VI Homework


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This assignment has two parts. Both parts will be completed in the same attached  

Unit VI



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.Part 1: Imagine someone who believes gravity is not a real force in nature. Using the Unit VI Assignment template, write at least two to four paragraphs explaining to this person that gravity is a real force in nature. Note that you will be defending a very specific conclusion: Gravity is a real force of nature. Your assignment must address and demonstrate an understanding of the following concepts: scientific explanation, theory, and the scientific method (observation, experiment, and measurement).Part 2: After writing your paragraphs, fill out the premises in the attached template. The Unit VI Lesson may be helpful since it addresses Newton’s theory of gravity.View the  

Unit VI Sample 

Homework for an example of how your completed assignment should look. The first part of your completed assignment must be at least one page in length, and you must use at least one resource from the CSU Online Library to support your defense. This

Developing Keywords for Database Searches

video will help you with research for your assignment.Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. No more than 15–20% of your assignment should include outside information. The idea is to use some evidence to help defend your argument. 

Unit VI Homework Template

Part 1:

Insert a two- to four-paragraph discussion here.

Part 2:

Conclusion (scientific thesis):

Premises (reasons why gravity exists)

Gravity is a force in nature

Unit VI Sample Homework

Instructions: Imagine someone who does not believe that electricity is a real source of energy.
Write a three- to five-paragraph response in which you explain to this person that electricity is a
source of energy. Note that this amounts to defending a very specific thesis or a specific
conclusion: electricity is a source of energy. Your essay must show you understand the
following concepts from Chapter 5: scientific explanation, theory, causation, and the scientific
method (observation, experiment, and measurement). After writing your paragraphs, fill out the
premises in the attached template. The template will help you organize your premises (reasons for
your conclusion). Note that the words in bold denote the concepts that need to be addressed for
this assignment.

Electricity is a real source of energy in nature. There are several reasons for this. The scientific method
requires that we study physical phenomena through observation. When we observe a lightning storm, we
know there is some energy force at work, and this gives us some reason to believe electricity is a real
source of energy in nature. We can also observe electricity via static electricity when we, for example,
walk across a carpet and touch a doorknob. The fact that we experience both of these phenomena raises
questions as to where this energy may come from. The explanations may even be cultural. There have
been several explanations as to what causes a lightning storm, for example. In Norse mythology, for
example, lightning was a consequence of Thor using his hammer when he fought giants. The Norse myth
is an explanation because it does tell us why there are lightning discharges coming from the clouds. It is
not, however, a scientific explanation because it cannot be verified by any kind of measurement or
scientific experimentation. Moreover, in order for it to be a scientific explanation it must also be a scientific
theory or a corollary to a scientific theory. This raises the question of how the creation of electricity is part
of a larger scientific theory.

Scientists explain the discharge of electricity in terms of atoms. Atoms are particles with several parts.
Two of these parts are electrons and the nucleus. Electrons revolve around the nucleus. The structure of
atoms and how electrons move is explained through atomic theory. Atomic theory is a scientific theory,
and thus, electrons are understood theoretically. According to scientists, electrons carry a negative
charge of electricity. The nucleus contains protons, which carry a positive charge. According to scientists,
in some substances and under certain conditions, electrons are discharged from the atom. It is this
discharge or movement of electrons that causes electricity. Copper is a good conductor of electricity.
This means that electron mobility is very high in copper; whereas, it may be lower in other metals like
brass or bronze.

Given what we know about electrons and good conductors like copper, we can perform experiments to
show electricity can be generated, that is, to show electrons can be discharged. Magnetism is also
involved in the creation of electricity. There are several easy experiments where we can take copper wire,
a couple of magnets, and a small light bulb to show how electrons are discharged; we can see the effect
when the light bulb lights up. Given what we know about atomic theory, we know this discharge or
movement of electrons is caused by the movement of electrons. Notice that this type of confirmation via
experiments also involves observation. This tells us observation is part of the scientific method before and
during experimentation. Before we were able to see, or observe, the effects of electricity in a
thunderstorm, and now we can also see its effects during experimentation.

Measurement is also a part of the scientific method. In fact, many times experimentation requires
precise measurement (Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2008). We can measure the precise
currents of electricity and even make predictions based on these measurements. Voltage, for example,
measures the rate at which electrons are pressured or pushed through a current. Amps (amperes) are
units used to measure how much electrical charge is flowing past a specific point in one second. Voltage
multiplied by amps gives us watts. The fact that these precise measurements can be made is a way to
verify that it is, in fact, the discharge of electrons that causes electrical current (Films for the Humanities &
Sciences, 2008).

Conclusion (scientific thesis): Premises (reasons why electricity exists as a source of energy)

Electricity is a source of energy Premise 1: We observe lightning as source of light.

Premise 2: We observe the effects of static electricity.

Premise 3: Scientists have a coherent account (via the discharge of
electrons) as to what causes electricity.

Premise 4: We can perform experiments with copper wire to
produce electricity.

Premise 5: We can measure specific electrical flow via amps


Films for the Humanities & Sciences (Producer). (2008). Electricity: Measuring voltage (Segment 5 of 9)

[Video]. In Electric Current. Films on Demand.

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