Week 1 _ Discussion 1
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
What is organizational development (OD)? What is training & development (T&D)? What is the relationship between OD and T&D?
Due Monday
Reply to at least two of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.
** Classmate responses attached***
1 response to questions – 175 words
2 separate responses to classmates – 150 words EACH
Krystal Wrote:
Hello Professor,
Organizational development is a process that companies or organizations use to help motivate the staff. Organizational Development helps increase an organization’s ability to motivate, inspire and improve the performance of its people, through a variety of techniques. (
) I have worked for companies who did not feel organizational development was important. Organizational development is a great tool that can be used to increase employee morale. This is also a good tool for management staff to bring attention to the mission and vision of the company. OD works with individuals, teams and/or departments to help leaders build a thriving organization that fulfills its mission without compromising core values.
Training development is the process in grooming your current employees for other positions within the company. Training and development also give employees the opportunity to stay abreast of changes within the company and also allow for the employee to do additional training possibly online. The relationship between Organizational and training development is that they are both designed to provide knowledge. Some companies drop the ball when it comes to both of these developments.
Melannie Wrote:
According to Anderson, 2011,
“Organization development (OD) is an interdisciplinary field with contributions from business, industrial/organizational psychology, human resources management, communication, sociology, and many other disciplines”.
In researching I realized that organization development has many definitions however,
as cited in Anderson (2011), Richard Beckhard (1969), an early leader in the field of OD:
Organization development is an effort (1) planned, (2) organization wide, and (3) managed from the top, to (4) increase organization effectiveness and health through (5) planned interventions in the organization’s “processes,” using behavioral-science knowledge.
One thing I noticed researching online is the conception that organization development and training and development are the same thing or interchangeable.
Training and Development is a subsystem of an organization which emphasize on the improvement of the performance of individuals and groups. Training is an educational process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of attitude and gaining more knowledge to enhance the performance of the employees. Good & efficient training of employees helps in their skills & knowledge development, which eventually helps a company improve.
As a former teacher I believe Training & development would be a great area for my career change.