Unit 7 Assignment: APA Style In-Text Citations and References

 Due Date: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 7

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 Points: 100 


Thus far, you have been asked to provide a link for any source used in your discussion posts as a way of attributing credit to the source. Going forward, you will need to attribute credit to your sources by including in-text citations and references in accordance with APA style. This assignment will be good practice for building this valuable skill! 


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 For this assignment, you will: 

• Choose two (2) of your previous discussion board posts that were submitted earlier in the course. 

• Replace the links with appropriate APA style in-text citations. Use the correct format and placement. 

• Include the appropriate reference citation at the end. Requirements: • Include the web links for all resources used so your instructor can check the citation. 

• Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document. Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper will be evaluated before you write and again  

Running Head: BRAIN 2



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I have learned that different from other cells, though neurons have a different characteristic, it has communication ability with other cells, and it transfers information for long distances. Many of the neurons in the body take delivery of signals from the environment and transmit the message of nervous system to other target cells and muscles. Still, the massive most of the neurons to only communicate with other neurons with the complicated system of information that controls behaviour. For instance, the information concerning the pain go through axons in the arm and hand that have an adequately thick coating of myelin, fastening the pain message to the brain so that one can respond immediately. A neuron is a nerve cell that consists of the nervous system. The cells have hereditary material that determines the behaviour of the cell. This means that one inherits different types of behaviours from their parents.

Two parts consist of the nervous system; the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is the nerves network connecting the spinal cord and the brain to other body parts, while the central nervous system is only the spinal cord and the brain. Understanding the brain is vital in assessing how the brain, acquires, perceives and stores information. Understanding the brain helps people relate with each other better and also assist psychologists in improving stress management skills and decision making. For instance, a psychologist may be able to predict the future by understanding the past behaviour. One of the nervous system disorders that I would choose to discuss is Cerebral palsy because it most significantly affects children. It is a condition that affects the ability to control muscles due to nervous system damage, before or during or after birth. I would choose this nervous disorder as it the most common disability in childhood (Healthdirect, 2020).


Healthdirect. (2020, February 4). Cerebral palsy. Retrieved from https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/cerebral-palsy



Intelligence Test Measure

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Define the term multiple intelligences.

Multiple intelligences is usually referred to as a theory that is used to describe the diverse ways that scholar study and acquire any piece of information. This numerous intelligence ranges from the usage of numbers, words, music, and pictures, to the significance of social contacts, physical movement, introspection, and being in the same tune with nature. Consequently, an understanding of which kind of intelligence a scholar might possess is likely to assist tutors to adjust the styles of introspection and give a suggestion of a certain path of the career for that specific learners (Hat, 2019).

Intelligence inventory.

On the list of multiple intelligence inventory, the one I can highly score is based on Logical/Mathematical where I can execute my work best in an area of work that is very organized. The reason I have selected this is that I am the type of student who portrays a skill, ability, or aptitude for numbers, solving problems, and reasoning. To add on, I belong to that section of students who generally perform excellently in traditional schoolrooms where education is sequenced logically, and learners are requested to confirm. All I do is to enjoy whenever am dealing with numbers (Rouse, 2017).

On the other hand, I would score very low on Intrapersonal. This is a situation whereby a person is particularly in touch with the feelings, ideas, and ideas of their own. They might tend to be extra earmarked, though they are generally quite sensitive concerning what they study and how it is associated with themselves. The reason also to score low on this inventory is because of my egocentric nature and I am not easily influenced by anyone (Rouse, 2017).

Do you feel the test was culturally fair?  Explain.

According to me, the test was very fair. This is because it examines the exact state of the person’s ability and skills. It had the actual description of how everyone feels or does in life. With its use, it will greatly help an individual to be able to shape their career path as well as avoiding some conflicts with people. For instance, if a person can score low on interpersonal inventory (Carreiro, 2015).

Application of Multiple intelligence.

Students can learn arithmetic through drawing, blogging, dancing, and much more. An entire curriculum is capable of been created with based activities on multiple intelligences in a manner that acquires diverse fields of intelligence for every student; such syllabus will be extra scholar-centered (Christine, 2020).


Carreiro, P. (2015). Tales of thinking: Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Stenhouse Publishers ; Markham, Ont.

Christine, M. (2020, June 9). Using the multiple intelligences theory in a classroom. AtlasNext. https://www.onatlas.com/blog/multiple-intelligences-theory

Hat, T. (2019, September 16). Multiple intelligences definition and meaning. Top Hat. https://tophat.com/glossary/m/multiple-intelligences/

Rouse, M. (2017, October 17). A multiple intelligences inventory. ASCD: Professional Learning & Community for Educators. https://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept97/vol55/num01/A-Multiple-Intelligences-Inventory.aspx

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