United States History II

Final ProjectFor your Final Project, you may write a paper or create a PowerPoint presentation.If you choose to write a paper, it must be four to five pages in length, plus a title page and reference list, formatted according to APA style.If you choose to create a PowerPoint project, it must be 12 to 15 slides, plus a title slide and a reference slide, formatted according to APA style. Be sure to save your presentation as a PDF before submitting it to Waypoint.Please note that whether you choose to write a paper or create a PowerPoint presentation, you must properly cite your sources according to APA style.To complete this projectChoose from one of the topics below and analyze its history from 1877 to the present.Select four specific events or developments that span the years covered by this course, based on their impact on the topic. Two of the events must be from before 1945 and two events must be from after 1945. You must assess how the events in relationship to the topic changed over time and explain how the changes occurred. Please refer back to your Week Three Assignment, consider your instructor’s comments and make any necessary revisions.Write an introduction with a thesis. Your thesis should summarize the main conclusions that you discovered while researching your topic and that you will support with a logical argument based on evidence (sources). Please refer back to your Week Three Assignment, consider your instructor’s comments, and make any necessary revisions to your thesis statement.Connect each of the events or developments you have chosen back to your main thesis. The information presented must be organized and in chronological order.You must use at least four sources in your paper other than the textbook, with at least two primary sources and at least two secondary sources. Please refer back to your Week Three Assignment, consider your instructor’s comments, and make any necessary revisions.

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