Theories of Aging Paper

 Identify the different theories and their implications on the aging process.

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  1. Define aging from biologic, sociologic, and psychological theories.
  2. Develop nursing interventions based on the psychosocial issues and biologic changes associated with older adulthood.
  3. Discuss several nursing implications for each of the major biologic, sociologic, and psychological theories of aging.
  4. Based on your experience what health promotion strategies would you recommend to facilitate successful aging?


Submission Instructions:

  • The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The paper is to be formatted per current APA, be clear, concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • The paper is to be 3-4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
  • Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.

Identify the different theories and their implications on the aging process.

1. Define aging from biologic, sociologic, and psychological theories.

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2. Develop nursing interventions based on the psychosocial issues and biologic changes associated with older adulthood.

3. Discuss several nursing implications for each of the major biologic, sociologic, and psychological theories of aging.

4. Based on your experience what health promotion strategies would you recommend to facilitate successful aging?


Submission Instructions:

· The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

· The paper is to be formatted per current APA, be clear, concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

· The paper is to be 3-4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

· Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

· Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.

· Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.


Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues/problems.

4 points

4 points

4 points

4 points

4 points

Essay/Paper Rubric




Identification of Main Issues/Problems

4 points

3 points

Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues/problems.

2 points

Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues/problems.

1 point

Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues/problems.

Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems

4 points

Presents an insightful, thorough analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.

3 points

Presents a thorough analysis and evaluation of most of the issues/problems.

2 points

Presents a superficial or incomplete analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.

1 point

Presents unacceptable analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.

Demonstrates a Conceptual Understanding

4 points

Provides a thorough, competent and interpretive responses to all issues/problems, and shows a high level of conceptual understanding.

3 points

Provides a competent and interpretive responses to all issues/problems, and shows a moderate level of conceptual understanding.

2 points

Provides a competent responses to all issues/problems, but lacks interpretation and a moderate level of conceptual understanding.

1 point

Provides an unacceptable response to all issues/problems, and lacks interpretation and a moderate level of conceptual understanding.

Use of Citations to Course Readings and Additional Research/Literature

4 points

Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing.

3 points

Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing.

2 points

Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing.

1 point

Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing.

Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines

4 points

Demonstrate a high level of clarity, precision, and attention to detail. APA style is correct and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors.

3 points

Demonstrate a high level of clarity. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.

2 points

Demonstrate a moderate level of clarity. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail.

1 point

Demonstrates issues in writing and communicating clearly. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention.


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