unit 8 psych work

PSY 3200

Unit #8 AS: Chi-squared Problems

In this assignment you will conduct hypothesis testing for Chi-Squared problems for both goodness of fit and independence – you will be given two Chi-Squared problems.
For the Chi squared goodness of fit problem you need to:
(1) state the populations and hypotheses;
(2) solve for a Chi-squared goodness of fit test and show your work;
(3) compute the answer using the SPSS program and paste the output information;
(4) state the answer using proper APA format;
(5) answer the question.
For the Chi-squared for independence problem:
(1) state the populations and hypotheses;
(2) create a table for the data;
(3) conduct a Chi-Squared for independence test using the SPSS program and paste the output information;
(4) state the results using the proper APA format; and
(5) answer any question.
Place all of this in a word document and be sure to include any relevant output information from SPSS. Upload the file to blackboard.

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1. A health psychologist was interested in women’s workout preferences. Of the 56 participants surveyed, 22 preferred running, 8 preferred swimming, 15 preferred cross-fit, and 11 preferred an exercise class. Using this information answer the following:

· State the populations and hypotheses

for a Chi-squared goodness of fit test

· Solve for Chi-Squared for goodness of fit

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· Conduct chi-squared test for goodness of fit using the SPSS program and paste the output file.

· State the answer using proper APA format

· Is there evidence for a difference in preferences in workouts?

2. An advertising firm wanting to target people with strong desires for success conducted a study to see if such people differed in the types of television shows they watched. Randomly selected participants recorded the shows they watched for a week, then their desire for success was assessed, and finally they were divided into two groups. Low Success seekers watched 8 comedies, 15 romances, 6 documentaries, 13 dramas, and 3 news shows. High Success seekers watched 3 comedies, 3 romances, 9 documentaries, 7 dramas, and 8 news shows. Using this data answer the following:

· State the populations and hypotheses

· Create a table for the data

· Conduct a Chi-Squared for independence test using the SPSS program and post output file.

· State the results using the proper APA format.


Is the distribution of type of shows watched different for participants having high and low desires for success?

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