Topic 5 DQ 2

 One way to disagree with a review is to question the expectations, or criteria, that an author has for the subject of his or her review. Describe how well the website you have chosen for your evaluation essay meets your expectations/criteria. 

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Reviewing a website about ADHD


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Development of the set of criteria

Various disorders exist not only in children but also in adults. As an example, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a type of disease that affects the majority of the children despite their genders and even ages but it affects them uniformly. It is also a common disorder with the majority of the children being affected are those of the male gender. Therefore, the essential set of criteria which the general public might view the website as being acceptable as far as the disease is concerned exist. One of the essential aspects of the criteria that might be used by the general public includes whoever is most affected by the disease. In this case, the children are the most affected with the male gender being the most prone individuals to this disease. The male children appear to be the most affected persons in this case and therefore, the selection of the website will be the one that shows the male individuals being the most affected.

The second criteria include the age of the children that are affected by the disorder. In this case, it has been revealed that children of all ages are affected and it does not matter the age of the person that is involved. The only difference is that the male gender children are the most affected while the female gender children are the least affected, (Ougrin, et. al., 2010). The other criteria that are important for choosing a website are the one that offers the general treatment and care for the children suffering from this disease and as such, the criteria might be deemed to be effective for choosing the website.

Description of the website

As far as the above set of criteria and the involved disorder is concerned, a certain website might be chosen and also described. In this regard, the essential website that might be selected is the Mayo Clinic Website. It is an excellent website that might be important for dealing with the disorder and also fits the above-selected set of criteria for dealing with the situation. When it comes to the description of this clinic, it is important to note that Mayo Clinic is a non-profit and a worldwide leader in medicinal care, research, and also educating the people from all areas of the world and life. Its mission entails the aim of contributing to the well-being and also the health of the people by contributing to the best care of each patient via integrated clinical practice, educating the people, and also researching on the prevailing diseases that are affecting the majority of the people. It is also important to reveal that it is located in Rochester in Minnesota and it is among the first providers of healthcare for the people suffering from certain disorders. Bearing the above information in mind, it is important to realize that the clinic has an essential website that could lead a person to get all that it offers and the website is It is the selected website because of the reasons listed below.

Concerning the set of criteria described above, the website has managed to meet all the set of criteria. As an example, the website has been successful in revealing that it provides numerous medications for the children that are suffering from certain disorders such as ADHD. The website has also indicated that the clinic has been offering numerous services that deal with children in this category and these services have been proven to be important and working. The other important thing for proving the website to be ideal is that it has shown that children of all ages are likely to suffer from such disorders despite gender and age. As an example, children of all ages are likely to suffer from the disorder but the most vulnerable ones are those of the male gender. Due to this vulnerability, the male gender needs to be catered to by the nursing practitioners by giving them a priority as they are the most vulnerable. The website has also been proven to be providing the essential care and services that are required by the medical practitioners and as a result, it might be right to argue that it has managed to perform the criteria that have been chosen above.

The other important thing to realize is that the above website was developed to reveal to the parents that with immediate attention and treatment to the children that are suffering from ADHD, they might learn to live successfully with the damage they have been facing and also manage those symptoms they are suffering from and all this is what the above organization and its website were meant to reveal. It also aimed at providing hope to the students that they might survive and live a better life despite what they have faced in the past and this is an important aspect when it comes to the lives of the children that would be suffering from the disorder.


Dennis Ougrin, Sandie Chatterton, and Ricky Banarsee. (July 2010). Attention deficiency hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Review for primary care clinicians.

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