Unit 8 Final Project


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Human Impact on Climate Change PowerPoint

After learning about several ways in which our everyday actions impact climate change, choose one action to conduct more research on and create a PowerPoint presentation to tell us more! Use the unit material and reliable online resources to gather more information.



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are several ideas with information throughout the unit but there is even more information out in the world! Think about what you do every day, and how the activity uses energy or natural resources. Think about a product you buy—how it was made, what natural resources were used to make it? You can also do a quick google search of “everyday activities that effect the environment” and start reading some articles for more ideas.

Remember to use reliable sources from the Internet. There is a lot of misinformation out there and finding reliable information can be difficult. The best sources of reference material for your presentation are scientific journals found in the CSU Online Library databases. Click here for a biology research tutorial that demonstrates how to locate library resources relating to biology You can also find reliable statistics at organization websites listed in the Unit under “Combat Climate Change.”

Your presentation must include:

  1. What everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why did you choose this activity or product? Why is it important?
  2. Connect the activity/product to its impact on the environment and climate change. How does doing the activity or making the product use natural resources, disrupt habitat, impact wildlife or other effects on the environment?
  3. Report data and statistics, with references, on how this activity/product effects the environment.
  4. What can people do to decrease the activity/product’s impact on the environment?

Be sure to follow the formatting and guidelines provided below:

  • Include at least three visual aids.
  • Include three reliable references, and at least one source must come from the CSU Online Library.
  • Use bulleted information on slides (five lines or fewer).
  • Include substantial and detailed speaker’s notes that include what you would say in an actual presentation. The speaker’s notes should also reflect the depth of your research.
  • Include a separate title slide and separate reference slide.
  • Use an appropriate font and background.
  • Include at least 11 slides, but not more than 15 slides (not counting your title slide and reference slide).
  • Use correct APA format for references and citations, and use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Upload the presentation as a .ppt or .pptx file.

1/9/2021 Originality Report



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SafeAssign Originality Report
BIO 1302-17C-FA21L-S1, Ecology and the Environment • Unit VIII Final Project

%68Total Score: High riskZachery King
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HUMAN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Zach King. .. Columbia Southern University. .. .01/02/2021.



Humans are arguably the main contaminants of the environment. Approximately 95% of their activities interfere with the environment in one way or the other both
directly and indirectly. The use of plastic products is a good example. In this project, we explore the impact of plastics on the environment.


The environment is part of our lives, and we as humans need to take care of it. Products that humans create pollute and destroy the environment. Plastic

products have been around for decades and do not decompose when disposed of that harm the environment. Humans cannot survive without plastics

Importance of


There are a lot of risk factors that affect air and water that result in injuries or a disease. In this presentation we will identify ways plastic is beneficial for humans but
also can be dangerous. We will also go over ways on how to reduce the risk factors Environmental issues are harmful in every aspect of human activity.

There are a lot of pros and cons of plastic if they are not disposed of properly can cause environmental issues. The Current rate of increase in global use of
polyethylene and plastic products is approximately 12% per annum, and this continues to rise. (Esan, 2019). Humans cannot survive without plastics: Medical

tools such as IV Fluids and Donor Blood all come from the ability to use plastic. Importance of Recycling: Ask the class for some examples on the importance of

recycling and the benefits it will provide. (Examples: reusable shopping bags, reusable water bottles) 3


Plastics refer to an array of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials with polymers as their main building units. Their high plasticity makes them easy to be molded,
extruded or pressed various types and forms of products of different shapes during production; hence, they highly adaptable materials for many different uses.


4 3





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Just like wood, paper and wool, plastics are also organic materials derived from cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil. The term ”plastic”

derives from the Greek word ”plastikos”, meaning fit for moulding. 4


Humans use and rely on plastics mainly because: They are durable

They are versatile and can be made into anything. They are safe for food storage

They are easily and widely accessible and available respectively

They are highly useful and applicable

Plastics are so useful; They can be shaped, colored, and rolled into anything. Plastics are also durable because of their ability to maintain strong bonds and

structures, which can stand a lot of forces. In America, plastics are used in every sector from pen to cellphones to medical equipment. Practically, there is hardly any
sector where plastic products does not exist, making it almost impossible to survive without plastics. 5




Plastics are among the world’s leading pollutants of the environment. Examples: bags, bottles, yokes, jugs

Estimates show that about 100,000 ocean animals are killed in a result of suffocating in a plastic bag. Plastics require oil in order to be manufactured.

Depletes oil supply and contributes to the CO2 built-up in our atmosphere. On average it takes 12 million barrels of oil to make 30 million plastic bags.

While plastics are a great innovation and highly useful, they are harmful to the environment; the land, ocean, and air. For example, more than 100,000 animals

have been killed due to plastic pollution and animals are getting caught in plastic debris that danger their lives. Moreover, plastics are also leading to the depletion of
natural resources, as well as the desttruction of the atmosphere. 7


Plastics radiate perilous greenhouse gases. On exposure to sunlight, for example, plastics emit methane and ethylene among other harmful gases. While the
discharge of these gases by plastics is minimal, over time, they accumulate in the atmosphere; hence, causing climate change. When inhaled; however, these gases
affect biotic factors’ lives; hence, plastic pollution is more an immediate risk to life than climate change.

The greenhouse effect is a problem that threatens to turn the earth’s crust into a desert. The greenhouse effect is largely responsible for global warming (Doyle,

2019). One of the greenhouse gases that is released when plastics break down is methane. 8


The greenhouse effect occurs when gases or radiations from the earth’s atmosphere warms the earth’s surface to temperetures above normal ones, at which the
earth would be without the gases. The gases are radiatively; hence radiates energy across all directions.


GREENHOUSE EFFECT CONSEQUENCES Consequences of the Greenhouse effect include: Floods



Migration of species

Spread of diseases and pandemics

The greenhouse effect comes along with numerous consequences. The most common one is the flooding of islands and coastal cities. Warmer temperatures are
associated with the spread of some types of illnesses and pandemics, while they also lead to migration of species including birds and insects, as they escape regions
with high temperetures in their attempts to survive.

5 6


8 3



Humans and marine organisms cannot survive without water.

Oceans are critical to the biodiversity of our world.

There are over 200,000 different types of species that live in the


Large and small marine animals get trapped or suffocate from plastic objects

If humans can change their way of life and give up at a minimum plastic bags, it would allow a significat impact on animals and the environment. We would

increase the longevity of the marine life and we would give these animals a chance of survival. They wouldn’t end up suffocating to death in a plastic bag or caught in

4 3

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Source Matches (35)

Student paper 100% Student paper 66%

a yoke or even swallowing a plastic object lodging objects into their stomach or digestive system. 11


Turtle trapped in yoke restricts shell growth. Americans waste 100 billion plastic articles each year that end up in landfills or in this picture washed up on an


The main problem with plastics is that they hardly decompose; hence, they can only be gotten rid of through recycling of particles. When disposes off in the soil,

plastics releaae chemicals, which can seep into groundwater an with plastic, it releases harmful chemicals, which seep into groundwater to water sources and into the
ecosystem; hence, threatening lives. 12


Top ways of dealing with plastics include: Reducing the use of single-use plastics


Limiting the use of single-use plastics will greatly help to adress plastic pollution. However, generally, recycling is the main way through, which contamination by
plastics can be mitigated because they never go away.


Plastics are non-biodegradable and need to be recycled

Humans need to take proper measures to help reduce the amount of landfill waste. Alternative bags: Grocery stores sell reusable grocery bags that help stop

the destruction of our eco-system. Use the 3R method, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. It will save energy and natural resources.

A change of lifestyle is the only way people will help in managing plastic pollution. People need to practice recycling. Town and city authorities need to develop places
for not only trash but also recyclables. Using the 3R method will help reduce the amount of plastics in the environment; hence, saving on energy, resources, and
reducing pollution. 14



Human activities are arguably the main contaminants of the environment. The manufacture and use of plastics is among these activities. Plastics are
nonbiodegradable and also emit harmful gases, which have hugely contributed to the greenhouse effect. Because its difficult to do away with them given their wide
application, recycling plastics intensely remains the main means through, which their associated pollution can be managed.


Doyle, H. (2019, April 18). What Is the Greenhouse Effect? Retrieved April 19, 2019, Retrieved from https://climatekids.nasa.gov/greenhouse-effect/ Esan, E. O.,

Abbey, Lord, & Yurgel, S. (2019). Exploring the long-term effect of plastic on compost microbiome. PLoS ONE, 14(3), 1–17. https://doi-


Reddy, S. (2018, September 24). Plastic Pollution Affects Sea Life Throughout the Ocean. Retrieved April 19, 2019, Retrieved from

https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/articles/2018/09/24/plastic-pollution-affects-sea-life-throughout-the-ocean Rosane, O. (2019, March 22). Study
Finds New Reason to Ban Plastic: It Emits Methane in the Sun. Retrieved April 19, 2019, Retrieved from https://www.ecowatch.com/plastic-waste-could-contribute-to-
climate-change-2592101036.html Williams, S. (2018, August 2). Plastics Emit Greenhouse Gases as They Degrade. Retrieved April 19, 2019, Retrieved from

Student paper

Columbia Southern University.

Original source

Columbia Southern University

Student paper

In this project, we explore the impact of
plastics on the environment.

Original source

The impact of plastics on the

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Student paper 100%

Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper

The environment is part of our lives, and
we as humans need to take care of it.
Products that humans create pollute and
destroy the environment. Plastic
products have been around for decades
and do not decompose when disposed of
that harm the environment. Humans
cannot survive without plastics

Original source

The environment is part of our lives, and
we as humans need to take care of it
Products that humans create pollute and
destroy the environment Plastic products
have been around for decades and do
not decompose when disposed of that
harm the environment Humans cannot
survive without plastics

Student paper

Importance of Recycling There are a lot
of risk factors that affect air and water
that result in injuries or a disease. In this
presentation we will identify ways plastic
is beneficial for humans but also can be

Original source

Importance of Recycling There are a lot
of risk factors that affect air and water
that result in injuries or a disease In this
presentation we will identify ways plastic
is beneficial for humans but also can be

Student paper

We will also go over ways on how to
reduce the risk factors Environmental
issues are harmful in every aspect of
human activity.

Original source

We will also go over ways on how to
reduce the risk factors Environmental
issues are harmful in every aspect of
human activity

Student paper

There are a lot of pros and cons of plastic
if they are not disposed of properly can
cause environmental issues. The Current
rate of increase in global use of
polyethylene and plastic products is
approximately 12% per annum, and this
continues to rise.

Original source

There are a lot of pros and cons of plastic
if they are not disposed of properly can
cause environmental issues The Current
rate of increase in global use of
polyethylene and plastic products is
approximately 12% per annum, and this
continues to rise

Student paper

Humans cannot survive without plastics:
Medical tools such as IV Fluids and Donor
Blood all come from the ability to use
plastic. Importance of Recycling:

Original source

Humans cannot survive without plastics
Medical tools such as IV Fluids and Donor
Blood all come from the ability to use
plastic Importance of Recycling

Student paper

Ask the class for some examples on the
importance of recycling and the benefits
it will provide.

Original source

Ask the class for some examples on the
importance of recycling and the benefits
it will provide

Student paper

reusable shopping bags, reusable water
bottles) 3

Original source
reusable shopping bags, reusable water
bottles) 3

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Student paper 80%

mdisrailandsons 74%

Student paper 89%

Student paper 79%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 78%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 88%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 63%

Student paper

Just like wood, paper and wool, plastics
are also organic materials derived from
cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of
course, crude oil.

Original source

The plastics are derived from natural,
organic materials such as cellulose, coal,
natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil

Student paper

derives from the Greek word ”plastikos”,
meaning fit for moulding.

Original source

The term plastic is derived from the
Greek word ”plastikos”, meaning fit for

Student paper

They are versatile and can be made into

Original source

Versatile and can be made into anything

Student paper

They can be shaped, colored, and rolled
into anything.

Original source

it can be shaped, colored, and rolled into
anything you can think of

Student paper


Original source

Plastics are Everywhere

Student paper


Original source

The facts in Plastics

Student paper

bags, bottles, yokes, jugs

Original source
bags, bottles, yokes, jugs
Student paper

Estimates show that about 100,000
ocean animals are killed in a result of
suffocating in a plastic bag.

Original source

100,000 ocean animals are killed in a
result of suffocating in a plastic bag

Student paper

Plastics require oil in order to be
manufactured. Depletes oil supply and
contributes to the CO2 built-up in our
atmosphere. On average it takes 12
million barrels of oil to make 30 million
plastic bags.

Original source

Plastics require oil in order to be
manufactured Depletes oil supply and
contributes to the CO2 built-up in our
atmosphere On average it takes 12
million barrels of oil to make 30 million
plastic bags

Student paper

For example, more than 100,000 animals
have been killed due to plastic pollution

animals are getting caught in plastic
debris that danger their lives


Original source
animals are getting caught in plastic
debris that danger their lives

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Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper

The greenhouse effect is a problem that
threatens to turn the earth’s crust into a

Original source

The greenhouse effect is a problem that
threatens to turn the earth’s crust into a

Student paper

One of the greenhouse gases that is
released when plastics break down is

Original source

One of the greenhouse gases that is
released when plastics break down is

Student paper


Original source

The Greenhouse Effect

Student paper

marine organisms cannot survive
without water. Oceans are critical to the
biodiversity of our world. There are over
200,000 different types of species that
live in the ocean.

Original source

Impacts On Marine Life Humans and
marine organisms cannot survive
without water Oceans are critical to the
biodiversity of our world There are over
200,000 different types of species that
live in the ocean

Student paper

Large and small marine animals get
trapped or suffocate from plastic objects

Original source
Large and small marine animals get
trapped or suffocate from plastic objects
Student paper

If humans can change their way of life
and give up at a minimum plastic bags, it
would allow a significat impact on
animals and the environment.

Original source

If humans can change their way of life
and give up at a minimum plastic bags, it
would allow a significat impact on
animals and the environment

Student paper

We would increase the longevity of the
marine life and we would give these
animals a chance of survival. They
wouldn’t end up suffocating to death in a
plastic bag or caught in a yoke or even
swallowing a plastic object lodging
objects into their stomach or digestive

Original source

We would increase the longevity of the
marine life and we would give these
animals a chance of survival They
wouldn’t end up suffocating to death in a
plastic bag or caught in a yoke or even
swallowing a plastic object lodging
objects into their stomach or digestive

Student paper

Turtle trapped in yoke restricts shell
growth. Americans waste 100 billion
plastic articles each year that end up in
landfills or in this picture washed up on
an ocean.

Original source

Turtle trapped in yoke restricts shell
growth Americans waste 100 billion
plastic articles each year that end up in
landfills or in this picture washed up on
an ocean

1/9/2021 Originality Report

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Student paper 63%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper

When disposes off in the soil, plastics
releaae chemicals, which can seep into
groundwater an with plastic, it releases
harmful chemicals, which seep into
groundwater to water sources and into
the ecosystem;

Original source

When soil is polluted with plastic, it
releases a chemical that can seep into
groundwater and be harmful for near by
water sources and the ecosystem

Student paper

non-biodegradable and need to be
recycled Humans need to take proper
measures to help reduce the amount of
landfill waste.

Original source

Importance of Recycling Plastics are non
biodegradable and need to be recycled
Humans need to take proper measures
to help reduce the amount of landfill

Student paper

Grocery stores sell reusable grocery bags
that help stop the destruction of our eco-
system. Use the 3R method, Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle. It will save energy
and natural resources.

Original source

Grocery stores sell reusable grocery bags
that help stop the destruction of our eco-
system Use the 3R method, Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle It will save energy and
natural resources

Student paper

(2019, April 18). What Is the Greenhouse
Effect? Retrieved April 19, 2019, Retrieved
effect/ Esan, E. O., Abbey, Lord, & Yurgel,

Original source

(2019, April 18) What Is the Greenhouse
Effect Retrieved April 19, 2019, Retrieved
effect/ Esan, E O., Abbey, Lord, & Yurgel,

Student paper

Exploring the long-term effect of plastic
on compost microbiome. PLoS ONE,
14(3), 1–17. https://doi-

Original source

Exploring the long-term effect of plastic
on compost microbiome PLoS ONE,
14(3), 1–17 https://doi-

Student paper

(2018, September 24). Plastic Pollution
Affects Sea Life Throughout the Ocean.
Retrieved April 19, 2019, Retrieved from
ocean Rosane, O. (2019, March 22).

Original source

(2018, September 24) Plastic Pollution
Affects Sea Life Throughout the Ocean
Retrieved April 19, 2019, Retrieved from
ocean Rosane, O (2019, March 22)

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Student paper 100%
Student paper 100%
Student paper

Study Finds New Reason to Ban Plastic: It
Emits Methane in the Sun. Retrieved April
19, 2019, Retrieved from
change-2592101036.html Williams, S.
(2018, August 2).

Original source

Study Finds New Reason to Ban Plastic It
Emits Methane in the Sun Retrieved April
19, 2019, Retrieved from
change-2592101036.html Williams, S
(2018, August 2)

Student paper

Plastics Emit Greenhouse Gases as They
Degrade. Retrieved April 19, 2019,
Retrieved from https://www.the-

Original source

Plastics Emit Greenhouse Gases as They
Degrade Retrieved April 19, 2019,
Retrieved from https://www.the-

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