W7 Discussion – Practice

W7 Discussion – Practice

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Let us practice at adding suffixes to the root words for urinary and endocrine systems we are studying this week. Below are some suffixes that can be used for the medical terminology of most systems. Suffixes are placed at the end of a word root or word part to modify or vary the meaning. Suffixes can indicate a condition, disease, or a procedure. When a suffix is written detached it is preceded by a hyphen (-).



-ac. -al, -ar, -ary Pertaining to

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-ic Pertaining to, characteristics

-ose, -ous Pertaining to

-tic Pertaining to

-centesis surgical puncture as to aspirate or remove fluid

-cision process of cutting

-ectomy excision (surgical removal or cutting out)

-gram a drawing or a written record

-graph product of a drawing, writing, or recording

-graphy the process of recording

-ia condition

-ism condition process, theory of, principle, method

-itis inflammation

-ologist one who studies

-ology study of

-lysis process of loosening, freeing, or destroying

-opsy to view

-osis condition, status process

-otomy cutting into

-ostomy formation of an opening

-plasty surgical repair

-pathy disease

-sclerosis hardening

-scope instrument for viewing

-scopy visual examination with a lighted instrument

-sis state of, condition

-stasis to stand, place, stop, control

-stenosis narrowing

-tension pressure

-therapy treatment

-thoracic chest

-ule small

Ref: https://nursecepts.com/medical-terminology-of-the-endocrine-system/

Provide a list of 15 root terms with suffixes added.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

Choose five root terms from both systems covered this week (renal and endocrine)

Avoid terms peers have used Include the root, the suffix, the combined term, and the meaning of the combined term.

Cite any references. At all times proper grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.

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