Week 2 Discussion 1 Common Core State Standards

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Common Core State Standards (CCSS) establish clear expectations for student learning and are the standards for a set of learning for all students in the United States regardless of geographic location. This discussion is focused on

CCSS (Links to an external site.)

and the role these standards take in the school setting.

There are two parts to this discussion as explained below.

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  • Part      One: First, in one paragraph, summarize your understanding of the foundation of the CCSS for Math and English Arts. Next, adopting the perspective of a teacher leader, in at least two paragraphs, evaluate how CCSS (Math and English Language Arts) can be used to influence the use      of technology-enhanced differentiated instructional strategies to support the needs of all learners. Finally, in one paragraph, justify why it is important to have purposeful planning of differentiated instructional strategies to promote student learning and provide at least one specific example to support your justification.
  • Part      Two: Include a link to your Folio in your initial post along with a one-paragraph reflection about your experience with the redesign for the Week One Assignment in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges. Be sure to include any 21st-century difficulties you experienced in revising to meet the components of 21st-21st-century student outcomes and 21st century support systems.

Week 2 Discussion 1 Common Core State Standards

Common Core State Standards (CCSS) establish clear expectations for student learning and are the standards for a set of learning for all students in the United States regardless of geographic location. This discussion is focused on


(Links to an external site.)
and the role these standards take in the school setting.
There are two parts to this discussion as explained below.

· Part One: First, in one paragraph, summarize your understanding of the foundation of the CCSS for Math and English Arts. Next, adopting the perspective of a teacher leader, in at least two paragraphs, evaluate how CCSS (Math and English Language Arts) can be used to influence the use of technology- enhanced differentiated instructional strategies to support the needs of all learners. Finally, in one paragraph, justify why it is important to have purposeful planning of differentiated instructional strategies to promote student learning and provide at least one specific example to support your justification.

· Part Two: Include a link to your


in your initial post along with a one-paragraph reflection about your experience with the redesign for the Week One Assignment in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges. Be sure to include any difficulties you experienced in revising to meet the components of 21st century student outcomes and 21st century support systems.

Guided Response: Respond to at least two peers. In your responses, include a question about your peer’s technology-enhanced instructional strategies and offer an additional resource that supports an alternative viewpoint. Additionally, discuss your peer’s point of view and whether it is in direct correlation or contrast to yours about the CCSS. Finally, address your peer’s discussion of the challenges he or she faced in the redesign for the Week One Assignment offering supportive ideas for how your peer could overcome these challenges for future redesigns in this course. Though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you, including the instructor. Responding to the replies given to you will further the conversation and provide additional opportunities for you to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real-world experiences with this topic.

Standards and Assessment

Learning Outcomes

This week students will:

1. Evaluate how purposeful planning of differentiated instructional strategies promotes student learning.

2. Describe how embedding evidence-based assessment in the curriculum can help guide teachers and learners in decision making.

3. Evaluate how designing instruction aligned to CCSS, ISTE-S and 21st century skills promote learner achievement and growth.



During Week One, you discussed diversity in the classroom and how to support diversity through 21st-century teaching and learning. During Week Two, you will discuss differentiated instruction in the classroom as it relates to promoting student learning and the use of Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Additionally, the Week Two Assignment will require you to think about 21st century support systems, CCSS, the International Society for Technology in Education Student (ISTE-S) standards, and their relationship with quality instructional planning, delivery, and learner achievement. Similar to Week One’s Assignment, this week you will redesign prior coursework to include in your Folio.

Required Resources


Burnaford, G., & Brown, T. (2014).

Teaching and learning in 21st century learning environments: A reader.

 Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

· Chapter 3: Assessment in the 21st Century

Web Pages

Framework for 21st century learning (Links to an external site.)

. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21-framework

· This web page presents an all-inclusive view of 21st-century teaching and learning. It includes a focus on student outcomes and support systems that help students’ master skills they will need in the 21st century. This resource will support student completion of the discussions and assignment for this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy does not exist.

ISTE Standards for Students (Links to an external site.)

. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/standards/standards/for-students

· The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) web page provides a way for educators to connect with peers and share knowledge and ideas. ISTE also offers innovative educational technology resources to support professional learning in the education field. This resource will support student completion of the discussions and assignment for this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.

Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)

Read the standards (Links to an external site.)

. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards

· This web page provides information on how the standards communicate what is expected of students at each grade level. The focus of CCSS is on core conceptual understandings and procedures starting in the early grades, providing teachers a timeline needed to teach core concepts and allowing each student the time needed to master the concepts. This resource will support student completion of the discussions and assignment for this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy does not exist.


Folio. (https://ashford.instructure.com/users/893/external_tools/2653)

· This website provides a Folio resource. This resource will support student completion of the final project, as well as discussions and assignments throughout the course.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy does not exist.


Recommended Resources


Marzano, R. J. (2006). 

Classroom assessment & grading that work

[Electronic version]. Retrieved from the ebrary database.


Phelps, P. H. (2008).

Helping teachers become leaders

. The Clearing House, 81(3), 119-122. doi:10.3200/TCHS.81.3.119-122.

· Phelps discusses the need for school improvement is based on the idea that more teachers need to function as leaders. When we understand the various dimensions of teacher leadership, we can fulfill multiple roles at the school. This resource will support student completion of the discussions and assignment for this week. The full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library.

Roby, D. E. (2011).

Teacher leaders impacting school culture

. Education, 131(4), 782-790. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

· Roby discusses how teacher leaders have the ability to shape the culture of the school when given the right opportunities. This resource will support student completion of the discussions and assignment for this week. The full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library.



Welcome to Week 2

As Week Two begins, you are encouraged you review the Week Five homepage to prepare for when you work in a mock Professional Learning Community (PLC) and complete a team assignment. Start thinking ahead now about your role and responsibilities during Week Five and contact the instructor for clarifications on any expectations. In Week One, diversity through 21st Century Teaching and Learning was investigated. During Week Two, one discussions and an assignment are included, focusing on the Common Core State Standards and 21st Century Skills and Standards.

Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI)

CCSS is an initiative in the United States that outlines what every K-12 student should know and be able to do in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics at the end of each grade level. The CCSSI seeks to establish consistent educational standards across the nation to ensure students are prepared for success after graduating from high school, be it going into a college program or entering the work force. The goal of CCSSI is to provide more depth and breadth of learning across the grade levels, where students can explore concepts at a deeper level than before. For more information, view this approximately three-minute video from

DCPublicSchools  (Links to an external site.)

(2012), which provides a look at why the CCSS were created. When viewing the video think about how you do or intend to incorporate CCSS into your classroom.

Remember, the current focus of the CCSS is on two content areas, ELA and Math. This week, you focus on both sets of standards and how these relate to technology to enhance differentiated instructional strategies to support all learners. However, before we can begin to talk about technology and differentiated instruction in regards to CCSS, it may be helpful for us to review the two subjects.

ELA includes six categories; reading, writing, speaking and listening, language, media and technology and cursive and keyboarding. View this approximately six-minute video from the

Professional Educators Association (Links to an external site.)

(n.d.) about ELA where they explain the movement of CCSS and the creation of ELA standards. While viewing this video, think about your former or current classroom setting or any exposure you have to the classroom and how the ELA standards were, or are being used within the ELA curriculum. If you are not currently in the classroom, consider how you might ensure that you include CCSS within your ELA curriculum. Consider sharing your thoughts on the video as part of your discussions for the week or in the Ashford Café!

The Common Core Mathematics Standards consists of two sections; practice and content. In practices, there are eight set principals revolving around modeling, constructing arguments and critiquing math reasoning skills to name a few. In the content area, the CCSS are in four domains of mastery learning for grade levels kindergarten to fifth grade, middle school six and seventh grade and high school ninth thru twelfth grade. View this approximately seven-minute video from

Dr. Raj Shah, owner and founder of Math Plus Academy (Links to an external site.)

(2015) where the movement of the CCSS and the creation of Math Standards are explained. While viewing this video think about your own math experiences in grade school: how is teaching and learning different now than it was while you were in school? Consider sharing your experiences in our Ashford Café!

Now that the CCSS have been revisited, evaluation of how the CCSS (Math and English Language Arts) can be used to influence the use of technology-enhanced differentiated instructional strategies can occur.

Technology and the CCSS

Upon review of the ELA CCSS, you will notice that technology is embedded into most of the standards. For example:

RI.3.5 Grade 3 students: Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.

RI.1.5 Grade 1 students: Know and use various text structures (e.g., sequence) and text features (e.g., headings, tables of contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text.

When considering the context of technology, a connection can be made with how utilizing technology can enhance differentiated instructional strategies, thereby supporting the needs of all learners. For example, the two standards listed above clearly demonstrate how students should know how to look up information using key words. Teachers could provide opportunities for students to meet these standards through library and internet related activities. One could also use web based student anthologies to look up key words while reading a story. All of these methods represent differentiation instruction through the incorporation of technology.

Week Two Assessments Overview

Always review the complete instructions for each assessment on the week’s homepage in addition to viewing this additional guidance.

Discussion 1 – Common Core State Standards

In part one of  this discussion, you summarize your understanding of the foundation of the CCSS (Math and English Arts) and evaluate how CCSS (Math and English Language arts) can be used to influence the use of technology-enhanced differentiated instructional strategies to support the needs of all learners. You will also attach a link to your Folio and reflect on your redesign activity from the Week One assignment. Think about how the incorporation of technology is used to enhance instruction. All too often technology is an afterthought when creating lessons. Connect the idea of how can you intertwine technology to ensure that the needs of diverse learners are being met.
Part two of the discussion you will provide a link to your Folio and a one paragraph reflection about your experiences with the redesign assignment from Week One.

Assignment – 21st Century Skills & Standards

This assignment requires you to think about 21st Century Support Systems, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and International Society for Technology in Education Student (ISTE-S) Standards and their relationship with quality instructional planning, delivery, and learner achievement. In this assignment set up the case for why the redesign meets the relationships between instruction planning, delivery and learner achievement. As well, discuss what you are teaching in the lesson plan or curriculum project and how it aligns to the components of 21st Century Support Systems, CCSS and ISTE-S.



Common Core State Standards Initiative (2012).

Read the common core standards: The standards (Links to an external site.)

.  Retrieved from http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RL/3       

DC Public Schools (2012, Nov 2)

Three-min video explaining the common core state standards (Links to an external site.)

. [Video file] Retrieved from http://youtu.be/5s0rRk9sER0

Professional Educators Association (n.d.)

ELA and literacy (Links to an external site.)

. [Video file] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHo0jg6FwjI#action=share

Shah, R. (2015, Jan 6).

Common core math explained (Links to an external site.)

. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/X_CK1e0Lmxw



Supporting Diversity through 21st Century Teaching and Learning

Pamela Weems-Baker

EDU 696: Capstone 2: Culminating Project (EDG2035A)

Dr. Robert Voelkel

August 31, 2020

Supporting Diversity through 21st Century Teaching and Learning


According to Ashford University, “The MASE graduate plans cross-disciplinary learning experiences that promote individualized academic and social abilities, attitudes, values, interests, and career options for students with exceptionalities” (Ashford University, 2019). All instructors are required to come up with learning plans that address the needs of all learners. Planning of meaningful activities positively influences learners, raising their motivation and the desire to learn. Educator’s incorporation of 21st-century skills might end up being successful beyond limits. Some areas which instructors need to take into account include but not limited to information and media technology, learning innovation ad career guidance. The paper sought to focus on a sample plan made up of 21st-century skill learning and innovation skills: communication, critical thinking, collaborations, and creativity.

Redesign Outcome

The redesign lesson plan is extracted from ECE 642 Quality Curriculum in Early Childhood Education. The purpose of the program is the formulation of new vocabularies meant to describe emotions. The lesson plan supports 21st-century skills since it upholds, critical thinking, communication, and creativity. Learners will be in a position of expressing themselves and even communicating their feelings using the right vocabularies. Learners are expected to learn and master three words and learn how they can be applied in expressing their emotions. The plan will incorporate games, reading journals, and crayons, rendering the learners as creative thinkers. Lesson introduction will entail reading a book to learners and giving them an overview of what the class will be covering.

In order to distinguish instructions correctly, the teacher will be required to read widely and read more materials so that he/she will have a more comprehensive view of what needs to be covered. Lesson assessment will be done through administered practice, which is thought and pair. Learners will get questions about reading stories and given time to reason them out and respond. Learners will be allowed to discuss the problem with peers. Independence practice assessment will entail sending the vocabulary worksheets home, where the learners will trace and copy-paste. Lesson closure will involve bringing paired learners in front so that they can share their views and also receive some questions from instructors. Activities are taking into consideration 21st-century skills of independence and innovation.

Redesign-Support systems

“21st-century curriculum and lesson design are essential to creating educational experiences that lead to deeper learning that prepares students to navigate a complex, rapidly changing world” (“Framework 21st Century”, n.d). The lesson plan will create an educational experience that requires critical and deeper thinking from learners. The expertise they received will be significant beyond their current level of education.


Modification is done upon the lessons aimed at increasing learner independence and self-reliance over the content they are required to cover and what they are supposed to learn. The inclusion of a memory game in the lesson plan will trigger learners thinking and even make them more creative by trying to find solutions to the game. These solutions are positively contributed to learners’ encouragement because success at one level increased their desire to succeed in the next level. Having exit slips in place also contributed to learners’ critical thinking because they tend to empathize with how a given situation can hurt a person’s emotions.


Lesson structure relied on off preschool students aged between 3 and 5 years. The lesson incorporated 21st-century skills of innovation and critical thinking. If instructors can successfully incorporate 21st skills in everyday Learning, learners will be well prepared and well equipped to face life matters beyond the school level.


Framework for 21st-Century Learning. 

(n.d.). Retrieved from


Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: Connecting the Dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education

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