Unit 4 Assessment – Challenging Questions


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During the course of an interview, you will find that responding appropriately to some questions is challenging.  Often these are open-ended and “behavioral” questions, such as “Tell me about yourself”.  Different interviewees struggle with different questions.  While preparing for an interview, you should identify those questions you feel may be the most difficult for you to respond to.  Then take steps to prepare a response that will work.  Not only will this reduce the pre-interview jitters, but it will also provide you with the best opportunity to sell yourself to the interviewer.

Practice Opportunity – Take time to practice your responses to interview-style questions using the Interview Simulation Training Tool. 

Instructions available in Overview Document

For this assessment, you are to download, complete, upload, and submit the Unit 4 Assessment Worksheet

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Unit 4 Preparing to Answer Questions in an Interview

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Unit 4 Preparing to Answer Questions Worksheet


As presented in Unit 4, the interviewing process can create anxiety. To manage some of that anxiety, you need to be prepared to answer open-ended questions. The best way to prepare is to outline your response using keywords, phrases, or points you feel will most impress the interviewer. Once you have outlined your responses to those questions, practice them. Ask for a friend, relative, or coworker to help you practice. You can also record your responses and review what worked and what did not work in preparing for your interview.

Please respond to the following:

Select one (1) question that is commonly asked by the hirer during the interview using the dropdown menu. Choose an item.

Using the bullet points provided, identify five (5) keywords or phrases you want to include in your response that will highlight your value to the employer.

· Keyword or phrase Click here to enter text.

· Keyword or phrase Click here to enter text.
· Keyword or phrase Click here to enter text.
· Keyword or phrase Click here to enter text.
· Keyword or phrase Click here to enter text.

In 3 or 4 sentences describe how you can use your response to “sell yourself.” (Include 1 internal and 1 external source in your response). Click here to enter text.

Provide a one (1), or two (2) sentence description of a question, which you feel could be the most challenging for you to answer. Click here to enter text.

1. Using three (3) or four (4) sentences, describe why you feel this question will be challenging for you.Click here to enter text.

List three (3) points you plan to make when answering it. (Include 1 internal and 1 external source in your response).

· Point 1 Click here to enter text.

· Point 2 Click here to enter text.

· Point 3 Click here to enter text.

Once you have completed this worksheet (use the assignment rubric to ensure it is complete), submit it to the assignment area.

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