Unit 8: Course Project Deliverable


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Examination of real-world issues of Organizational behavior (OB) through in-depth inquiry is an essential competency for both leaders and managers. To identify best practices, a comprehensive understanding of contemporary challenges and opportunities present in the workforce necessitates improving the engagement of stakeholders. Hence, the confluence of global business environments, technology, and human psychology requires keen awareness and specific skillsets. Appreciation of why individuals and groups behave in predictable ways within a corporate setting offers valuable insights for gaining a competitive advantage.

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Using the topic/issue approved by the instructor in unit 1, students will develop a 10-minute presentation of at least 10-15 PowerPoint slides of content. In their deliverable students should:

  • provide an introduction of the topic or issue, and identify how and reason for its selection
  • evaluate the business context in which the matter arises
  • assess the organizational levels as well as various internal and external stakeholders impacted, as well as the importance of the topic or issue’s resolution to strategic objectives
  • evaluate opportunities and challenges relative to the topic or issue
  • scrutinize applicable models for implementing organizational change, critical thinking, and decision-making that impact the behaviors of leaders and employees
  • appraise behavior in organizations relative to best practices for leaders/leadership that lead to predictable outcomes
  • offer support from the text as well as other appropriate business sources via a reference slide (not counted as part of the 10-15 slides of content)

Unit1: Course Project Proposal

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Roderick J. Hooks

Park University

MBA522 Organizational Behavior and Leadership

The main objective of this paper is to receive approval from the professor after thoroughly explaining the case. This paper will clearly present an explanation of the organizational behavior topic or issue. Employee theft has always been an issue that has to be contained in order for an organization to succeed. Employee theft is when an employee steals either products or time, this occurs when the employees “steal” time at work by focusing on personal matters during working hours (pg. 355) or when an employee attempts to restore equity by taking products from the organization to offset the perceived low pay (pg. 141). Employee theft tend to proceed with employees has the perception of being treated badly by the organization, this happens when management fails to recognize the employees effort and hard work for the organization. Within my organization, I was able to prevent employee theft with showing all employees respect and the proper recognition before, during, and after the fulfillment of the assignment, I also began recognizing the employees weekly with gifts of certain products that were disposable for the organization, but a wonderful prize for the employees. Having a good manager within the organization that could recognize the behaviors of his/her employees is a tremendous part of business success, in a strategic manner. Strategically, recognizing employees with product leads to happiness, which also leads to a lower personnel turnover. The employee will definitely stick around if he/she is being treated fairly and recognized for doing great things within the organization. People who believe they are being treated poorly by an organization will become demotivated over time. However, organizations that meet or exceed employee expectations, reward good work, and treat people with respect have a greater chance of maintaining a more satisfied productive workforce (pg141).


2nd edition of Organizational Behavior: A Critical-Thinking Approach (Christopher P. Neck)

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