Week 1 Assignments

Assignment #1: 

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For week 1, analyze two different business structures for YOUR venture:

  • Why you might select that business structure
  • The advantages and disadvantages of each structure

Next, describe the nature of your venture. In your description include the following:

  • Name of your venture
  • Nature of the business
  • The objectives of the venture
  • The business structure you have decided that is best for your venture
  • Explain your business structure decision

Visuals, such as tables, are encouraged.

Minimum 3 pages of content in APA format

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Assignment #2: Complete the following using information from your business. If you have not gotten to the point with your business idea that you have numbers, now is a great time to start guesstimating. If you have not yet focused in on a specific business idea, pick one for this class as you will gain so much more from all of the assignments if you do.

  • Develop your current cash flows statement using spreadsheet software.
  • Organize your activities into the three major sources (see Lesson and reading).
  • Calculate your ROE using the DuPont equation (see Lesson and reading).
  • Determine the changes you can make to increase your ROE.
  • Submit an accompanying Word document that explains your current ROE and the changes to increase your ROE.

Include a minimum of two scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook)

Minimum 2 pages

Format your paper according to APA guidelines

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