Unit 9 Data Analysis and Application

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Unit 9 Data Analysis and Application

In this assignment, you will learn how to conduct and interpret a chi square analysis. You will use the IBM SPSS Crosstabs procedure with the u09a1data.sav file located in the Resources. Use the DAA Template located in the Resources to write up your assignment. The deadline for submitting your work is 11:59 PM CST on Sunday of Week 9.

Step 1. Write Section 1 of the DAA. Refer to Comprehension Question 7 on page 343 of your Warner text to provide a context for the chi square analysis. In Section 1 of the DAA, articulate the two variables and the scales of measurement for each variable. Specify the sample size of the data set.

Step 2. Write Section 2 of the DAA. Articulate the assumptions of chi square:

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· Paste the SPSS output showing expected frequencies ( E). Report E for each cell in the 2 x 2 table.

· Determine if the expected frequencies assumption is met.

· If the assumption is met, indicate which version of chi square should be reported.

· If the assumption is not met, indicate which version of chi square should be reported.

Step 3. Write Section 3 of the DAA. Specify a research question for this chi square. Articulate a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for the chi square. Specify the alpha level.

Step 4. Write Section 4 of the DAA:

· Begin by stating your conclusion regarding the expected frequencies assumption.

· Next, create a table of observed frequencies for the two variables Class and Saved, referring to Table 8.4 of the Warner text as an example.

· Report the observed number of passengers in first class and third class who were saved and not saved.

· Next, paste the SPSS output for Symmetric Measures.

· Report the phi coefficient and interpret the effect size.

· Then paste the SPSS output for Chi-Square Tests.

· Report the version of chi square that is appropriate given the E assumption. Include the symbol for chi square, the degree of freedom, the chi square value, the p-value, and your decision regarding the null hypothesis.

· Next, calculate and report the odds of survival for the first class female group and odds of survival for the third class female group.

· Finally, calculate the odds ratio of survival comparing the first class female group to the third class female group.

Step 5. Write Section 5 of the DAA. Discuss your conclusions of the chi square as it relates to your stated research question. Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of chi square analysis.

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