Unit 8: Welcome to the finale!

Course TextbookCrawford, J. (2011). Fire prevention organization and management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Unit VIII Case Study 1 To prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the case study on page 238 of your textbook. Analyze the information from the case study, and be sure to address the following information in your response to the case study: 1. Given the information presented, what measures portray risk reduction and loss reduction in the Porth case study? 2. What inferences can be made from the comparison between Porth and the other comparable jurisdictions in the Service Effort and Accomplishment (SEA) report? What dangers are there to these comparisons? 3. What conclusions can be drawn from the comparison of Porth’s fire loss statistics to state and national trends over the same period of time? Your case study should be at least two pages in length and in APA style. A minimum of two references are required. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit VIII Case Study 2 To prepare for this assignment, you will need to review the case study on page 255 of your textbook. Analyze the information from the case study, and be sure to address the following information in your response to the case study: 1. Describe the advantages to using paid and volunteer staff for life safety and fire prevention programs and the problems that might occur between newly hired staff in Christmas Valley and the neighboring jurisdiction, where code compliance inspections were previously done by emergency responders. 2. What qualifications might be necessary for these staff members and how would you go about finding out about state or national training requirements or certifications? 3. How would you go about developing a training program for life safety and fire prevention staff? Whose support would be necessary, and how would it be funded? Your case study should be at least two pages in length and in APA style. A minimum of two references are required. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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