web programming

1. Your assignment is to download (if necesary) and experiment with two different Web HTML Editors. Search YouTube for any available
tutorials on how to use the software. For each editor, create a page with a table, image, lists, and cascading style sheet.
Include the name of the editor in the comments in the HTML file. Feel free to also include any other features you find interesting.
Create a short write up containing information about your reaction to using each program. Did you like it? What features did you like?
What features did you not like or felt could have been better? If you prefer, you can include this information inside the pages
(display it when the file is opened with a browser) that you create using the programs. Do this process for two different HTML Web Editor programs.
Do not submit the exact same code for each editor. The HTML file for each editor must be different. Submit the pages you created along with the write ups
(If separate documents) to the correct submission box. Be sure to submit this assignment in a zip file.
2.Assignment Part I
There are many good online tutorials on how to use GIMP and Photoshop. In fact GIMP has some on their website. http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ You can also find
a lot of good video tutorials on YouTube. Look over a few of these tutorials and turn in a file containing a short write up telling me some of the things you learned.
Also turn in any image files you create in the process.
Assignment Part II
Several sample photos from a picture collection have been placed in Doc Sharing. Choose at least three of them and edit them using GIMP or Photoshop. If you have another
favorite photo editing tool besides GIMP or Photoshop you may use it instead. Instead of giving specific guidelines for what I want you to do with them, I’m going to leave
it up to you…just keep it clean and appropriate. Use your imagination. The goal is to experiment as much as possible with the editing features of the software. We might even
set up a gallery folder later for some of the best ones so everyone can see them.
3. The assignment for this week is to create and activate an account with a free web hosting service (you can choose to use a non-free hosting service)
Find a hosting service that provides access to CPanel, FTP and MySQL.
There is information available in the following assignments to use these features and you should be able to find a number of YouTube videos to help with additional
information if you need it. I believe that there is also information on this web site that will help you to use the CPanel.

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Be sure to read how to cancel this free service if you do not wish to use it after the end of the semester. IT WILL BE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CANCEL YOUR ACCOUNT AFTER THE
After you have set up an account, put the URL to your account in a text file and upload it to this week’s submission box. Be sure to put your name in this text file.
The URL will be checked to determine if the account was activated.
4. refer to my leo- web programming.. WEEK 12- ASSIGNMENT FILES & ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION.

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