Week 2 Assignment Loving Support Essay


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It is a truism that a loving, supportive home environment pays dividends in a child’s development. The same is likely true in a school setting; students who believe that their teachers and the school care about them will likely have a closer connection to the school and have more positive feelings about the school.

In a two- to five-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) use the

Jeynes article (Links to an external site.)

(specifically pages 9-18) as well as three additional scholarly sources (not including your textbook), cited and referenced in APA style, to describe the idea of a loving, supportive school environment through addressing the following: 

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· Describe a loving, supportive school environment from the point of view of both student and teacher. 

· Describe the parental role in helping to create a loving, supportive school environment.

· Describe the benefits of this environment to the student’s academic, physical, and social development.

 Carefully review the

Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)

for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. 

See full work attached

Week 2 Assignment Loving Support Essay

It is a truism that a loving, supportive home environment pays dividends in a child’s development. The same is likely true in a school setting; students who believe that their teachers and the school care about them will likely have a closer connection to the school and have more positive feelings about the school.
In a two- to five-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) use the

Jeynes article


(Links to an external site.)

 (specifically pages 9-18) as well as three additional scholarly sources (not including your textbook), cited and referenced in APA style, to describe the idea of a loving, supportive school environment through addressing the following: 

· Describe a loving, supportive school environment from the point of view of both student and teacher. 

· Describe the parental role in helping to create a loving, supportive school environment.

· Describe the benefits of this environment to the student’s academic, physical, and social development.

Carefully review the

Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)

for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


*Special thanks to Dr. Patrice Jones for sharing her original guidance in this document.
Last week you learned about how both parents play a crucial role in the child’s education, especially when there is a collaborative relationship between home and school. A 2007 study found that new and experienced teachers who have positive parent relationships report having higher rates of job satisfaction.



They also report that students of involved fathers, regardless of their living situation, perform better in school (Jeynes, 2007 as cited in Child Trends, 2013). The Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) is one school-based program that encourages male role models to work in a variety of capacities at their child’s school. The seven minute video,

Getting Involved at School (Links to an external site.)

, features the coordinator of the program, the principal, and others discussing the importance of having males active in the school environment.
In addition, going beyond the family to creating partnerships within the community has also been shown to improve students’ academic success.  One way to accomplish this is through community schools, a concept developed by the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington DC.  Through this integrated, holistic approach with family, child development and social service support, the community school strategy is already proving its efficacy on student achievement, and dropout and graduation rates (Blank, Jacobson, & Melaville, 2012). Putting together a team that includes the principal, a few teachers, family members, and students is the first step in creating an “Action Team for Partnership” (O’Brien, 2012, p. 2). The purpose of this team is to work with community and business leaders to develop goals for increasing academic achievement, as well as improving student behavior and school climate. Organizations such as National Network of Partnership Schools help schools to get started developing their own

Action Plan for Partnership (Links to an external site.)

  that includes short and long term goals, and activities that guide them towards success.

Week 2 Discussion Guidance

For this first discussion post, Parent Roles, read chapter three in the text before you begin. This chapter will give you better insight on some of the assumptions that are made about parents related to their roles in being involved in schools including how assumptions and perceptions that are made about people become our reality, and how this may impact teaching. Provide some of the assumptions about parents that have been made in a school in which you have been involved. Be sure that you refer to the text in your discussion, citing appropriately where needed.
The second discussion post, Counseling Roles, explores the roles that school counselors play in family and community involvement. Think about how they are portrayed in movies and television, and in your own personal experiences. Are these perceptions an accurate portrayal of today’s school counselors? List and explain the factors that play an important role if and how counselors become involved in school, school-community, and overall partnerships. Research indicates certain misconceptions counselors have about their role. Why may this be?
Please review the discussion board rubric prior to your initial post to ensure you are fully meeting each of the set criteria to earn full credit. Your initial post should include relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in a manner that is rich in thought and provides valuable insight into the topic. Additionally, all elements of the discussion board prompt should be thoroughly addressed with strong and precise connections to previous and/or current course content, or to real-life situations. When substantively replying to your peers’ post, be sure to provide a thorough and constructive analysis relating the response to relevant course concepts that incorporates pertinent follow-up thoughts or questions about the topic, and demonstrates respect for the diverse opinions of fellow learners.

Week 2 Assignment Guidance

Last week, we examined the social support that is provided to students in school. The research discussed gave you a better understanding of social support and the important elements found within the social support concept. What impact would a school have on a child when providing loving support as part of the school culture?  For this week’s assignment, Loving Support Essay, you will need to read

The School Community Journal (Links to an external site.)

article by Jeynes (2011). Next, in a two- to five-page paper, excluding title and reference pages, describe a loving supportive school environment from the perspective of a student and a teacher, the parental role in helping creating this type of environment, and the benefits of this environment on all student development. Make sure to use the grading rubric as a self-checklist before submitting the final copy of your assignment to confirm you have met or exceeded each required expectation. The highest level of achievement on the rubric is “distinguished”, which is only earned through exceeding posted expectations at the proficiency level. Please remember you are in a masters-level program. Therefore, your writing, research, and content are held to graduate-level expectations.

References and Resources

Blank, M., Jacobson, R., & Melaville, A. (2012).

Achieving results through community school partnerships. Center for American progress (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from https://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/issues/2012/01/pdf/community_schools

Child Trends. (2013).

Parental involvement in schools. (Links to an external site.)

Retrieved from

Hjalmarson, F. (2011). Differentiated parent support: Engaging parents in unique ways to increase their involvement in school. San Diego, CA: TurnAround Schools Publishing.

Hotblack. (2009). leuchars_IMG_9975 [photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/622680

Jeynes, W. (2011).

Parental involvement research: Moving to the next level. (Links to an external site.)

The School Community     Journal, 21(1), 9-18. Retrieved from http://www.adi.org/journal/resources/2011ss_SCJ

Jones, P. (2015). Week 1 instructor guidance [EDU617: School, Family & Community Partnership]. San Diego, CA: Ashford University.

Man of the House. (2010, October 22). 

Getting involved at school—Watch D.O.G.S. (Links to an external site.)

 Retrieved from

National Network of Partnership Schools. (2010).

One-year action plan for partnership (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from http://sowashco.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=333&meta_id=10524

O’Brien, A. (2012).

The importance of community involvement in schools (Links to an external site.)

. Edutopia Teacher Leadership.
Retrieved from: http://www.edutopia.org/blog/community-parent-involvement-essential-anne-obrien

Peters, K. (2012, January 17).

Achieving results through community school partnerships (Links to an external site.)

. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from https://www.americanprogress.org/press/release/2012/01/17/15539/release-achieving-results-through-community-school-partnerships/

Tschannen-Moran, M., & Hoy, A. W. (2007). The differential antecedents of self-efficacy beliefs of novice and experienced teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(6), 944-956.

Required Resources

1. Read from your text, Differentiated Parent Support: Engaging Parents in Unique Ways to Increase Their Involvement in School:

· Chapter Three – The Parent Trap

· Chapter Four – What is Parent Involvement?

2. Jeynes, W. (2011).

The School Community Journal (Links to an external site.)

, 21(1), 9-18. Retrieved from http://www.adi.org/journal/resources/2011ss_SCJ

· This resource examines research on current collaboration efforts in schools today. The focus of this recent issue of The School Community Journal is on parent engagement in education. The issue includes a guest editorial by William Jeynes, who writes about the status of research on family involvement, as well other articles that examine patterns of family involvement in charter schools and programs for parents of special needs students.

3. Project Appleseed. (n.d.).

Parent involvement checklist (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from http://www.projectappleseed.org/chklst

· This website provides a parent involvement checklist.

Recommended Resource

1. Ferlazzo, L. (2011). Involvement or Engagement? Educational Leadership, 68(8), 10-14. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

· The article describes teacher attitudes toward the parents of their students. The author describes his experiences as a teacher working with parents and the importance of teachers establishing cooperative relationships based on listening and shared decision-making.

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