (Sylves)

Chapters 2 & 3 (Haddow)

Discussion Question #1 Using the Public Management Models outlined in chapter two (Sylves) discuss the pros and cons of each model in today’s milieu.

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Discussion Question #2 What sources of technology are used in your organization (The organization is Army Corps of Engineers)to assist with enhancing situational awareness and fostering precise decision making? 

Discussion Question #3 Differentiate between tacit knowledge and codified knowledge.  Give examples of tacit and codified knowledge that you employ in your organization (The organization is Army Corps of Engineers).

Discussion Question #4 Differentiate between the behavior patterns of ordinary criminals versus terrorist criminals.  List strategies for effectively curtailing unwanted behavior(s) among the two groups.

Note: You can do this double space, half page for each questions, 3 in-text citations for each and use reference for each.  Use the rubric to maximize my points. Also for question 1, make sure your response comes from the reading of the book and then use other resources to answer it if need to.


Weekly Online Posting Rubric


9 – 10 Points

8 Points

6 – 7 Points

Less than Average 5 or less Points

Timely discussion contributions

5 – 6 postings well distributed throughout the week

4 – 6 postings distributed throughout the week

3 – 6 postings somewhat distributed

2-6 postings not distributed throughout the week

Responsiveness to discussion and demonstration of knowledge gained from assigned reading

Very clear that readings were understood and incorporated well into responses

Readings were understood and incorporated into responses

Postings have questionable relationship to reading material

Not evident that readings were understood and/or not incorporated into discussion

Follow-Up Postings

Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts

Elaborates on an existing posting with further comment or observation

Posts shallow contribution to discussion; does not enrich discussion

Posts no follow-up responses to others

References & Support

Uses references to literature, readings, or personal experiences to support comments

Incorporates some references from literature and personal experience

Uses personal experience, but no references or research

Includes no references or supporting experience

Clarity & Mechanics

Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical or spelling errors

Contributes valuable information to discussion with minor clarity or mechanics errors

Communicates in friendly, courteous and helpful manner with some errors in clarity or mechanics

Posts long, unorganized or rude content that may contain multiple errors or may be inappropriate

Spring 2017

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