Week 2 Discussion

For this assignment, make sure you post your initial responses to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

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Review the following resources:

  • Doing Discussion Questions Right
  • Grading Rubric

From the bullet point list below, select one topicfor which you will lead the discussion in the forum this week. Early in the week, reserve your selected topic by posting your response (reservation post) to the Discussion Area and identifying your topic in the subject line. Practice posing your reservation post as a research question.

  • Analyze the four data types using examples for each.

As the beginning of a scholarly conversation, your initial post should be:

  • Succinct—No more than 500 words.

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