Unit 8 Return on Investment Worksheet

In this Assignment, you will apply ROI to a specific organization’s training, you will use a cost-benefit analysis as a means of determining whether or not an organization should implement a specific training program, and you will identify a potential training program of value to the organization. You will apply ROI to a specific organization. Training programs are expensive and the companies want to know what to expect in terms of a ROI if the training is completed. Select an organization that you are sufficiently positioned with to get the information you need for this Assignment. It could be a company you have worked with or a nonprofit organization with which you have had some experience. It will be more difficult to complete the Assignment if you select an organization where you are an outsider, unable to gather the needed information. You will use a cost-benefit analysis as a means of determining whether or not an organization should implement a specific training program. The cost-benefit analysis will indicate the potential value of the training program under consideration.You will also identify a potential training program of value to the organization. (This could be any type of training: Employee orientation, safety, quality, customer service, operations, and sales. Take a look at Figure 1.4 on page 43 for ideas on different types of training provided by companies.) Then, complete a cost-benefit analysis. You will then make a recommendation to the organization on how to proceed with this potential training program. Tables 6.11 and 6.12 provide an example of how to do this. Worksheet: Use the ROI Worksheet for this Assignment. This worksheet is also available in Doc Sharing.Assignment RequirementsAnswers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion. Review the grading rubric below before beginning this Assignment. Directions for Submitting Your Assignment  Compose your Assignment in a Word document and save it as Username-HR410 AssignmentUnit#.doc (Example: TAllen-HR410 AssignmentUnit8.doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 8: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 8. Unit 8 Return on Investment WorksheetGiven that this Assignment is more of a worksheet than a paper, use the following worksheet to complete the Assignment:Return on Investment (Follow Table 6.11 for costs and 6.12 for benefits and ROI calculation):Name:Introduction:            Introduce the organization and the intent of the Assignment.Identify the Training Program:            What potential training program will you assess?CostsDirect Costs (if any—if not, explain why) Determine the direct costs. List the direct costs, line item, calculation, and dollar figure. (Table 6.11)Indirect Costs (if any—if not, explain why)Determine the indirect costs. List the indirect costs,line item, calculation, and dollar figure. (Table 6.11)Development Costs (if any—if not, explain why)4 pointsDetermine the development costs. List the costs, line item, calculation, and dollar figure. (Table 6.11)Overhead Costs (if any—if not, explain why)4 pointsDetermine the overhead costs.List the overhead costs,line item, calculation, and dollar figure. (Table 6.11)Compensation for trainees (if any—if not, explain why)4 pointsDetermine trainee compensation.List the trainee compensation costs,line item, calculation, and dollar figure. (Table 6.11)            TOTAL COSTSDetermine BenefitsDetermine the benefits. List the benefits,line item, calculation, and dollar figure. (Table 6.12)Determine the ROI               Show your ROI calculation.(Benefits/Costs = ROI)(Table 6.12)            Does this potential program have value for the organization?Explain.Conclusion                One paragraph summary of your main points.

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