To do IRB application

 Attached, you will see the section that requires your input.  Add the survey link there
Describe data source(s) (location of data), if applicable. If an online survey, include the survey link(s) here.
Add your survey link here
Address the question related to this information below.  Where are you getting the data for these two items below.  Add that to the Application in this section.

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Revenues posted on the date earned and 

Expenses posted as resources are used. 

Research Information

0. Insert all required information in this form.

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Describe research including the following:

Overview of Study:

The recognition of revenue in relation to contract modifications of licenses of intellectual property     

Research methodology:

Online Survey wiith 10 multiple choice questions will be conducted and existing data collected from public online database

Research purpose:

Analyis and Application of Revenue Recognition What will be required of study participants?:

Answers to 10 multiple choice questions Will deception be used in the study? If yes, explain.

N/A Will audio or video recordings be used in the study? If yes, explain.

N/A Describe data source(s) (location of data), if applicable. If an online survey, include the survey link(s) here.

Revenues posted on the date earned and Expenses posted as resources are used.

Keiser Library Explain your access to data source(s), if applicable. (Permissions to online venues, email distribution, access to sample etc.)

The Free version of Monkey Survey Define subject specific jargon.

Services Revenues Recognition

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