Ways to Prevent the Development of Cancer-Results

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Ways to Prevent the Development of Cancer

For this study, a meta-analysis method was used to synthesize different results found among several studies. The researcher accessed the virtual library through the MRU home page. Then, the researcher accessed the EBSCO host databases. Once there, the researcher selected both MEDLINE Complete and CINAHL Complete. An advanced search was performed, for which the following keywords were entered in the Boolean search: “cancer”, “prevent”, and “development” The search was limited to references providing full text, peer reviewed, and abstract available. A limitation was set for research published within the last five years, from 2016 to 2021. Additionally, researcher consulted only articles published in English. The search provided access to a total of 605 articles, of which only five (5) studies were selected based on their relevance with the topic; the other 600 were discarded

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Ways to Prevent the Development of Cancer


Criterion 1: Early diagnosis

Criterion 2:Chemoprevention

Criterion 3: Biological prevention

Sun et al. (2019)

Highly effective

Partially effective

Highly effective

Di Gregorio et al (2016)

Highly effective

Highly effective

Partially effective

Pradella (2017)

Highly effective

Partially effective

Highly effective

Abu-Naser & Bastami (2016)

Highly effective

Highly effective

Partially effective

Lukong (2017)

Highly effective

Highly effective

Partially effective

The identified criterion for preventing breast cancer included early diagnosis, Chemoprevention and Biological prevention.

Chemoprevention includes chemotherapy, use of drugs, vitamins.

Biological intervention includes use of monoclonal antibodies


Abu-Naser, S. S., & Bastami, B. G. (2016). A proposed rule based system for breasts cancer diagnosis.

Di Gregorio, A., Bowling, S., & Rodriguez, T. A. (2016). Cell competition and its role in the regulation of cell fitness from development to cancer. Developmental Cell, 38(6), 621-634.

Lukong, K. E. (2017). Understanding breast cancer–The long and winding road. BBA clinical, 7, 64-77.

Pradella, D., Naro, C., Sette, C., & Ghigna, C. (2017). EMT and stemness: flexible processes tuned by alternative splicing in development and cancer progression. Molecular cancer, 16(1), 1-19.

Sun, Y. S., Zhao, Z., Yang, Z. N., Xu, F., Lu, H. J., Zhu, Z. Y., … & Zhu, H. P. (2017). Risk factors and preventions of breast cancer. International journal of biological sciences, 13(11), 1387.

1. Discussion

2. Limitations and Implications

3. Conclusion

4. References

Cancer Prevention

cancer prevention Early Diagnosis Chemoprevention Biological intervention 5 3 2

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