Unit 4 Assignment Web Page

Assignment 1: Paper on the importance of market research (View the 

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Unit 4 assignments and grading rubric


You will be conducting an interview with a market research professional or a company representative. Post the highlights of the results of your individual assignment in final draft form to the Discussion Board by Saturday night (attached in a Microsoft Word document) or pasted into the Discussion Board to give others the chance to read your work and make comments or ask questions. Use the results of your research to make specific recommendations on how market research can be applied to the Marketplace Simulation. Submit your 3- to 4-page APA-formatted paper to the Unit 4 Assignment 1 Dropbox by the end of the unit.

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Assignment dEtails

There are three assignments due this unit, one of which is participation in the Team Simulation.

Ongoing Assignment: Team Simulation Quarter 3 (Review the Simulation score, teamwork grading rubric, and peer evaluation instructions)

Continue to participate in the business simulation exercise as part of a team process. In this unit, you will complete Quarter 3 of the simulation. Use the Team Area (below Unit 6) to collaborate on ideas for your Team Simulation.

Assignment 1: Paper on the importance of market research (View the Unit 4 assignments and grading rubric.)

You will be conducting an interview with a market research professional or a company representative. Post the highlights of the results of your individual assignment in final draft form to the Discussion Board by Saturday night (attached in a Microsoft Word document) or pasted into the Discussion Board to give others the chance to read your work and make comments or ask questions. Use the results of your research to make specific recommendations on how market research can be applied to the Marketplace Simulation. Submit your 3- to 4-page APA-formatted paper to the Unit 4 Assignment 1 Dropbox by the end of the unit.

Assignment 2: Peer Evaluation (View the Peer Evaluation instructions and grading rubric.)

Each team member must be able to give objective feedback, receive this feedback in a spirit of continuous improvement, and make changes to increase team effectiveness. Complete your Peer Evaluation online by the end of the unit.

Access all required readings (articles, videos, etc.) from the Library.

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