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1. State your assessment of the findings and postulations tied to biological weapons being “that terrorists are more likely to be able to obtain and use a biological weapon than a nuclear weapon….[and] that the U.S. government needs to move more aggressively to limit the proliferation of biological weapons and reduce the prospect of a bioterror attack,” (World at Risk 2008 xv) based on researched facts. Focus on the Bio portion of this question not the nuclear weapons side.

2.  Describe some pros and cons related to how State and Local Law Enforcement and security agencies utilize intelligence fusion centers for homeland security within their jurisdictions. Do you think state and local police should be involved in domestic intelligence operations as it relates to citizens within their jurisdiction? Do you think that the FBI or the Department of Homeland Security should be the primary provider of Federal level domestic intelligence to state and local agencies?

3. Define critical infrastructure and key resources and describe their relevance to homeland security efforts. Of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors, pick one of the six below and describe the importance of information sharing to this sector. 

  1. Chemical Sector 
  2. Energy Sector
  3. Food and Agriculture Sector
  4. Healthcare and Public Health Sector
  5. Transportation Services Sector
  6. Water and Wastewater Systems Sector

PostHomeland Security

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