Unit 6 Writing 1 and 2

 Reading Assignment:

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Chapters 15 and 16 (Andrew, Pedersen, & McEvoy text) 

Yoshida, M., & James, J. (2010). Customer satisfaction with game and service experiences: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Sport Management, 24, 338-361. [PDF available in Canvas] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240305898_Customer_Satisfaction_ With_Game_and_Service_Experiences_Antecedents_and_Consequences 

 Writing Assignment 1 (15 points) 

 After completing your reading, you should proceed to elaborate on “How Will You Impact or Incorporate a Christian Worldview within the Parameters of an Existing or Future Sports Organization” as another section of your Capstone Project for your approved “sport administration issue in your field of sports administration.” Write a minimum of two pages with APA-cited references. NOTE: These same references will become part of your References page for your entire Capstone project due in Unit Seven. Ensure that each section flows into the next writing assignment. 

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Writing Assignment 2 (15 points) After completing your reading, you should proceed to elaborate on “Personal Reflections on your Master of Sport Administration Academic Journey: From Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree” as another section of your Capstone Project for your approved “sport administration issue in your field of sports administration.” Ensure that you write a minimum of two pages with APA-cited references. NOTE: These same references will become part of your References page for your entire Capstone project due in Unit Seven. Each section should flow into the next writing assignment. 

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