Two Assignments – Week 1 Apply Select a Business Scenario and Week 1 Apply Create a Project Proposal

Two Assignments need to be completed based on the same project proposal
Assignment 1 – Using Business Scenario Template Attached
Assignment 2 is located below assignment 1 – Using Project proposal template attached.
Assignment 1: 

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All projects begin by answering one of two questions:

  • How can I make business scenario ABC better or more efficient?
  • What business scenario can I automate to benefit organization XYZ?

For this assignment, select a business scenario you would like to develop into a project over the next five weeks. You have two options:

You may select one of the two business scenarios described in

Select a Business Scenario

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  • You may select a business scenario of your choosing. This can be a scenario from your workplace; for example, a frustrating process you have been eager to rework or a potential process you have been thinking of that does not exist yet but that you think would be valuable to your organization if it were developed into an IT project.
  • Note: If you decide to select a business scenario of your choosing, you must obtain approval from your instructor for your scenario before beginning the project proposal assignment, which is also due this week.

    Download Select a Business Scenario and read through the options.

    Type your selection (Scenario A, Scenario B, or Scenario C) directly into the Select a Business Scenario document (on the space provided next to each scenario). If you select Scenario C, you must include a scenario description as outlined in the document.

    Submit your assignment.

    Assignment 2:

    The purpose of the project proposal is to describe a project (i.e., to describe how to automate or improve the automation of a specific business process) and then to explain how completing the project will positively affect the business.

    Once a project proposal is accepted, project work can begin; therefore, a successful project proposal must include all of the information necessary for stakeholders to make a go/no-go decision, including a statement of scope, a list of the benefits you expect the proposed project to provide, and a rough estimate of how long it will take and how much it will cost to complete the project.

    For this assignment, you will create a 3- to 4-page project proposal for the business scenario you selected earlier this week and that was approved by your instructor. For your project proposal, be sure to:

    • Complete the Project Proposal Template based on the business scenario you selected (and that was approved by your instructor) earlier this week. If you prefer, you may re-create the template using another software application of your choice, such as Microsoft Excel®.
    • Develop a project definition and scope that defines the project and articulates the business context for the project.
    • Identify problems that the proposed system is expected to solve (or opportunities the proposed project is expected to produce).
    • Create project objectives.
    • Create the project methodology or game plan.
    • Compile a high-level schedule for completing the project scope.

    Refer to this week’s learning activities for help creating your project proposal.

    Submit your assignment.

    BSA/425 v1.3

    Project Proposal


    BSA/425 v1.3

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    Project Proposal Template

    Fill out each of the sections below with information relevant to your project and add your company’s name.

    Company Name

    Project Proposal

    Project Scope Statement

    Project Title

    Project Sponsor(s)

    Business Context for the System

    Project Scope Description

    Date Prepared

    Prepared By

    Problems/Issues/Opportunities the Proposed System Expected to Solve




    Project Objectives

    Project Objective Name

    Project Objective Description

    Project Deliverables

    Project Deliverable Name

    Project Deliverable Description

    Project Acceptance Criteria

    Project Acceptance Criteria Name

    Project Acceptance Criteria Description

    Project Exclusions

    Project Exclusion Name

    Project Exclusion Description

    Project Constraints

    Project Constraint Name

    Project Constraint Description

    Project Assumptions

    Project Assumption Name

    Project Assumption Description

    Project Methodology

    High-Level Work Schedule: Project Scope

    Description of Work

    Assumptions and Constraints


    Due Dates




    Labor Hours

    Labor Rate

    Labor Total

    Material Units

    Material Cost

    Material Total

    Total Cost

    Quality Requirements

    Acceptance Criteria

    Technical Information

    Agreement Information

    Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

    Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


    Select a Business Scenario

    BSA/425 v1.3

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    Select a Business Scenario

    For this assignment, you will select the business scenario for which you wish to analyze and develop a technical architecture. The purpose of the technical architecture, which you will develop during this 5-week capstone course, is to automate the business scenario and its processes.

    In this course, you will develop a project based on one of the following:

    · Scenario A: Financial Services

    · Scenario B: Internet Bank

    · Scenario C: Student-defined*

    *Note: If you choose Scenario C, you must include a description of your scenario in sufficient detail for your instructor to evaluate its appropriateness for this capstone project. Before you can begin the next assignment in this course, you must obtain approval for your business scenario from your instructor.

    Use the information below to make your selection. As you do so, keep in mind that the technical architecture you will develop will need to include network and cloud infrastructures, database management systems, software applications, cloud services, and cybersecurity solutions. The software applications and technology you decide to incorporate into your architecture must be accessible by businesses and/or individuals; that is, it must exist on the market today.

    Scenario A: Financial Services

    Imagine you work in the IT department of a financial services company that sells investments to, and manages investment portfolios for, high net worth individuals. Your organization uses custom-built legacy software applications and systems to support its sales processes. The sales software applications and systems are not integrated, and they do not support an enterprise view of the sales processes throughout the organization. Management is frustrated because the sales applications and systems do not provide the information and reports necessary for them to measure, monitor, and manage sales production in the organization. Sales executives and account managers are frustrated because the sales software applications and systems do not support the sales cycle for the products and services that the organization sells.

    You have been assigned to analyze your organization’s sales processes and identify an IT system capable of improving the sales processes of your organization. In addition, your organization is looking for an easy-to-use, cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution to generate more leads, increase sales, improve customer service, reduce the cost of sales for the organization, and increase revenue.

    Scenario B: Internet Bank

    Imagine you work for a start-up company that is launching an internet bank. The internet bank will provide the following financial products and services to its customers:

    · Accounts and deposits

    · Credit, debit, and travel cards

    · Loans

    · Insurance

    · Investments

    · Tax services

    Senior management and investors have identified the following key technical factors for the success of the internet bank:

    · Scalability: The technology and software application infrastructure must accommodate high growth and new users without impacting the service levels delivered to existing users.

    · Availability: Users must be supported with robust, consistent, and reliable access; excellent performance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    · Security: Industry-accepted security practices and a multi-level authentication system have to be put in place to authenticate and identify each user before they access their accounts and initiate transactions.

    · Manageability: The technology and software applications infrastructure must be easy to manage, support, and update.

    You have been assigned to analyze your organization and develop a technical architecture to support the business processes of this internet bank.

    Scenario C: Student-Defined

    Describe a business scenario (including short descriptions of the related business processes that make up that scenario, which can be similar to the descriptions in Scenario A and Scenario B) that you are interested in developing into a project. Remember to submit your description to your instructor for approval as soon as possible.

    Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

    Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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