Week 1 Discussion


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Discussion Question 1:

There are several different groups that use financial ratio analysis. Who are these groups and what are the primary concerns of each? Justify your answer.

Financial Statements

All of the �nancial statements used have a different importance. Many people consider the income statement the
most important of the four �nancial reports, because it conveys whether a business achieved its pro�tability goal;
in other words, whether the company earned an acceptable level of income or beat the targeted goal. Sometimes,
this is referred to as “making your numbers.”

The balance sheet is frequently viewed as runner-up to the income statement in terms of importance. However,
this statement shows the company’s �nancial status at a speci�c date and indicates how effectively assets are
being managed to generate returns. This report is unique in that it presents a view of a business as a holder of
resources (assets) that are equal to the claims against those assets. The claims consist of the company’s liabilities
and the owner’s equity in the company.

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The statement of cash �ows focuses mainly on a company’s liquidity versus a company’s pro�tability or �nancial
position. Cash �ows are nothing more than the in�ows and out�ows of cash in and out of a company. The
statement of cash �ows illustrates the cash produced by business operations during an accounting period, as well
as vital investing and �nancial activities that occurred during the same period. Keep in mind that this statement
uses the cash basis method of accounting. Most corporations use accrual based accounting, so the statement of
cash �ows may be the only place you can determine the current cash situation.

The statement of owners’ equity portrays the changes in owners’ equity over an accounting period. Typically, net
income/loss is added/subtracted from the beginning retained earnings balance. Any withdrawals or dividends
that were paid are deducted from this total to determine the ending capital balance.

Each type of �nancial statement is used in a different way, depending on the needs of the user.

Income statement: Used to determine a company’s pro�tability

Balance sheet: Assesses whether the company has enough assets to cover any outstanding liabilities

Statement of cash �ows: Used by creditors to determine whether a company is liquid or not, because the
statement tracks in�ows and out�ows for operating, investing, and �nancing activities

Statement of owners’ equity: Breaks down a company’s capital and ownership accounts

Three Capitals of Finance

The �eld of �nance contains four interrelated areas: �nancial management (corporate �nance), �nancial markets
and institutions, international �nancial management, and investments.

Within those four areas, we focus upon three elements of capital: working capital, capital budgeting, and capital

Capital management is also known as operations. The �nancial statements associated with it are the balance
sheet, income statement, and statement of cash �ows. All current assets and current liabilities from sales to EBIT
operating activities are associated with capital management.

Capital budgeting is also known as planning and investing. The balance sheet and the statement of cash �ows are
the �nancial statements associated with this type of capital management. Long-term or �xed assets and investing
activities are the accounts associated with capital budgeting.

Capital structure is also known as �nancing. The �nancial statements associated with it are the balance sheet,
income statement, statement of cash �ows, and retained earnings or equity. Long-term liabilities and equity from
EBIT to net income �nancing activities are associated with capital structure.

The �nancial statements show the company’s operations and results in �nancial terms. Accountants create these
�nancial statements each accounting period to present the current results of company operations. These �nancial
statements are used internally and externally.

These are the four primary �nancial statements:

Income statement: describes a company’s revenues and expenses along with the resulting net income or
loss over a period. (Net income occurs when revenues exceed expenses. Net loss occurs when expenses
exceed revenues.)

Balance sheet: describes a company’s �nancial position (types and amounts of assets, liabilities, and equity)
at a point in time.

Statement of cash �ows: identi�es cash in�ows (receipts) and cash out�ows (payments) over a de�ned
period of time.

Statement of stockholders’ equity: explains changes in equity from net income (or loss) and from owner
investment and withdrawals over a de�ned period of time.


Finance is the study of the allocation of scarce resources. It includes elements of economic costs and bene�ts. The
resources we study include �nancial capital and economic capital.

Finance is dynamic because time is an important element. Financial decision-making uses signi�cant
commitments of resources, since decisions are being made about the future. Finance involves management—
information, risk, and uncertainty vary to complicate decisions on adding value to the �rm. The planning,
organization, leading, and controlling results affect a �rm’s objective of maximizing shareholder wealth.

Finance starts with �nancial accounting—the system of �nancial accounting (accrual accounting) and scorecards
of �nancial statements (i.e., the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash �ows). Tracking
and timing of revenue, expenses, earnings, and cash �ow are essential in accounting.

The accounting equation is:

Total Assets (TA) = Total Liabilities (TL) plus Owner’s Equity (OE)

Assets are what we use to create value, and they are �nanced by liabilities and equity. In the balance sheet the
right-hand side balances with the left-hand side of the equation. The accounts (current assets, long-term assets,
current liabilities, long-term liabilities, and equity) are measured as stock variables—a measure of the amount of
each item at a point in time.

Two key aspect of a balance sheet are:

1. The balance sheet is a picture of the �rm as of one point in time. It does not provide information for any
period of time.

2. The ordering of the accounts is according to decreasing liquidity (ease of conversion to cash).


No Submission
0 points

Emerging (F-D: 1-
27 points

Satisfactory (C: 28-
31 points

Proficient (B: 32-
35 points

Exemplary (A: 36-
40 points



of Initial


/ 40No initial posting
exists to evaluate.

The information

provided is

inaccurate, not

focused on the

assignment’s topic,

and/or does not

answer the

question(s) fully.




understanding of the

topic and/or



The information

provided is accurate,

giving a basic

understanding of the

topic(s) covered. A



is when you are able

to describe the terms

and concepts

covered. Despite this

basic understanding,

initial posting may

not include complete

development of all

aspects of the


The information
provided is accurate,

displaying a good

understanding of the
topic(s) covered. A

good understanding

is when you are able

to explain the terms

and topics covered.

Initial posting

demonstrates sincere

reflection and

addresses most

aspects of the

assignment, although

all concepts may not

be fully developed.

The information
provided is accurate,

providing an in-

depth, well thought-

out understanding of

the topic(s) covered.

An in-depth


provides an analysis

of the information,

synthesizing what is

learned from the




No Submission
0 points

Emerging (F-D: 1-
13 points

Satisfactory (C: 14-
16 points

Proficient (B: 17-
18 points

Exemplary (A: 19-
20 points





/ 2No responses to
other classmates

were posted in this

discussion forum.

May include one or

more of the


*Comments to only

one other student’s


*Comments are not

substantive, such as

just one line or

saying, “Good job” or

“I agree.

*Comments are off


Comments to two or

more classmates’

initial posts but only

on one day of the


Comments are

substantive, meaning

they reflect and

expand on what the

other student wrote.

Comments to two or
more classmates’

initial posts on more

than one day.

Comments are
substantive, meaning
they reflect and
expand on what the
other student wrote.
Comments to two or
more classmates’

initial posts and to

the instructor’s

comment (if

applicable) on two or

more days.


demonstrate an

analysis of peers’

comments, building

on previous posts.

Comments extend

and deepen


conversation and

may include a follow-

up question.


No Submission
0 points

Emerging (F-D: 1-
13 points

Satisfaction (C: 14-16)
16 points

Proficient (B: 17-
18 points
Exemplary (A: 19-
20 points







Style) and



/No postings for
which to evaluate

language and

grammar exist.

Numerous issues in

any of the following:

grammar, mechanics,

spelling, use of slang,

and incomplete or


citations and

references. If

required for the

assignment, did not

use course, text,

and/or outside

readings (where

Some spelling,

grammatical, and/or

structural errors are

present. Some errors in

formatting citations

and references are

present. If required for


assignment, utilizes

sources to support

work for initial post but


comments to other

students. Sources

Minor errors in

grammar, mechanics,

or spelling in the

initial posting are

present. Minor errors

in formatting

citations and

references may exist.

If required for the

assignment, utilizes
sources to support

work for both the

Minor to no errors

exist in grammar,

mechanics, or

spelling in both the

initial post and

comments to others.

Formatting of

citations and

references is correct.

If required for the
assignment, utilizes
sources to support

Total / 80

Overall Score


relevant) to support


include course/text

readings but outside

sources (when relevant)

include non-


such as Wikis and .com


initial post and some

of the comments to

other students.

Sources include

course and text

readings as well as

outside sources

(when relevant) that

are academic and

authoritative (e.g.,

journal articles, other

text books, .gov Web

sites, professional

organization Web

sites, cases, statutes,

or administrative


work for both the

initial post and the

comments to other
students. Sources

include course and

text readings as well

as outside sources

(when relevant) that
are academic and
authoritative (e.g.,
journal articles, other
text books, .gov Web
sites, professional
organization Web
sites, cases, statutes,
or administrative

No Submission
0 points minimum

There was no

submission for this


Emerging (F to D Range)
1 point minimum

Satisfactory progress has not

been met on the

competencies for this


Satisfactory (C Range)
56 points minimum

Satisfactory progress has


achieved on the

competencies for this

Proficient (B Range)
64 points minimum

Proficiency has been

achieved on the
competencies for this

Exemplary (A

72 points minimum

The competencies

for this assignment

have been mastered.

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