Topic: 1. Should high school students be allowed in college classrooms?

I need an Outline using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (Attached is the template and an example.)

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I need an Annotated Bibliography Reference Page using APA format. 

I need a written out speech that last no longer than 10 minutes about the subject(Should high School Students be allowed in college classrooms).

Please use good creditable sources that I can Site.


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This assignment asks you to synthesize and reflect critically on the ten sources you plan to use for your final persuasive speech. Summarize each source and tell how you will use the source for your speech.

Each annotation should be at least 75 words, double spaced, using Microsoft Word. Be sure to include your name, date, and course on your paper.

The Annotation

The annotation is a brief paragraph following the citation. See the two examples provided below. Create the citation using APA documentation style. Include the following in your annotation:

· condense the content of the source (write a brief summary of the information)

· evaluate the credibility of the source (analyze for authority, accuracy, currency, objectivity)

· assess the usefulness or relevant application of the source

· identify the writer’s background (expertise or layman knowledge)

· describe your reaction and how it will contribute to your speech (credible source? value of source? analytical/emotional reaction?)

Below is an example with two annotations:

Annotated References

Flynn, N. (n.d.). Internet Policies. ePolicy Institute. ePolicy Institute.

This excerpt from Flynn’s The ePolicy Handbook offers statistics on employee Internet use and five suggestions for minimizing it. Flynn claims that the majority of employees in the United States are using company time to surf the Internet and that companies are suffering huge financial losses as a result. Her suggestions for minimizing personal Internet use include establishing a company Internet policy and installing Orlov 2 monitoring software. This is consistent with the suggestions of many other sources.

Greene, S. (1992). Mining Texts in Reading to Write. Journal of Advanced Composition, 12(1), 151-67.

This article works from the assumption that reading and writing inform each other, particularly in the matter of rhetorical constructs. Greene introduces the concept of “mining texts” for rhetorical situations when reading with a sense of authorship. Considerations for what can be mined include language, structure, and context, all of which can be useful depending upon the writer’s goals. The article provides some practical methods that compliment Doug Brent’s ideas about reading as invention.


Title: Should high school students be allowed in college classrooms…

Speaker: Joy Ramsingh

Specific Purpose: To show people how beneficial it is for High school students to be able to attend college courses, sit in the classroom and get a feel for how it would be attending.

I. Introduction (attention)

A. Attention-getter:

B. Establishment of ethos: While in High school, not so long ago, I attended classes at a community college. It was an experience that has been on record since I started college and I am glad that I got the chance to take college courses early on for many reasons.


II. Need

A. Main idea 1 with supporting material (such as a statistic or quotation)

1. Subpoint (optional)

2. Subpoint (optional)

B. Main idea 2 with supporting material

1. Subpoint (optional)
2. Subpoint (optional)

(Internal summary)


III. Satisfaction

A. Main idea 3 with supporting material

1. Subpoint (optional)
2. Subpoint (optional)

B. Main idea 4 with supporting material

1. Subpoint (optional)
2. Subpoint (optional)
(Internal summary)

IV. Visualization

A. Main idea 5 with supporting material

1. Subpoint (optional)
2. Subpoint (optional)

B. Main idea 6 with supporting material

1. Subpoint (optional)

2. Subpoint (optional)

(Internal summary)

(Transition to conclusion)

V. Action

A. Summarize and review taking action (overall theme including each step of Monroe’s motivated sequence)

B. Tie to the introduction

C. Provide memorable, creative conclusion (end with impact)

COM231– Persuasive Speech – (25%)

Students will develop and deliver a 7 to 10 minute persuasive speech on a controversial topic. The purpose of the speech is to persuade, not simply to argue. To be effective, you must deal with oppositional arguments in a fair and convincing way. Good persuaders do not ignore the opposition, nor do they simply attack the opposition, they engage the opposition’s arguments in an even-handed way. The speech outline will be organized using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence which is discussed on page 190 in the textbook.
At this point you should select your top two choices for a topic from the list below. Topics will be approved as they are posted online. Once a student has selected a topic, that topic will be closed. Students will then craft a speech based on research and their beliefs and opinions about the issue. For now, identify topics of interest and begin thinking about what you want to persuade the audience to do in regards to your topic.

· Speaking time length: 7-10 minutes extemporaneous delivery with a Q & A after the speech (Q&A not counted as part of the speaking time). Each student will have a minimum of 15 minutes (and a maximum of 20) at the podium for the combined speech and Q & A.

· Q & A required. Hold a 10 minute Q & A at the end of your formal speech. You should initiate the Q & A by asking if there are any questions (online students – prepare your audience beforehand; you may even give them questions to ask you about your topic). Follow the protocol in Appendix B in the textbook to conduct your Q&A – your instructor will grade on use of the protocol.

· An APA bibliography of ten or more sources is required.

· Review the speech topics and rank your top 2 choices. It is advisable to select a topic you have a strong opinion on in order to give a convincing presentation. The purpose of a persuasive speech is to change or reinforce the audience’s response to a controversial issue. Students must clearly advocate a position, and structure an argument for a particular viewpoint, using various sources to support your argument. Students are expected to convince the audience to alter their beliefs, attitudes or behavior about the topic. Your selection of supporting data is very important as you will have no more than 10 minutes to give the speech.

Topic for the Persuasive Speech:

1. Should high school students be allowed in college classrooms?

Spear 1

Brandi Spear

Formal Outline for Persuasive Speech

Kevin Miller, professor

CO215: Public Speaking

Huntington University

30 November 2015


Topic: Professional women’s soccer players should not be considered less valuable

than professional men’s soccer players

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that professional women’s soccer

players should be considered just as valuable as professional men’s soccer players

Thesis: Professional women’s soccer players should be considered just as valuable

as professional men’s soccer players. [Statement of


Outline Organization of Main Points: Monroe’s motivated sequence


[Attention step] Sydney Leroux and Jozy Altidore both play for the United States

National Teams. They are both 25 and they are both strikers. Leroux has a goal per

game ratio of .486, while Altidore’s is only .338. Both of them made the US World

Cup teams, where Leroux won and Altidore only made it to the round of 16. Leroux

Spear 2

was given a bonus of $20,000, while Altidore was given a $76,000 bonus. [Story:


[Audience connector] How would you feel if this was you? Would you feel less

valued? [Rhetorical question]

[Topic orientation step] Women’s soccer players are certainly treated as if they

are less important than their men counterparts.

[Thesis] My thesis is that professional women’s soccer players should be

considered just as valuable as professional men’s soccer players. [Statement of


[Preview] We will first consider this problem and where it stems from and then we

will discuss how changes can be made.


I. Both the US Soccer Federation and FIFA consider women’s soccer players to

be less valuable than the


A. As aforementioned, the US Soccer Federation gave out World Cup

bonuses to both the men and the women. [Motivational appeal:


1. The women won the tournament and only received $20,000

per person.

2. The men were given $76,000 just for making the World Cup

team, and they went on to get knocked out in the round of 16.

[Fact: Wahl]

Spear 3

3. This shows that the men are clearly seen as more valuable, as

they can perform worse than the women, but still get paid

nearly four times the amount of the women.

B. FIFA made the women play their World Cup on turf, which has never

been used for a major tournament in the history of soccer, as it is

considered inferior to natural grass. [Motivational appeal:


C. FIFA paid the Men’s World Cup winners more than the Women’s

World Cup winners.

1. The men received $35 million while the women received $2

million. [Statistic: Dellinger]

a. Many FIFA supporters say this is because women’s

revenue is much less. [Counter-Argument]

b. This is true, but FIFA does not give women a chance.

c. FIFA made companies bid for the TV rights of the next

two Men’s World Cups, with them being sold at $425

million, while they gave away the Women’s rights for

free. [Fact: Baxter]

2. When FIFA’s secretary general Jerome Valcke, was asked about

what can be done to lessen the disparity, he stated, “That’s not

even a question I will answer because it is nonsense.” [Quote:

Johnson] [Meaningful pause]

Spear 4

3. FIFA certainly considers the men to be more valuable, as they

consider paying the women more “nonsense”. [Rational

Appeal: Reasoning through credibility-authority]

[Transition: In order for women’s soccer players to be

seen as valuable as men by all Americans, FIFA must

first make changes in how it is run.]


II. If FIFA begins to implement new policies and US media starts supporting the

women’s professional league, women will begin to be seen as just as valuable

as the men.

A. Firstly, FIFA needs to back the NWSL, just as it backs the MLS.

1. The minimum men’s salary in the MLS is $60,000. [Statistic:


2. The minimum women’s salary in the NWSL is $6,842, which is

$5,000 below the poverty line of $11,770. [Statistic: Fortier]

[Meaningful pause]

3. According to Alicia Johnson of Bustle Magazine, “if FIFA were

to begin spending anywhere near as much on women’s soccer

as men’s soccer, national programs would be better able to

sustain themselves and their league counterparts…and it could

be used to improve training, facilities, and salaries.” [Quote:


Spear 5

B. Secondly, media in the United States needs to value the woman as

much as the men.

1. As of now, ESPN only airs women’s sports 2.0% of the time.

[Fact: Cooky]

2. Of that 2.0%, women’s soccer is aired less than 3.4% of the time,

which means out of ESPN’s whole year programming, it is aired

less than .0034% of the time. [Fact: Cooky]

3. Many people believe the men are more valuable because it is more

exciting. [Counter-argument]


III. Look at this goal in the World Cup Final by Carli Lloyd; a half field shot that

clinched the win for the US. [Example: Mello] [Show video clip of Carli

Lloyd’s World Cup Goal]


IV. With greater exposure of the women’s game, more people would see how

entertaining women’s soccer is, and ESPN could play a prominent role in adding

value to the sport. [Rational Appeal: Causal reasoning-snowballing]

[Topic and thesis summary] Even though women’s soccer players are currently

seen as less valuable than the men, there are multiple steps that FIFA and the

media can take to help change this. [Audience reconnection and clincher

statement] The women work just as hard, play just as long, and are just as

exciting to watch as the men, so we should view them equally valuable to the


Spear 6

Works Cited

Baxter, Kevin. “FIFA Could Do More to Lessen Gender Inequality in World Cup

Interest.” Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 11 July 2015. Web. 21 Nov.


Cooky, Cheryl, Michael Messner, and Michela Musta. “”It’s Dude Time!”: A Quarter

Century of Excluding Women’s Sports in Televised News and Highlight Shows.”

Sage Journals. Sage Publishing, 24 July 2015. Web. 21 Nov. 2015.

Dellinger, Hampton. “The Grass Ceiling: How to Conquer Inequality in Women’s

Soccer.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 05 July 2015. Web. 20 Nov.


Fortier, Sam. “The Minimum Pro Female Soccer Salary Is Below the Poverty Line.”

Esquire. Equire, 07 July 2015. Web. 21 Nov. 2015.

Johnson, Alicia Lorene. “Why Don’t Female Soccer Players Get Equal Pay?” Bustle.

Bustle, 15 June 2015. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.

Mello, Igor. “WATCH: Carli Lloyd Scores Absurd Goal from Midfield in Final vs.

Japan.” CBS Sports, 05 July 2015. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.

Wahl, Grant. “More World Cup Incentive: How Much Is a Roster Spot worth for U.S.

Players in Brazil?” Sports Illustrated, 20 May 2014. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.

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