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Why is Theory Important in Social Work

Social Work theories help you analyze cases, understand clients, create interventions, and predict intervention results and evaluate outcomes. 

  • Major Theories: Used in Social Work Practice: 
    · Ecosystems Theory – often referred as Systems Theory 
    · Psychodynamic Theory 
    · Social Learning Theory 
    · Conflict Theory 
    · Developmental Theory 
    · Psychosocial Development Theory 
    · Rational Choice Theory/Social Exchange Theory 
    · Humanistic Theory 

Begin by choosing a theory from the list above. 

Next you will then create a Word document 2 to 3-page document. (You may have one – two pages on content) – This is a study aide so it should include the who, when etc. Bullet points or short concise statements for learning is what I am looking for; everything you would need to know about this theory. 

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The assignment should be submitted in APA format to include at least 2 scholarly references. 

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