Visit one (1) of the following newspaper’s websites: Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, or New York Times. Select a line graph, pie chart, or bar chart on the website. If you can’t find an appropriate graph to use on any of those websites, you are more than welcome to look elsewhere. Regardless of where you retrieved the graph, make sure to state and cite your source. Please note…I do not want to see a line graph of anything related to the stock market.Discuss the data that the graph is used to visually represent and speculate on why the editor chose the graph, as opposed to merely reporting the data.You must provide a picture of the graph you chose.Please review my example!DO NOT CHOOSE A GRAPH THAT’S ALREADY BEEN USED. DOING SO WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF ZERO (0).Here are my videos for this week’s content. Take my advice…watch them!3 – Measures of Center & Variation à https://youtu.be/-Hwldousztg4 – Distribution Shapes, Chebyshev’s Theorem, & Empirical Rule àhttps://youtu.be/yO7XtY6YHVc5 – Measures of Position à https://youtu.be/ztsucMqY0l0

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