Thesis final draft

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Running head: GRAD 699 TEMPLATE 1


Thesis Guideline
GRAD 699
Stanley Nwoji, PhD
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Harrisburg, Pensylvannia


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This guideline covered different sections of the ISEM thesis including: introduction, literature review, research design and methodology, results, discussion of results, recommendation, and conclusion. The components of the introduction were all given: background, problem statement, purpose statement, research questions and objectives, theoretical framework, hypothesis(es), significance of study, definition of terms, ethical considerations, delimitation and limitation. In the literature review section, the topic must be operationalized to researchable headings, and existing literature on the headings sourced and critically examined to: build the proposal on a wider context, find gaps in literature, methods, and theories. The research design and methods section must convince readers about the research worldview, research design, research strategy, method of data collection, method of data analysis, population or unit of analysis, and sample (if needed). The result section must show the results of analyses of collected data. In the discussion of results section, the results are discussed based on existing literature, theories, and methodologies. Finally, recommendations and conclusions are included. If students follow the sequence in this course, they will be able to produce publishable and excellent theses.

Keywords: Thesis, Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methods and Design.

Table of Contents

Different Sections of the Thesis


The Front-Matter


The Title Page


The Abstract


The Table of Content


List of Tables


List of figures



Background 7
Problem Statement 7
Purpose Statement 7
Research Questions and Objectives 7
Theoretical Framework 8
Hypothesis 8
Significance of Study 8
Definition of Terms 8
Ethical Considerations 8
Delimitation 9
Limitation 9
Literature Review 9
Researchable headings 9
Factors affecting the Study 9
Review of Methodologies 10
Review of Theories 10
Theoretical Framework 10
Research Design and Methodology 11
Research Worldview 11
Research Design 11
Research Strategy 12
Method of Data Collection 12
Method of Data Analysis 12
Population 12
Sample 12
Results 12

Presentation of Quantitative Design Results


Presentation of Qualitative Design Results


Presentation of Mixed-Method Design Results


Discussion of Results











References 18

Different Sections of the Thesis

The thesis has different sections including the following: The Front-Matter, Introduction, Literature Review, Research design and methodology, Results, Discussion of Results, Recommendation, and Conclusion. The thesis must also have sections on references and appendices. These sections of the thesis are discussed in this template. It is important that students understand each section, and write accordingly, to be able to meet the standards of an excellent thesis.

The Front-Matter

The front-matter are those sections of the thesis that are first seen by the audience. They include the following: the title page, abstract, table of content, list of tables, and the list of figures. These sections are very technical and must follow, as is in the other sections of the thesis, the APA style of writing. Technical mistakes could add noise to the thesis, and students must work hard to prevent this. Although, the front-matter is the first part of the thesis to be seen by the audience, it should be the last part to be written. For instance, since the abstract is the summary of the whole paper, there is no way you can write a good abstract at the beginning of the paper. The table of content shows the pages of the first level headings and the second level headings. There is no way this component of the thesis can be done if the thesis has been completed. Again, the front-matter should be the last aspect of the thesis to be completed.

The Title Page

The title page must have the following information: the title or topic of the thesis, the name of the author, the name of the university, a statement about the submission of the thesis (Thesis submitted to Dr. Stanley C Nwoji in fulfillment of GRAD 699), and the date of the submission of the thesis. All these statements must be centered in every direction of the paper. The title page must be in the APA style. The font must be New Times Roman, 12”. It must not be colored or bold. The font must be more than 12 points. There must not be any decorations or underlining.

The Abstract

The abstract is the summary of every aspect of the research in not more than 200 words. The abstract must include the problem statement, the research design, the research strategy, the method of data collection, the method of data analysis, the results, and the recommendation. Abstracts must end with keywords.

The Table of Content

The table of content directs the audience of the thesis to the pages containing the first level headings and the second level headings. Note that the second level headings in the table of contents are indented to the right, while the first level headings start from the margin of the paper.

List of Tables

Tables are made up of rows and columns. Graphics, in the thesis, which do not have columns and rows are figures. Labels must be on top of each table. These labels must explain the table. A list of tables must be provided, resembling a table of content, showing the pages where the tables are located.

List of figures

Figures are every graphic that do not have rows and columns. They could be maps, drawings, charts, etc. Labels for figures must be put after the figures, unlike, the tables where the labels are above the tables. The labels must explain the figure. A list of tables, resembling a table of content, must be provided. It must contain the pages where the figures are located.



This section should hook the reader. My preference is that the student should use statistical data or a scholarly story (a story that can be traced to a reputable article or magazine or news or …). The student must show how because of the statistics there is need to do the research.

Problem Statement

A problem is the difference between the actual and the desired (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). I like to see students write about the desired, and then show how there is a gap between the actual and the desired. They then state the problem in such a way that no one can doubt that this is a problem. This section should end with the student showing that the research is set up to address this problem.

Purpose Statement

A purpose statement is not merely about writing a purpose. The elements of a purpose statement should be the following: the problem, the research design, research strategy, the method of data collection, the method of data collection, the variables, and the reasons for choosing the design (Creswell, 2014).

Research Questions and Objectives

Questions should be derived from a well formulated theoretical framework (Marshall & Rossman, 2011). This section must have researchable questions, not merely a set of questions that have no link to any theoretical framework.

Theoretical Framework

In this section of the paper discuss the theoretical framework you designed. Take each variable and explain how they interact and iterate to cause or solve the problem being studied (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016; Lee & Lings, 2008).


Based on the theoretical framework designed, formulate hypothesis or hypotheses for the research. Remember that hypotheses are intelligent conjectures that need to be accepted or rejected based on findings from inferential statistical analyses (Strauss & Corbin, 2014).

Significance of Study

This section must show that the research is important (Marshall & Rossman, 2011). To show that a study is important, it must demonstrate it has filled gaps in literature, gaps in methodology, and gaps in theory. It should also be shown that the study affects other areas of knowledge.

Definition of Terms

All terms contained in topic must be defined. Definitions must be scholarly; they must be extracted from journal articles and books (Creswell, 2014; Cooper & Schindler, 2011). They are to be critiqued, not merely written down. The preferred definition must be shown.

Ethical Considerations

Research must be done ethically (Walton, 2017; Todd, et al., 2017; Eriksen, 2016). This section of the paper is to show that the research proposed will be done in an ethical manner. Human subjects will not be involved without their consent. The risks of the research must be clearly shown to them. The researcher must be able to say how risks will be reduced.


Delimitations are demographic and other boundaries of the research (Cristina-Elena, 2017; Nitescu & Dobre-Baron, O, 2017). Criteria for inclusion and criteria for exclusion must be given.


All the constraints of the research must be shown including time, financial constraints, and other constraints or problems associated with the research.

Literature Review

Topic must be operationalized to researchable headings. For example, the topic: “Remittances to Five English Speaking West African Countries” can be operationalized into the researchable headings, and those headings could then become second level headings.

Researchable headings

The researchable headings that must be included for this thesis topic are: Remittances, West African Countries, Remittances to West African Countries, English Speaking West African Countries, Remittances to 5 English Speaking West African Countries. These headings must be second-level headings, that is, they must be flushed to the left and made bold. You must look for articles that have been written on the headings and critically analyze them using other articles. Other headings that must follow are: factors affecting the study, review of theories, review of methodologies, and theoretical framework.

Factors affecting the Study

The isolation of variables (factors) affecting the study are very important because they will help construct a theoretical framework. They become the independent variables of the study. You must extract these factors from existing scholarly articles and books. In this study, our interest will be Factors affecting remittances sent to 5 English Speaking West African Countries.

Review of Methodologies

Existing methods for studying the topic (in this case, remittances) are reviewed and critiqued. For example, did existing scholars use quantitative or qualitative or mixed-method approaches? Why or why not? If there are gaps in methodologies, then, they must be shown.

Review of Theories

Theories explaining the topic (in this case, remittances) are reviewed, and critiqued. Each of the theories must be named, explained, and critiqued. If there are gaps in theories, then the gaps must be shown.

Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework based on literature is formulated. A schematic diagram shown the model is given, and explained. Hypotheses are then carefully formulated based on the theoretical framework, and research questions are also derived from the framework.


You should note that the topic: “Remittances to 5 English-Speaking West African Countries,” was used for an example. You must do the same with your topic. Each heading operationalized must be properly researched using scholarly articles from reputable journals, books, reputable trade journals, periodicals, conference proceedings, and reports. At this level of education, the use of websites as scholarly articles is prohibited.

Research Design

and Methodology

Research Worldview

Is it post-positivism, or constructivism, or advocacy, or pragmatism (Creswell, 2014; Bisel & Adame, 2017). The chosen worldview must be explained, and the reason for choosing it must be carefully articulated.

Research Design

A research design that is aligned to the chosen worldview is given (Creswell, 2014 (Bornstein, 2017)). The chosen design is explained, and the reason for the choice given.

Table 1: Table explaining the relationship between research worldview, design, strategy, method of data collection and analysis.

Research Worldview

Research Design

Research Strategy

Method of Data Collection

Method of Data Analysis



Experiment and/or Survey

Close-ended questionnaire or observed experiment

Descriptive and Inferential Analyses



Grounded Theory, Case Study, Ethnography, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, etc.

Open-ended questionnaire, Interview, focus group, panel, observations, video, etc.

3-level coding



Same as above, feminism, participatory strategy

Same as above

3-level coding


Mixed Method Approach

Concurrent, Sequential, and Transformative

Mixed: e.g. interview and close-ended questionnaire

Mixed: descriptive, Inferential, and 3-level coding.

Research Strategy

See figure 1. A strategy must be chosen that aligns with the research worldview, and the research design. The strategy chosen must be explained, and the reason for the choice given.

Method of Data Collection

See figure 1. A data collection method that aligns with the research worldview, the research design, and the research strategy must be given. The chosen method of data collection must be explained. The reason for choosing this method of data collection must be defended.

Method of Data Analysis

See figure 1. A method of data analysis that aligns with the research worldview, the research design, the research strategy, and the method of data collection must be given. The chosen method of data analysis must be explained and defended.


The population must be explained. Who are they? Their demographic boundaries must be properly explained as well. The reason for choosing this population must also be shared. Are there some peculiarities about them that must be discussed? Are they too large for this research?


If they are too large, then a sample must be chosen. How the sample was chosen should be discussed. Validity and reliability must be supported.


The presentation of your result is extremely important. Many scholars will argue with you to understand if your research is valid and reliable. It is therefore very important that you show your results to be accurate, valid, and reliable. In this section of the template, students will be shown how to present results for quantitative, qualitative and mixed method designs. It is important to note the differences between the presentation of results of the different designs. Recall that research is very systematic, and when the system is followed, and excellent work results.

Presentation of Quantitative Design Results

There are two important components of the quantitative design, and both must be present in this section of the thesis. These two components are: Results of Descriptive Analyses and Results of Inferential Analyses. The Results of the Descriptive Analyses will describe the results using statistical summaries, tables, and charts. The Results of the Inferential Analyses will show results from tests of hypotheses.

Results from Descriptive Analysis. Descriptive analysis will result in frequencies, measures of central tendencies (mean, median, and mode), measures of dispersions (range, standard deviation, variations), numerical measures of relative standing (z-scores, rank, quartiles, percentiles), and cross-tabulations. It is important to note that descriptive analysis can only summarize data; it does not lead to the acceptance or rejection of hypothesis. It does prepare the data for inferential analysis. “Descriptive statistics are limited in so much that they only allow you to make summations about the people or objects that you have actually measured. You cannot use the data you have collected to generalize to other people or objects (i.e., using data from a sample to infer the properties/parameters of a population). For example, if you tested a drug to beat cancer and it worked in your patients, you cannot claim that it would work in other cancer patients only relying on descriptive statistics (but inferential statistics would give you this opportunity)” (Laerd Statistics, 2013).

Results from Inferential Analysis. Whereas descriptive analysis describes and summarizes data collected, inferential analysis makes generalized inferences about the data collected. This means that through inferential analysis, the hypothesis propounded, is accepted or rejected using statistical inferential models. The conclusions from inferential analysis extends beyond collected data to a larger population. Examples of inferential tests include: t-tests (one sample t-test, paired sample t-test, and independent group t-test), ANOVA (One-Way ANOVA, and Two-Way, ANOVA), Correlations (Pearson and Spearman), and Regressions (Simple Linear, Multiple-Linear, and Logistic). Data can show a parametric or non-parametric distribution. Non-parametric distributions have alternative inferential analytical models. It is important, therefore, to: (1) show if your distribution is parametric or non-parametric (2) understand and use the right inferential model for your thesis. The results of these analyses must be presented using tables and charts and explaining them.

Intelligent Tools can help. There are intelligent tools like MS-Excel, SAS, and R, which are able to help students do descriptive and inferential analysis with the click of the mouse. The added advantage is that these tools can produce the tables and charts you need for your result section.

Presentation of Qualitative Design Results

The best way to present results of a qualitative research is to divide the results into concepts, categories, and themes. First, show a table of concepts. Second, show a table of concepts, categories and themes. Finally show the triangulation of the themes into theoretical constructs. Each table must be explained.

Concepts. Participants responses must be coded into concepts. As a researcher, take careful notes of participants responses. These responses must be read over and over again to understand all the concepts within the participants’ responses. These concepts must be written down. A table of the concepts can be shown in the results.

Categories. Concepts, certainly, will be too many to grasp. They must, therefore, be put into categories. This means that related concepts must be combined (or coded) into categories to reduce the large number of concepts. This will lead to better understanding of the concepts within the participants’ responses.

Themes. The categories must also be coded into themes, which means that related categories will be combined into themes. This is the final level of the analysis.

Themes must be triangulated. The themes must be triangulated into theoretical constructs. This means that each theme must be related to the dependent variable of the research so that a theoretical framework or construct is modeled.

Intelligent tools can help. There are qualitative analytical tools that can help students analyze qualitative data. They include the following: Nvivo, MAXQDA, Atlas.ti, and Dedoose.

Presentation of Mixed-Method Design Results

The presentation of mixed-method design results is a combination of the quantitative and the qualitative. There must be a section showing the quantitative results, then, followed by the qualitative or vice versa. A section that compares the two results must be present.


The result section of the thesis does not discuss the result; it simply shows and explains the results. It does not share any opinions about the result. It does not relate the result to existing literature or theories. It simply states the result as it is and adds nothing to it. Results cannot be tampered with. There is a section of the thesis that is dedicated to the discussion of the results.

Discussion of Results

Results must be discussed, not merely shown. There are many ways to discuss results. First, discuss whether the results solved the problem of the research. Second, show how the results have answered the various research questions posed by the research. In quantitative research, acceptance or rejection of hypotheses can help support your answers. Third, discuss how the results relate to existing literature. For instance, do the results agree with existing literature or do they disagree? Do they modify existing assumptions and literature? Fourth, do the results agree with existing theories? Why? How? Fifth, discuss new discoveries made by the research. Are there gaps in literature, theories, and methodologies that the research has filled? Sixth, discuss the significance of these findings.


The thesis must have a section for recommendations. Recommendations can be prescriptive. Prescriptive recommendations suggest things that must be done to solve the problem of the research. These prescriptive recommendations must be based on the findings of the research and supported by existing literature.

Recommendations, however, must not be merely prescriptive. They must include recommendations for future research. In fact, in a thesis, the recommendation for further research is more important than prescriptions. Every research is a template for further investigations. It is not academic to see a thesis as being terminal. It must be programmatic; it must lead to more research.


The conclusions must summarize the whole research and all the findings of the research. The conclusion being a summary should not be more than 500 words. It should include: the problem statement, the research questions, the research design, the research strategy, the method of data collection, the method of data analysis, the results of the research, and the recommendations of the research.


The back-end of a thesis must include the references and the appendices. The reference must have a matching list of all in-text citations. The appendices must include all the important documents and tables not included in the body of the thesis.


Every literature cited in-text must be included in a reference list at the end of the thesis. This reference list must follow the APA style. See the reference list in this template to understand how to present an APA styled reference list.


Appendices will include all materials that were not included in the body of the thesis but are important for understanding the thesis. Examples are: consent forms, questionnaires, pictures, important tables and diagrams, etc. Appendices must be labeled using alphabets: Appendix A, Appendix B, … Appendix N.


Bisel, R. S., & Adame, E. A. (2017). Post-Positivist/Functionalist Approaches. In University of California, & Arizona State University, The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication (pp. 1-22). Hopoken, NJ: Wiley.

Bornstein, M. H. (2017). Parenting in acculturation: two contemporary research designs and what they tell us. Current Opinion in Psychology, 15, 195-200.
Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2011). Business Research Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches2014. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Cristina-Elena, M. (2017). Conceptual Delimitations Regarding School Show Choreography. Young Scientist, 43.1(3.1), 16-19.
Eriksen, C. (2016). Research Ethics, Trauma and Self Care: reflections on disaster geographies. Australian Geographer, 1-6.
Laerd Statistics. (2013). FAQs – Descriptive and Inferential Statistics. Retrieved November 13, 2017, from Laerd Statistics:
Lee, N., & Lings, I. (2008). Doing Business Research: A guide to theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2011). Designing Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Nitescu, A., & Dobre-Baron, O. (2017). Theoretical Delimitations Regarding the Management of Start-up Business. Calitatea, suppl. , 354-357.
Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2016). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (2014). Basics of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Todd, M. E., Torrence, B. S., Watts, L. L., Mulhearn, M. S., Connelly, S., & Mumford, M. D. (2017). Effective Practices in the Delivery of Research Ethics Education: A Qualitative Review of Instructional Methods. Accountability in Research, 24(5), 297-321.
Walton, N. (2017). What is Research Ethics? Retrieved May 31, 2017, from Research




Virtual Reality and its Connection to Human Perception

Harsha Vardhan Gunduboina

GRAD 695-52



The research conducted recently shows that Virtual Reality (VR) has been used at different degrees due to its functionality of design intent and construction methodologies. It holds a vast ideology of perception-action. From the conception of the final steps of VR, its effectiveness is demonstrated. It is a therapy modality that allows exposure of clients to different forms of the environment as generated computer virtual reality. Technology is effectively used to treat psychological disorders through the VR. This paper aims at showing the dedicated virtual technology that stipulates the interaction between human beings and the computer hence a link to the virtual environment that captures the user’s motions that act on one’s senses and finally the computation of the virtual experience in real-time.

Keywords; virtual reality, perception.

Table of contents

Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Table of contents 3


Importance 5


The virtual reality 7

Remote presence


The ability to influence


Approach to perception


Perceptual representations


Theoretical view

Constructing Human Psychological Reality 16

Perception is reality.




Lack of Perception in External Representations


Direct and indirect realists

Conclusion 22


Relationship to CPT

As part of my job I need make a creative difference so the development innovative and logical limits in the fields of PC vision, mechanical autonomy, camera and catch innovation, expanded and virtual reality, man-made reasoning, AI, materials and creation, and conduct science part of me what to explore and right now I am working on the web applications but the future for me that I am seeing is virtual reality and I want to the company that I am working to move towards to virtual technology and this research will help me give insights and understand the biggest value that can be added to the an particular project .s


Virtual reality is widely used in different domains that benefit from the development of technology that comes from video games with regards to computers. Virtual reality takes into account the virtual environment with humans at the center where there is interaction due to the technologies. Therefor for an efficient virtual reality application, the knowledge of techniques ad human factors is required. Over the past decades, technology has made a lot of advancements majorly in the VR. The stimulation from the virtual reality is of a three-dimensional image for people to interact with the environment. Cognitive thought is expressed and visualized through the physical expressions due to the models in mind.

VR is a common trend and an area where many have conducted research on and come up with a verity of applications in many fields, for instance, medicine, military, industrial training, and aerospace, to mention but a few. Scientists work on the area of hope, as vision is not easily understood by many. They are trying to use VR to make the experience more realistic despite not being well understood. It’s therefore used for industrial communication due to its technological development despite the challenges faced (Mathew, 2017)

Early, there was a broad range of explanations for virtual reality or quite different points of virtual reality. To some, virtual reality related to a collection of human-computer action technologies that included the top-mounted stereo display, glove information device, and sound. To others, the virtual world differed from the conventional image in that it is represented engineering patterns as three-dimensional objects that might be controlled on the machine display rather than as two-dimensional drawings on paper. To others, the virtual world immersed one in the computer-generated situation. The general factor to all of these definitions is that virtual reality allows for the model to be the replica or concept of the real-life simulation, and it allows the person with simulated.


Some of what we believe of the virtual world today comes from the new advances in play and virtual reality headsets. This definition of virtual reality which is “the computer-generated model of a three-dimensional picture or situation that may be interacted with in a seemingly actual or tangible manner by the person using special equipment.” Some people do not realize that virtual reality has existed the thought ever since the 1930s.

Users are totally immersed in the computer-generated world when they have virtual reality. Virtual reality is the most well-known of immersive technologies. While this world of gambling and entertainment were early adopters of the virtual world, VR applications are today employed in numerous organizations and industries, including the personnel, technology and business, healthcare, education, business, and more.

Human perception can amplify and strengthen the sensory inputs to orientate, perceive, and act efficiently towards a particular stimulus. Something factual is proved by the sensory perception, for instance, for something to be well interpreted, it must be perceived objective and real either by the feeling or by witnessing. The assumed relationship between physical reality and perception is the visual sense that is scrutinized only when sight conditions are unfortunate. Touch seems to be the best experience for humans since it exhibits the physical proof. Visual perception satisfies individuals with what they see with the help of VR won’t be like the real image due to the cognitive constraints.

Identifying sensory mapping with the term sense or perception is a deliberate difference. Perception is the stimulation of sensory receptors at the point of the input. Knowledge is the point process of sensory stimuli into a significant structure involving consciousness. Perception is contingent on sense, but not all senses are perceived. Receptors are these structures (and sometimes entire cells) that observe senses. The structure or receptor cell is changed immediately by the stimulus. The transmembrane protein structure is a protein in the cell membrane that mediates the physical effect in the neuron, most frequently through the passage of ion channels or alterations in the cell signaling processes. Some transmembrane receptors exist triggered by chemicals named ligands. For instance, the molecule in food may serve as the ligand for taste receptors. Different transmembrane proteins, which are not accurately named receptors, are susceptible to mechanical or energy alterations. Physiological changes in these proteins change ion flow across the membrane and may create the graded possibility in the sensory neurons.


Stimulation entering the human senses determines a person’s awareness but still can choose what to attend, considering the human eye, which receives electromagnetic radiations and is expected to filter contrast, color, and depth. The flat retina has photoreceptors, which alters the received light into electrical signals that have after that filtered by the brain, which then influences our perception into three- dimensional world. For perfect VR, there is a primary need to cooperate with human factors.

Each of these senses is referred to as the sensory treatment. Modality relates to the way that data is encoded into the perception. These primary sensory modalities will be identified on the basis of how each input is transduced and perceived. These material senses add sensation and smell. The common meaning that is commonly referred to as feeling includes material sensation in the form of nociception, or feeling. Push, movement, muscle stretch, and the change of fabric by the outside stimulus are all sensed by mechanoreceptors and perceived as touching or proprioception. Audience and difference are likewise sensed by mechanoreceptors.

The world produces virtual reality. Like any quantity of human action, it involves the person and society in general. Furthermore, virtual reality is far-out media and gives its mark in a particular manner. Some immersive practical experiences affirm that people respond to them more emotionally than to conventional media. Let’s work out how empathy and the virtual world are interconnected and what is their potential at cultural conflicts ’ resolve. Empathy is the possibility to understand what other individual experiences as the result of his education. Very often, this concept is interpreted as the ability to empathize with the person or to place oneself in his or her home. This scope of expression of empathy varies widely, from the gentle emotional reaction to a full immersion in the reality of perceptions of another individual.

The virtual reality computerization

The software and hardware technologies in the virtual reality mutually interact with the user and transform him/her to the virtual environment working under the principle of creating a relationship between the user and a virtual environment. Computer graphics and real-time computing are the software, while human-computer interfaces are the hardware. The relations between the avatar (virtual user) and the virtual stimulus are directed to the user’s senses via the sensory feedback technologies and is performed by the real-time process. (Holly, 2016)

The virtual environment interaction aims to capture the user’s intention in real-time to refresh the motion and position. The perception users in the virtual environment realized in real-time are evaluated by the concept of sense and presence, which depends on the users’ body in the immersion process. Two essential VR components are results as a result of the interaction of the VR equipment. The remote perceptual stipulates the person using the VR hence obtaining perceptual data about a particular purpose by other means other than using the sense organs. For instance, visual data of a real object is obtained from a video camera user accessed through the binocular headset or the screen.

Remote presence

Remote presence facility is the other slight factor that enables the manipulation of objects remotely by the person handling the equipment. Movements are caused in the robotic equipment when the user manipulates it hence interacting with the object. Perceptual feedback is gotten through the interaction of the user and the remote object in a perceptual facility. Surgeons use the VR equipment in both real operations and training (Delaney, 2017).

With the development of animations, models, and online remote laboratories, where current equipment can be remotely controlled, it is becoming increasingly likely to do even traditional lab business on-line. Simultaneously, it is not always possible to see just what one wants online, although that can change over time. In different subject areas, e.g., studies, social sciences, and jobs, it is much easier to do the philosophy online. This is the crude method of defining the difference between face-to-face education and online learning for a mixed education course, but it least it’s the turn. It may be realized that these conclusions take to be comparatively spontaneous, from instructors’ knowledge of this subject field and their ability to think creatively about how to accomplish learning outcomes online. Yet, we have enough content today of learning online to learn that in most subject areas, a good deal of the skills and knowledge required to accomplish quality learning results can be taught online. It is no longer likely to reason that the default outcome must always be to do that education in a face-to-face way.

Within these broad categories, it is important to differentiate between applications that involve mobility, personal influence, or social interaction. Outside interaction with moving robots frequently is referred to as teleoperation or supervisory power, and outside interaction with the personal manipulator is frequently referred to as telemanipulation. Proximate interaction with mobile robots may take the form of a robot worker, and proximate action may allow the personal action. Social interaction includes cultural, emotional, and cognitive aspects of action. In social interaction, these humans and robots act as equals or fellows.

The ability to influence

The ability to influence the distant object or situation is an important characteristic for some telepresence users and can be applied in a large amount of ways dependent on the demands of the user. Typically, the motions of the person’s hands (positioning in place, and strength of those fingers) are sensed by wired gloves, inertial sensors, or pure abstraction position sensors. The robot at the distant position so copies those moves as close as possible. The power is also known as teleoperation.

Virtual reality, as well, is the illusion of reality that is inside the realistic, software-based reality. VR puts the person inside the experience. Instead of seeing the display before them, users are absorbed and are able to interact with 3D realities. By simulating as many senses as possible, e.g., sight, hearing, feeling, even sense, the computer is transformed into the gatekeeper to the artificial reality. VR is already being used by the number of militaries around the globe. The trains militants for the unsafe and difficult environments. VR still treats soldiers for parachute jumps and different crazy actions. The virtual world is also accustomed to present post-traumatic stress disorder. Soldiers suffering from battlefield injury and different mental circumstances will learn how to deal with their symptoms in the ‘safe’ situation.

Virtual reality — otherwise called immersive multimedia or computer-simulated experience — combines application with content innovation to create totally immersive environments. The stimulating environment education that does one enter the fantasy world. While Virtual reality as the technology has already been accommodated in the entertainment business because of its infinite storytelling possibility, It has also been expanding into different industries, too, as some of the marketing society are rapidly realizing its huge capacity in enhancing the user experience. So Essentially, Ted and Rouchelle will see in products at the department store without ever setting foot in the shop — no communication, no room hassles. And yes, with this immersive technology and content, it gives you but the feeling of being there in the comfortable moment. Rouchelle will tuck the children in furniture and enjoy shopping at ease. Thanks to the virtual world, e-commerce businesses might be able to get Rochelle’s dream of really looking the product in every angle, with fittings and trials option take the world well at-least a virtual reality!

Virtual reality also includes the artificial environment created by using a software, and the user knows it in such a way that the person considers it as the true situation. In virtual reality, instead of seeing the screen before the person, they get begun interacting with 3D worlds. In virtual reality, you completely have the feeling of you exist in the world and continue thinking the same. If you live in the VR world, the reality also goes with you, and these 3D realistic surroundings get you interactive. You will employ freelancers who have full knowledge of virtual reality idea. The virtual world plays an important part in the military aspect. It is important while developing soldiers in a dangerous place. The virtual world permits them to do it without any danger, but sometimes it induces loss. The virtual world is important at education and learning knowledge as it enables one huge group of students to interact with each other, too, as three-dimension environments. Using this virtual world idea, you can see the viability of the business by testing it before the operation, and one may learn about the amount of workers involved for making the building. Virtual reality also assists the creator.

While virtual reality may be a good asset for most of the existing areas of action, it may also be a huge disadvantage. This conventional training is from individual human connection and social connections. The virtual world is rather different; it is you and this code, and nothing else. This prospect of students getting addicted to their virtual reality is also huge. We’ve realized what TV games and powerful experiences do to people. We can still take drugs as a better example; if what people know is greater than their regular world, there’s really a huge chance of them becoming addicted.

Approach to perception

The VR users perceive the relevant concrete models (CMs), but putative nature representation models correspond to the objects in an occurring circumstance. It is a naturalistic approach that avoids the dependence of representing the virtual objects that are imagined. In consideration of perception theory, the casual interaction is desirable, and due to the VR features, that generates CMs and facilitates communication. The interaction theory of perception (ITP) is the disposal of one’s sense of organs resulting to changes in the object due to the person’s knowledge of the purpose. The ITP, in conjunction with VR, adequately explains the surgical and other pieces of training and its core use in the backing up the procedure taken on patients. (Finnegan, 2018)

Virtual Reality, even intelligent modeling technology, exploring science language and modeling methods for practical counterpart smart behavior; issues, e.g., physical, persistent, and intense conversation between users and virtual counterparts and virtual environments; intelligent counterpart modeling technology and method systems. Sophisticated computing chips and schemes. Exploring neural network processors, also as the high-energy ratio, reconfigurable brain-inspired technology chips, etc.; new-model knowledge chips and schemes, sophisticated technology system and systems, and AI operating systems. Exploring architectures suited for AI hybrid architectures, etc.

Human perception filters experience and produces structured mental representations, models that are cut in their quality to crucial aspects of the situation. Meanings are specified models: Relevant recurring aspects of particular situations are chosen and categorized. The results in semantic representations of the conceptual world. Modeling languages from computer science are aimed in developing models of the world , too. Both software models and semantic representations, therefore, aim in presenting abstract structures and aim in making this as efficiently, strictly, and intuitively as possible.

Having more in touch with virtual world history, I need to tell that the virtual world history started about 200 years ago. The virtual world idea appeared in 1839, and to the time is growing and evolving. The initial example of a VR receiver was a stereoscope. VR headset presentation was at this 1960 year. The VR headset offered users stereoscopic 3D content with broad sight and stereo sound. But think! Fifty-seven ages ago, VR headsets survived. So the VR headset runs a long way in its growth. From this very start, VR headsets were applied with martial applications. The early VR headsets were developing equipment to simulate this transport.

Perceptual representations

Perceptual representations may be modeled by ways of the perceptual similarity area, which is the hyperspace comprising of dimensions that correspond to the dimensions of objective quality location. The individual perception, in the model, can be conceived of as the sign in the perceptual similarity area. Exposure to the object causes the sign, and the sign is a measurement of the position of the object along each of the number of dimensions of the objective quality area. However, we may differentiate between the position that the entity is really in in objective level space and the fact in objective quality space that the mark, caused by exposure to the object, corresponds to. This perception that mark  can be correct but to the extent that the corresponding end in objective quality place is close to the position where the entity that is the cause of the mark actually is.

Relevant to our current issues, the theoretical aspects of ITP that are causal theories regarding perception. The sense organ such as the eye or the ear plays a vital role in the interactive structure, which is necessary for the casual process, which is supposed to be genuinely perceptual. The species which employ the sensory meditating process promotes the warning systems hence widely prevalent in the species. Secondly, achieving of the perceptual reference that involves casual chains in which objects which perceives objects. It outlines why we don’t view retinal images, unlike a practical purpose. The ITP plays a significant role in identifying relevant object perception. We perceive the worldly objects as to the retinal images due to the depositions that are acquired for casual interaction (Cullen, 2017).

Theoretical view

With regard to the theoretical view, it is essential to examine these various converging abstract sources. This is the initial work´s goal. In this respect, three foundational theories are examined: Socio-cognitive conflict hypothesis, the inter-subjectivity hypothesis, and the distributed knowledge concept, also relating to the computer-mediated cooperative education and the current group dynamics. With regard to the functional view, this study proposes an integrated strategy framework (later can be explained that fact for the use of the term, rather than technological) that teachers can implement within a collaborative educational concept. People learn about framework because they are not only dissociative techniques but manners of the process that all take to the process of cooperation of great educational sections or axes of all collaborative teaching: Encouragement of dialogue, Listening to others and common judgment; cooperation for dialogue and consensus-building work; the structure of action; learning and appropriation of bibliographic data; abstract discourse; corporate work. Therefore, such strategies are not meant as separate techniques, but as part of the theoretical-practical component encompassing all teaching event.

Sense perception how will we learn if our senses are tested? What is the character of expectation or belief at sense perception? What is the role of words at sense knowledge? Meaning knowledge is the process by which we will attain knowledge about the outer world. Traditionally, there were thought to take five senses: sight, touch, smell, sensation, and listening. However, some now contend that there are others, e.g., the sense of warmth, sense of feeling, appreciation of change, sense of weight and the sensations of desire and thirst, or a sense of where our body parts are. Historically, this perspective that these senses offer the foundation for all our knowledge was challenged by the thought that prior conceptions might be required before any knowledge takes place at all. So, it is common today to see sense knowledge as the active process of understanding the reality according to prior expectations, abstract models, and hypotheses. There is, thus, some conflict as to whether we now understand the reality as it is, or whether perception is the dynamic activity where we provide some of the content of our experiences ourselves.

Our senses play the central part in our ability to collect information and to act in interpersonal interactions. Along with the kind of physical changes which follow the aging process, changes in the sensorium also happen. It should be noted that while everyone would likely know some of the changes talked about below, the level of difference can differ from person to person. Additionally, the consequences of these perception changes on the person’s perceptions and social interaction depend upon some factors, such as the particular meaning involved, the nature of the change, And the extent to which remedy for these changes will be achieved.

Knowledge belongs to the person; it looks or vanishes with the touch of the person with the senses and of the sensations with these objects. Knowledge of the person results from the alignment of the individual with the idea. The perception of objects results from the closeness of the person, the sensations, and the objects. Failure is because of the flaws of the senses. The reasoning is of these sorts: Reasoning of the nonexistence of something from the world of other things, the reasoning of the creation of something from the nonexistence of other, And inference of creation of something from the world of other situation.

Thirdly, the difference between the incorrect and correct perception of an object, for instance, issuing accurate perceptual representation and misrepresentation. Due to the ability of the ITP, identifying proper and inaccurate understanding is not biased in favor of the accurate description since they are nomic covariance accounts.

There are changing views on how these virtual world technology influences on the person’s perception of the reality. VR for the average person is the opportunity to move into this completely different situation and get the brand new sensory experiences. Before, the same technology used to be linked just with the entertainment industry. But in 2018, people learn, develop, cure, train, and still improve with the aid of VR. Thus, its world is still under this discussion. We’ve decided to do our own little research to discover the good answers and to break these stereotypes associated with virtual reality and its effect on the content perception.

As humans continue to expand, contemporary technologies and the various applications of them are simultaneously developing, too. The practical world is one of these evolutions. The National Aeronautics and Space management (NASA) defines the virtual world as “the usage of computer technology to produce the result of the interactive three-dimensional reality, At which these objects get the meaning of spatial presence.” Virtual reality is the representation of something we may not tangibly touch or think or hear, but that our senses perceive to be real. In the virtual world, users will experiment with the reality that does not exist.

Constructing Human Psychological Reality

The capability of reconstructing is seen as vital as it aids in getting rid of indeterminate percepts. Furthermore, when we look at related phenomena, the perception power becomes more intriguing. Analyzing illusions is the active construction of human psychological reality. For instance, the Kanizsa triangle illusionary contours are perceived. We grasp the shole configuration due to the intense feeling of illusion. Today, Virtual Reality (VR) is actively capturing the entertainment business all around the globe. That is not surprising  thanks to modern technology, and virtual reality ensures a whole new point of knowledge and opportunities. According to analysts, the VR business is expected to turn into the multi-billion-dollar industry in the nearest future. Over these last few years, the virtual world has developed into one of the most likely countries in the entertainment industry that has to turn into the goal for the largest IT corporations.

The reconstructive capacity is astonishing and helps us to remove unclear or indeterminate percepts. However, the state of knowledge is still more interesting when we see the similar phenomenon. When we examine perceptual illusions where entities or relations are not only enhanced in their recognizability but still completely built without the personal agreement, so we will rather rightly talk of the “active construction” of human psychological reality. One very obvious case is the Kanizsa triangle, where we clearly understand illusory shapes and related Gestalts—actually, none of them is at all in the personal sense. This magic is so powerful that we get the feeling of being able to understand even the entire configuration.

Perception is reality.

As humans, our opinions and beliefs are often the foundation upon which we create our social situation. Knowledge is a strong phenomenon, and at the single point, one’s perception of a set of circumstances will change, changing the individual’s world as they realize it. Given that one of the important factors in determining the situation can be seen in the individual’s perception of the precipitating event, knowledge turns into a critical element of keeping balance in life.

There is nothing really made-we can be aware of things as true, except the perception and the empirical progress from it to other possible perceptions. For phenomena, as simple representations, are very but in perception; and knowledge is, as a matter of fact, nothing but the world of the empirical state, that is, a phenomenon. To tell the phenomenon, the serious situation prior to perception implies either that we must meet with the phenomenon in the development of education, or it means nothing at all, for I will tell just of the matter in itself that it is without relative to the senses and experience.

Additionally, we want to see what “ perception ” and “ experience ” really mean, this explanation of knowledge is the act or ability of apprehending by ways of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding. This implies that knowledge is what we perceive at our surroundings from what our senses and knowledge tells us. This explanation of realism is that government or level of being real- but if we learn what is true because of our perceptions and sensations, how do we realize our sensations can be trusted to tell us the truth? So how do we realize what is true at all?

On that basis, our perception of the general human being -that is, the general thought of a human-could be nothing but a memory of the abstract experience that we had forgotten. So, we leave it just because of our sense of knowledge or the particular human who reflects the abstract experience in the physical world. Therefore, general concepts exist prior to sense knowledge. And knowledge is not understood except through the process of retrieving and recollecting much general concepts. Rational knowledge is not associated with specific matters in the rational sphere.


Post-Reality centered in fake news and virtual reality with the style report mostly focused on taking what world is, its knowledge, and its content in 2017, too, as to how reality should be in 7 years’ time. The last picture tries to depict the simultaneous world of multiple worlds but manipulated so as to create an awkward situation into a pleasant mirrored one, where the medical process is turned into a fun night out. As utopias are frequently deemed unrealistic and, ironically, dystopian, the work team literally reversed the thought about with the answer to the preceding question: “ heaven today s”, subverting Apocalypse Now to an artist paradise. The augmented world where artists, taken in global random and through contests, superimpose art into ordinary and everyday objects. With that, post-contemporary allows for current interactions and relationships with the creation on both corporate and personal levels. Far from sterile, white-walled art innovations, these work participants came up with a welcoming and enriching manner to get creation.

To make the humans sedated, these Machines linked their minds to the large Machine, which could capture the humans in the computer-generated virtual world so that humans could have no trouble to the dominant Machine collective. To achieve this, the Machines made a system called the creator. Made to realize the world of humans, the creator was in charge of making the virtual-reality that humans and successive generations of it were be imprisoned at. He began this by producing two consecutive prototypes matrix’s or betas before the 3rd, and final edition was made.

Early, there was a broad range of explanations for virtual reality or quite different points of virtual reality. To some, the virtual world related to a collection of human-computer action technologies that included the top-mounted stereo display, glove information device, and sound. To others, the virtual world differed from the conventional image in that it is represented engineering patterns as three-dimensional objects that might be controlled on the machine display rather than as two-dimensional drawings on paper. To others, the virtual world immersed one in the computer-generated situation.

Lack of Perception in External Representations

It takes into account the perceptual status of CMs and their actual subjects. CM is used in representing the practical subjects, thereby not perceiving it as the real object. For example, when someone sees a Hoover Dam photograph, the person doesn’t see the actual dam since the real barrier makes the viewer acquire ICDs towards it. The CM which leads to the acquisition of real objects ICDs. The kinds of situations raise challenging issues, for instance, recalling the person who used the VR equipment. Which later on becomes accustomed to manipulating actual objects that will not be perceived in the CM, though CM causes causality from the real object to the viewer and vice versa through the ICDs of the viewer towards the real purpose. A possible case of non-VR representations due to analogous situations, despite the circumstances, doesn’t involve the perception of the subject that is represented. Considering a viewer who is naïve, he/she will acquire false information from the film seen on the first day due to his current of perceiving a relevant dam or experiences the same feeling as that of phenomenally, viewing the dam (Martindale, 2017).

There is something else to stay placed away. We could not make anything helpful by understanding my term as taking perceptual consciousness to be in awareness of personal feelings — representations, sense-data, or the same. This could be to leaving This specific explanation of perceptual awareness, which is the Representative concept of knowledge or Phenomenalism. My reason for saying that giving the reason could not help is not that to do so would be to enforce on this term the concept supported but by questionable arguments, although this is surely true, And my thought then can change some previous comments. The reason we could go nowhere is that in the explanation of that term, what we could take is that perceptual awareness is awareness, if in the unknown sense, but it is indeed awareness that we are trying to understand. ` Consciousness’ in this vague meaning is not synonymous with ` perceptual Awareness,’ but it is also short for pleasure. We could make no understanding of perceptual awareness itself by being directed away from specific objects of it, objective people, and towards other supposed targets of it, personal people.

The possibility for disagreements between characteristics of the person’s perceptual opinions and the actual qualities of the perceived entity generates philosophical questions. There are also ideological questions considering this world of objective reality and the nature of our so-called personal world. Therefore, we have different purposes of these statements “objective” and “personal” and their cognates to convey potential differences between objective reality and personal opinions. Philosophers relate to perceptual opinions themselves as being personal or aim.

This doctrine of Perception is concerned with the world of perceptual content and the state of perceptual information, particularly how they relate to opinions about, or knowledge of, the world. Any explicit explanation of knowledge involves a dedication to one of a kind of ontological or theoretical views. Philosophers identify internalist reports, which presume that perceptions of objects, and cognition or opinions about them, represent facets of the person’s brain, and externalist reports, which state that they constitute real aspects of the world external to the individual. Anti-realist concepts include idealism and disbelief.

The distinguishing characteristic of this important realist explanation is the assertion that this extraordinary view of education guides perceptual ideas immediately about the objects perceived; importantly, such perceptual ideas are not in typical instances of knowledge focused on this phenomenal state – they relate directly to the physical objects we think we find in our environments. In looking the Apple, I feel in a red and rounded way, and that guides my perceptual thinking that there is an Apple in front of me.

Direct and indirect realists

Direct and indirect realists give various views about the system of perceptual cognition. Secondary realists could say that we gain perceptual knowledge of external objects by virtue of perceiving, meaning information that describes outside objects. Sense data, the variety of mental states, enjoy a particular condition: We know now what they are like. Thus indirect realists believe that, when perceptual knowledge is foundational, it is knowledge of meaning information and different psychological states. Knowledge of outside objects is secondary: Derived from our knowledge of meaning information.


To sum up, this paper has provided a detailed generalization of the theory of perception through studying different phenomena in conjunction with virtual reality. (VR) adequate and careful articulation of concepts has been outlined in the concrete model (CM) particularly. Casual ITP has been adopted and has shown a detailed analysis of the VR interactions in conjunction with human behavior. The paper has ended with generalizing the results of the external representation. Virtual reality then has a really long history. The initial example of VR headset was a stereoscope, which developed to these contemporary VR headsets. Virtual reality is the artificial situation. You should move on the VR headset and earphones, related to the machine or any other device, and get the app to plunge into the virtual world. Experience the technological curiosity, but be aware of dependence which the virtual world may have.


Matthew Schnipper. “Seeing is Believing: The State of Virtual Reality.” The Verge. Retrieved March 7, 2017.

Holly Brockwell (April 3, 2016). “Forgotten genius: the man who made a working VR machine in 1957”. Tech Radar. Retrieved March 7, 2017.

Delaney, Ben (2017). Virtual Reality 1.0 — The 90s: The Birth of VR. CyberEdge Information Services. p. 40

Finnegan, D.J. (March 5, 2018). How to solve virtual reality' s human perception problem.

Cullen, Chris (April 13, 2017). “Pioneering VR Stories Part 1: Idaho National Laboratory in the ’90s”. Idaho Virtual Reality Council. Retrieved August 7, 2019.

Prasuethsut, Lily (August 2, 2016). “HTC Vive: Everything you need to know about the SteamVR headset.” Wearable. Retrieved March 13, 2017.

Martindale, Jon (February 15, 2017). “Vive-like sensor spotted in new Sony patent could make its way to PlayStation VR.” Digital Trends. Retrieved March 13, 2017.


Thesis Plan and Schedule

Harsha Vardhan Gunduboina

My Thesis Strategic Goals

The first strategic goal for my thesis is to complete and submit it on the stipulated time. Late submission of a thesis has negative consequences on the grading of the thesis by the instructor. I will have to make sure that I submit my thesis by December 5th, 2020. To achieve the goal, I will have to write up a schedule cutting down all the major activities involved in writing up the thesis and giving each item a specific timeline. I will continuously countercheck my progress with the set timeline and make sure that I am on schedule. An outstanding thesis requires excellent time management, and a schedule will help me manage my time in the right way and ensure that I submit my thesis on time.

Another goal is to stay organized throughout the whole research period and the writing period. The organization will ensure that I include all the ideas in my thesis and ensure that all required parts of the thesis are given considerable attention. I will achieve the goal by taking one step at a time, as listed in my schedule, without skipping any steps. According to research by Wagener in 2018, self-regulation could also help the writing of a perfect thesis paper. Another goal is to improve my social and listening skills, as they are essential when writing a thesis. I will need to constantly communicate with my instructor, and social skills will play an important role. The skills will ensure that I understand and consider any advice the instructor gives about my thesis. I will improve my social skills by having more interest in being social and constantly communicating with others around me.

I will also make sure that I am always well prepared for the meetings held with my instructor. Such meetings will affect the direction that my thesis takes. Being prepared shows the level of seriousness I have when it comes to writing the thesis. I plan to achieve that by always having real ideas related to my research topic every time I meet with the instructor. It creates a positive impression that will foster a good relationship and, therefore, more help in writing the thesis. I will also make sure that I maximize the meeting’s benefits by going beyond the standard question and answers to better dialogues pertaining to my research topic.

My Thesis Schedule



Sep 5th – Sept 15th

Background reading

Development of research proposal

Sept 10th – Sept 18th

Initial proposal meeting and approval of project by the instructor

Sept 16th – Sept 21st

Planning the research methodology

Research and the review of literature

Sept 10th – Nov 30th

Periodic meetings with the instructor

Discussing the progress of the thesis

Asking for necessary help on the writing process when need arises

Sept 20th – Oct 5th

Data collection

Submission of the first draft

Submission of the ‘discussion of results’ section

Sept 30th – Oct 12th

Mid-Term Draft

Oct 17th

Mid Term draft Presentation

Sept- Oct 19th

Thesis Recommendation

Oct 20th-Oct 26th

Forum 2 ‘Discussion of Mid Term Draft’

Oct 26th – Nov 2nd

Thesis first Draft

Nov 5th – Nov 9th

Discussion of the draft

Nov 9th – Nov 16th

Follow up meeting with instructor

Discuss the draft

Nov 16th – Nov 20th

Submitting final draft of thesis for the final check

Nov 21st

Thesis Defense

Nov 23rd and Nov 30th

Follow up meeting with instructor to go through final drafts of the thesis

Dec 7th

Submission of the Thesis

Thesis Challenges

There are various challenges that I might face when doing this thesis. The pitfalls are common in the field of research and academic Thesis writing. The first challenge is time management from the time of the topic selection to the time the thesis is completed and submitted as required. It is hard to balance doing school work and balancing other aspects of life, especially if it requires one to pay maximum attention to it and carry out extensive research. Learning how to balance time and putting every aspect of the thesis in order could pose a significant challenge. Thesis writing is a time-consuming process, and at times as a student, one could get intimidated and enter the cycle of procrastination. Before they know, it is almost time to submit the thesis, and they have not reached most of the set milestones, thus rushing through the writing process. While writing the thesis, poor time management could be tackled by having a thesis schedule that will make sure every milestone is achieved on time.

Another challenge is on formatting ad documentation caused by the specific requirements that a school might have or a particular course might have. As a student, it is difficult to review the style used or to implement style rules required. It mostly happens due to the lengthy nature of thesis documents. Finding the necessary data to support the thesis topic might be difficult, especially if the methodology requires participants to get their perceptions about virtual reality. Writing and reporting down the research results I have carried out might also be a problem as only specific data should be included. Students often feel lazy or have no time to complete research and write their thesis, thus breaking the ethics code of writing, such as having plagiarized work. Copy-pasting items other than understanding concepts first could be a major challenge when using secondary sources of information for the research. It is also hard to develop research questions that are flexible and tangible, essential in molding and developing ideas of the thesis.


Wagener, B. (2018). The importance of affects, self-regulation, and relationships in the writing of a master’s thesis. Teaching in Higher Education, 23(2), 227-242.

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