Unit 5 Assignment 1 Patient Centered Medical Homes Key Assessment CLO #2


You have been asked by a local women’s group to attend one of their monthly meetings and do a presentation on patient-centered medical homes.

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  • Perform a web search and locate information on patient-centered medical homes.
  • Review information in your textbook on medical group planning.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation which explains patient-centered medical homes and incorporates clinical integration. Your presentation should be at least 10 slides (not counting the title and reference slide), make use of the notes section, and be audience ready.
  • Create a handout which contains the highlights of the presentation that the group members can take with them after the meeting.
  • Submit your presentation and handout for grading.

Assignment Objectives

  • Meet CAHIIM Curriculum requirement for Bachelor Degree 

    Domain III. Informatics, Analytics and Data Use
    Subdomain III.F. Consumer Informatics
    Section 1. Educate consumers on patient-centered health information technologies
    Competencies: Patient centered medical homes 

Assignment Purpose: 

To create a healthcare consumer education program.

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