theories and theorists
Each of the different fields of study is heavily influenced by theories and theorists that you have been learning about throughout your courses. You have learned about various theories of leadership such as transformational or transactional leadership, and a few of the impactful psychological theorists such as Erikson and Freud.
For this assignment, select a contemporary challenge in your field (Criminalolgy/Forensic Psychology (current within the last five or so years) and in a 2,800-word (8-page) paper, evaluate the challenge. The evaluation of the issues should include the following:
- Describe the contemporary challenge.
- Apply three theories to evaluate the issue.
- Critically analyze the application of the theories.
- Recommend a solution based on the theoretical analysis.
Utilize a minimum of 10 academic resources.
Juvenile Delinquency and Theory Application
Matthew Manuel Rosario
Ashford University
– 1 –
Shorten the title for the
Running head.
(Your title page should
contain a shortened version
of your title with “Running
head” in the upper left
corner and page number 1 in
the upper right corner. In the
center of the page add the
title of the paper, your name,
course name and number,
instructor name, and the
date. See your Ashford-
approved style guide for a
sample title page.) [Marion
Criminal justice in the United States is facing significant challenges based on an
increasing rate of criminal offending. Juvenile delinquency is a significant problem within the
United States, which creates a disproportional system that is unable to maintain a stronger
understanding of positive behavior. Juvenile delinquency has been a considerable challenge
within law enforcement. These are young individuals under 18 years who are involved in
offending. Involvement in crime presents a difficult platform where these children can lead a
positive life. The wellbeing of juveniles within the society is based on different factors that
help ensure there are stronger societal concerns that define the development in society.
Juvenile delinquency defines a difficult development among individuals within the
society, considering that most young individuals do not concentrate on their education but are
easily influenced by the existing negative behavior in society. This paper presents a detailed
understanding of juvenile delinquency and the use of routine activity theory in explaining the
development of juvenile delinquency within the community as well as develop better
strategies that can help improve the wellbeing of young individuals within the society.
The contemporary challenge
The number of individuals less than 18 years being involved in crime is increasing
significantly within the country, which provides the need to develop a proper understanding
of the underlying reasons. Child development is a structured process that emphasizes
positive behavior and the development of better counter-measures that solve any glaring
negative behavioral traits that a child might develop with. The inability to control negative
traits influence the chances of offending among young individuals. This means that a child’s
background is essential in defining a stronger approach to the existing behavioral and
psychological challenges (Matza & Sykes, 2017).
– 2 –
12 13
Running head is only on the
Title page.
2. criminal
Subject-verb agreement:
The subject (noun) of the
sentence should always
agree with its verb (action
word) in number and person.
Example: “The students are
(not ‘sis’s) excited about
returning to school.”
[Marion Baird]
3. behavior.
Where is the supportive
[Marion Baird]
4. These
Juveniles [Marion Baird]
5. years
of age [Marion Baird]
6. offending.
committing a crime?
[Marion Baird]
7. society.
Where is the research?
[Marion Baird]
8. but
(Use a comma before
coordinating conjunctions –
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
– to separate independent
clauses. Example: “Liz
enjoys her writing course, so
she is excited to work hard
at it.”) [Marion Baird]
9. This paper
The paper does not present
anything. The
author/researcher analyzes,
synthesizes, and
paraphrases research.
[Marion Baird]
10. better
Why is this sentence
justified? [Marion Baird]
11. challenge
(Review APA format
regarding headings.)
[Marion Baird]
12. reasons.
Research support? [Marion
13. Child
How is this information
connected to the previous
statement? [Marion Baird]
The implementation of zero tolerance to crime has been a significant policy
contributing to increased arrests among juveniles. The zero-tolerance policy was aimed at
helping understand the need to control crime by ensuring that there is a higher level of
commitment to positive level development. Juvenile offending can be considered as
normative adolescent offending, which is influenced to a more substantial extent by peers and
the environment (Unayah & Sabarisman, 2015). Crime occurs where there is a favorable
environment where there all parties are engaged. Juveniles are more likely to be associated
with nonviolent offending, although repeating offenders is associated with violent crimes.
The development of negative behavior can also be described based on the level of
attachment during infancy. Understanding positive behavior provides a greater understanding
of fundamental factors that are associated with juvenile delinquency and the development of
adverse behavioral outcomes. The development of negative behavior has been diverse, which
means that there is a need to develop a better focus on specific factors that are likely to
contribute to the current situation.
Physical aggression is a behavioral development that is associated with youth
development, which helps maintain a strong emphasis on better measures that help attain
better outcomes. According to Matza and Sykes (2017), physical aggression was highest
among children aged six years, although aggressive behavior declined into adolescence based
on the study findings. The development of these factors is based on a critical assessment of
better elements that help identify specific behavioral traits that contribute to juvenile
delinquency. The development of child behavioral wellbeing begins during infancy under
which there is a strong attachment. Attachment can be positive or negative based on how a
child is engaged (Matza & Sykes, 2017).
– 3 –
1. development.
Where is the supportive
research? [Marion Baird]
2. crimes.
(Hasty Generalization:
Beware of jumping to
conclusions. You need
more information before you
can make this assumption.)
[Marion Baird]
3. infancy.
(Provide research –
quotations, data, etc. – to
support this assertion.)
[Marion Baird]
According to Li et al. (2014), different perspectives provide a strong understanding of
the minimum age of criminal responsibility. Various aspects, including clinical, sociological,
developmental, and legal perspectives, which are essential to consider in maintaining better
outcomes. The age at which a child is perceived to be seen to be mature enough to stand trial
has always been a challenge. The legitimacy of the minimum age that has been adopted is
different. It provides a more significant commitment to fundamental changes that give a
stronger emphasis on critical changes that provide a strategic development where it is
possible to understand factors that increase the severity of the crime as well as essential
measures that help in creating an improved setting. Controlling criminal activities is based on
the need and commitment to ensure there are better guidelines in the society that help provide
a greater emphasis on enhanced factors that contribute to shaping the overall development
(Li, 2014).
Unaya and Sabarisman (2015) highlighted that juveniles are more likely to join
criminal gangs without assessing the underlying implications of their decision. The allure for
easy life and quickness to riches are vital factors that influence individuals, especially those
coming from poor livelihoods, to embrace crime. The study found that children as young as
six years join gangs as a result of poverty and the inability to meet their basic needs. Parents
are usually absent and unable to take care of their children. There is a need to focus on
implementing better strategies that target the development of these children, which is
essential in managing their behaviors. Empowering these juveniles is crucial in controlling
delinquency. The majority of gang members in the United States are minority groups who
mainly occupy the low-income population. The low quality of life presents a stressful
environment where it is difficult to assess and determine critical processes that help define a
strong understanding of essential processes that help attain improved outcomes (Unayah &
Sabarisman, 2015).
– 4 –
1. outcomes.
missing information –
incomplete sentence
[Marion Baird]
2. that
omit [Marion Baird]
3. easy life
Is being part of a gang and
easy life? [Marion Baird]
Sharkey et al. (2015) sought to develop an emphasis on drug use and violent crimes
among adolescents. The results of the study showed that alcohol use was highly associated
with both violent and non-violent crimes. Criminal history and racial identity were also
identified as critical factors that are associated with increased violent crimes among
adolescents. Therefore there is a need to understand the crucial role in controlling essential
elements that help create a reliable platform in managing these factors, which contribute
identify better processes that define a strong change approach (Sharkey, Stifel, & Mayworm,
Living environment and poverty within the community have been significant factors
that are leading to increasing gang membership in the united states. Individuals who live in
poor background struggle to meet their basic needs which discourage many children from
going to school because there is no inspiration on specific elements that present a robust
approach in controlling the level of engagement. Improving the level of commitment within
society has been a significant factor that helps define a strong emphasis on better processes
that determine a successful change process (Gase, DeFosset, Kuo, & Perry, 2016).
Gangs have formed a significant part of criminal justice. The majority of these gangs
flourish in low-income settings and recruit children as members. The level of parenting in
these areas is extremely low, with less consideration of behavioral and individual
psychological wellbeing. According to Sharkey et al. (2015), the findings from the study
revealed that youth gang members were disproportionately male, black, Hispanic, and from
single-parent households. Children from families living below the poverty level were also
associated with increased youth gang membership. The results from the study also identified
that within the United States, there are approximately 1 million youth gang members, with
2% of youth averaging 14 years (Sharkey et al., 2015). Many people are getting involved in
gangs than the previous indications. The primary issue that is defined in this case is the
– 5 –
1. sought to develop an
emphasis on drug use and
violent crimes among
I do not think this sentence
conveys your meaning.
[Marion Baird]
2. united states.
Proper nouns should be
capitalized. [Marion Baird]
3. poor background
Subject-verb agreement:
The subject (noun) of the
sentence should always
agree with its verb (action
word) in number and person.
Example: “The students are
(not ‘sis’s) excited about
returning to school.”
[Marion Baird]
4. criminal justice.
Criminal justice or crime?
[Marion Baird]
5. members.
Where is the research
support? [Marion Baird]
6. indications.
source of information?
[Marion Baird]
limited emphasis on controlling gang development. High poverty levels and lack of formal
education have even identified as primary factors that are associated with gang development.
Gang involvement has become an option for these individuals. Many youths are
joining gangs without understanding the psychological challenges that are associated with
such a move. However, the difficult nature of their surrounding present a more specific
emphasis on better processes that help define reliable change processes which improve the
overall commitment to improved outcomes. Thus the authors sought to explore the
consideration that more extended involvement in street gangs is associated with violent injury
or even death among gang members (Thornton et al., 2015). Many individuals who join these
groups have lost hope in life as a result of a stronger consideration of essential elements that
provide a high level of commitment to the existing issues within society. Communities and
families, therefore, are focusing on different approaches that they can consider in
discouraging gang involvement before it starts.
It is essential to focus on maintaining a stronger level of emphasis on better changes
that help keep a proper understanding on the wellbeing of children. Involvement in crime
does not help improve behavioral development, which helps maintain an improved change
within the environment. The social environment has a crucial role in improving individual
development, which helps create a reliable system for change as well as the implementation
of better concepts that help promote an enhanced level of development. Lack of guidance
among children leaves gaps that are exploited by negative thoughts influencing an individual
behavior (Whitehead & Lab, 2013). Therefore, it is vital to help understand different
measures that can be integrated within society and understand essential measures that can be
implemented to help attain the needed outcomes.
– 6 –
1. Theories
(Review APA format
regarding headings.)
[Marion Baird]
Different theories have focused on explaining the involvement in a crime. These
theories mainly focus on behavior and social environment, which makes it easier for
offenders to commit crimes. Juveniles are encouraged to commit crimes by the favorable
environment. Routine activity theory provides an adequate method that explains the
development of criminal behavior among youths. The routine activity theory highlights that
crime occurs as a result of the interaction of different factors. Crime is a combination of
negative activities within a given society. There is no specific environment in which crime
occurs but is based on the existing level of interaction among individuals from different
personalities (Andresen & Ha, 2019).
Therefore in assessing routine crime theory, three vital components need to be
effectively analyzed to define a highly successful level of engagement. The three
components include potential offenders, the absence of law enforcement officers, and the
target. All these three components operate within a preferred system which maintains a
positive level development. A situation where one of the three parts misses creates a
problematic environment for crime development (Felson, 2016).
The environment plays a central role in crime development. Maintaining a proper
system within the law makes it challenging to allow the presence of the three components of
crime to occur. Low-income individuals will be highly influenced by economic changes
considering that they would be unable to afford quality life. The decreased quality of life
among the poor has a detrimental influence on the ability to maintain a greater emphasis on
changes that help keep improved outcomes (Leukfeldt & Yar, 2016). Therefore decreased life
satisfaction increases resentment and dissent among individuals who inform negative
behavior. These individuals will focus on alternative means which they can use to sustain
their lives. One of the easy options is to commit a crime to meet their needs. Economically
influenced criminal activities have been significant, especially considering the differences in
– 7 –
1. environment.
(Please spend some time
thinking about how the
information connects and
work on explaining it in your
writing.) [Marion Baird]
2. no
There is not a … [Marion
3. Therefore
comma needed [Marion
4. development.
research? [Marion Baird]
5. that
omit [Marion Baird]
social status within the community. Low-class individuals are faced with different problems,
which makes it challenging to avoid crime to meet their needs.
The goal attainment theory also highlights that individual behavioral development is
based on the level of interaction within the environment. Thus, child development is a
specific process that helps understand different decisions within an organizational context.
Implementing a substantial change approach help in creating a highly successful level of
development where it would be possible to define behavioral development (House &
Mitchell, 2019). The level of policing across different settings differs, which helps maintain a
stronger focus on essential processes that help maintain a successful level of change. Law
enforcement officers are not around all the time, which creates a disorganized environment,
which makes it easier for offenders to get an environment where they can target and commit
crimes. When there are no officers within a given setting, it creates a gap that can be easily
exploited by law enforcement officers.
Therefore based on the assessment of the theory, there is a greater understanding of
gaps within the society that allow children to engage in crimes. Limited law enforcement
presents a more specific approach that helps maintain a unique level of emphasis on better
processes that help promote a successful level of engagement. Children are easily influenced,
especially when there is no better management of their personality and development. Social
relations are integral to the adoption of negative behavior within society. Human
development is a process that must be undertaken strategically to promote the integration of
successful behavioral development.
Erik Eriksen’s theory provides a focus on social engagement and individual behavioral
development. Human development occurs through different stages, which help identify
essential elements that define strong change development. Children have different levels of
– 8 –
1. needs.
(Hasty Generalization:
Beware of jumping to
conclusions. You need
more information before you
can make this assumption.)
[Marion Baird]
2. context.
How? [Marion Baird]
3. Therefore
comma needed [Marion
4. Eriksen’s theory
source? [Marion Baird]
understanding, which plays a significant role in transforming their behavior. It is crucial to
help ensure a greater emphasis on critical processes that help identify better measures that
shape individual development. Children have different levels of understanding, which plays a
crucial role in determining their overall growth (Mann, De Ridder, and Fujita, 2013).
Application of the theories
Offenders are individuals who are influenced by negative behavior and intention to
pursue the crime. Victims are always present within the society, which makes it essential to
consider the third component of a crime, which is to eliminate lawlessness. Disorganized
societies have very little law enforcement because of the gangs and criminal activities within
these areas. It is upon the criminal justice to map these areas so that it would be easier to
achieve the intended outcomes. Victims always have something that is of importance to
criminals. Therefore controlling the underlying link between crime and environment creates a
reliable system where it is easier to manage gas within the society.
Juveniles are young individuals who make decisions without putting much thought
into their actions, which in turn creates significant issues limiting the overall understanding of
fundamental changes, which provide a strong focus on better individuals results. This means
that juveniles are more likely to become law-abiding citizens as they mature, and thus, they
are less likely to be given long prison sentences compared to adults. Juvenile offenders are
considered offenders who can quickly transform. Therefore, they are not treated as hardcore
criminals, but there is a significant focus on rehabilitation rather than punitive aspects in
managing their needs. However, there are substantial risks for juvenile offenders if they are
tried as adults (Whitehead & Lab, 2013).
Controlling crime among juveniles requires a stranger approach, which helps maintain
a stronger system, which is essential in embracing strong change development. Maintaining a
– 9 –
1. theories
(Review APA format
regarding headings.)
[Marion Baird]
substantial platform help in creating a secure change process considering the need to maintain
a highly effective system and change development. Improving the behavior of children forms
the basis of attaining highly effective methods within an organizational context. Children who
engage in crime are influenced by negative traits and practice, which is difficult to help in
creating a positive environment for an improved level of change. This means that the basis of
improving child behavior is parenting and embracing education.
Best solution
Parenting focuses on guiding a child’s psychological, emotional, and physical
wellbeing, which maintain a positive change context within society. Different parents
embrace different parenting approaches. However, positive parenting identifies essential
factors that help in maintaining a stronger focus on improved commitment to a positive life.
Different social settings help keep a highly integrated system where it would be possible to
define a successful change process. Children are highly susceptible because of weak mental
strength. This means that such individuals need guidance. The juvenile justice system should
not focus on punishing offenders only but also embrace the rehabilitation and development of
improved concepts involving behavioral development (Sharkey, Stifel, and Mayworm, 2015).
The relationship between a child and his or her parents is invaluable, which is
adequately explained based on infant attachment. Infant attachment presents a firm
understanding of child development, which offers a transparent approach in helping
understand different elements that need to be assessed in determining better outcomes.
Relationships that are formed during infancy are crucial in defining a stronger influence on
child behavioral and cognitive development. Relationships at a younger age are essential in
transforming a child’s mental wellbeing. Child development is necessary at the infant stage,
where they learn and store. Learning is a continuous process, although during childhood,
– 10 –
1. wellbeing.
Where is the research?
[Marion Baird]
there are diverse concepts leaned based on the parenting style that is adopted (Sharkey, Stifel,
and Mayworm, 2015). Having control over what a child learns plays an integral role in
creating a harmonious environment where it is possible to maintain a more significant
commitment to underlying outcomes.
Ensuring that children attend school and gather skills that can boost their development
within society is also a significant way in controlling juvenile delinquency. Quality education
is developed founded on the underlying systems and philosophies which focus on guiding
education curriculums designed across different settings. The ability to empower learners and
ensure that they adopt critical learning skills is implemented with a focus on major
educational philosophies that guide education development. Education policies are grounded,
significant values, beliefs, and principles that guide student development. Different cultural
settings focus on different concepts, which are essential in modifying the quality of education
as well as education philosophies adopted (Castellanos, 2013).
Therefore, in conclusion, juvenile delinquency is a significant challenge within
society. However, the problem can be easily solved through controlling of the vital
components that define crime, as explained by routine activity crime theory. The significant
elements that are identified in this case include offender, victim, and a conducive
environment without law enforcement officers. Controlling juvenile offending is mainly
determined based on the use of improving behavioral management through parenting and
emphasizing education as essential methods to ensure that children can develop into law-
abiding citizens who are the future. Promoting the future of law-abiding citizens starts with
understanding better processes that help identify critical processes that define positive change
within the community.
– 11 –
[no notes on this page]
Andresen, M. A., & Ha, O. K. (2019). Routine activity theory. In The Routledge Companion
to Criminological Theory and Concepts.
Castellanos, I. E. (2013). Parental and peer influence on juvenile delinquency. ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses.
Felson, M. (2016). The routine activity approach. In Environmental Criminology and Crime
Analysis: Second Edition.
Gase, L. N., DeFosset, A., Kuo, T., & Perry, R. (2016). Youths’ perspectives on the reasons
underlying school truancy and opportunities to improve school attendance. Qualitative
House, R. J., & Mitchell, T. R. (2019). Path-Goal Theory of Leadership. In Leadership.
Leukfeldt, E. R., & Yar, M. (2016). Applying Routine Activity Theory to Cybercrime: A
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. Deviant Behavior.
Li, S. D. (2014). Familial Religiosity, Family Processes, and Juvenile Delinquency in a
National Sample of Early Adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence.
– 12 –
1. Reference
References page must
follow APA guidelines.
[Marion Baird]
Mann, T., De Ridder, D., & Fujita, K. (2013). Self-regulation of health behavior: Social
psychological approaches to goal setting and goal striving. Health Psychology.
Matza, D., & Sykes, G. M. (2017). Juvenile delinquency and subterranean values. In
Delinquency and Drift Revisited: The Criminology of David Matza and Beyond.
Sharkey, J., Stifel, S., & Mayworm, A. (2015). How to help me get out of a gang: Youth
Recommendations to Family, School, Community, and Law Enforcement System.
Journal of Juvenile Justice.
Thornton, L. C., Frick, P. J., Shulman, E. P., Ray, J. V., Steinberg, L., & Cauffman, E. (2015).
Callous-Unemotional Traits and Adolescents’ Role in Group Crime. Law and Human
Unayah, N., & Sabarisman, M. (2015). the Phenomenon of Juvenile Delinquency and
Criminality. Sosio Informa.
Whitehead, J. T., & Lab, S. P. (2013). Chapter 14 – Future Directions in Juvenile Justice. In
Juvenile Justice.
– 13 –
[no notes on this page]
Juvenile Delinquency and Theory Application
Matthew Manuel Rosario
Ashford University
– 1 –
Shorten the title for the
Running head.
(Your title page should
contain a shortened version
of your title with “Running
head” in the upper left
corner and page number 1 in
the upper right corner. In the
center of the page add the
title of the paper, your name,
course name and number,
instructor name, and the
date. See your Ashford-
approved style guide for a
sample title page.) [Marion
Criminal justice in the United States is facing significant challenges based on an
increasing rate of criminal offending. Juvenile delinquency is a significant problem within the
United States, which creates a disproportional system that is unable to maintain a stronger
understanding of positive behavior. Juvenile delinquency has been a considerable challenge
within law enforcement. These are young individuals under 18 years who are involved in
offending. Involvement in crime presents a difficult platform where these children can lead a
positive life. The wellbeing of juveniles within the society is based on different factors that
help ensure there are stronger societal concerns that define the development in society.
Juvenile delinquency defines a difficult development among individuals within the
society, considering that most young individuals do not concentrate on their education but are
easily influenced by the existing negative behavior in society. This paper presents a detailed
understanding of juvenile delinquency and the use of routine activity theory in explaining the
development of juvenile delinquency within the community as well as develop better
strategies that can help improve the wellbeing of young individuals within the society.
The contemporary challenge
The number of individuals less than 18 years being involved in crime is increasing
significantly within the country, which provides the need to develop a proper understanding
of the underlying reasons. Child development is a structured process that emphasizes
positive behavior and the development of better counter-measures that solve any glaring
negative behavioral traits that a child might develop with. The inability to control negative
traits influence the chances of offending among young individuals. This means that a child’s
background is essential in defining a stronger approach to the existing behavioral and
psychological challenges (Matza & Sykes, 2017).
– 2 –
12 13
Running head is only on the
Title page.
2. criminal
Subject-verb agreement:
The subject (noun) of the
sentence should always
agree with its verb (action
word) in number and person.
Example: “The students are
(not ‘sis’s) excited about
returning to school.”
[Marion Baird]
3. behavior.
Where is the supportive
[Marion Baird]
4. These
Juveniles [Marion Baird]
5. years
of age [Marion Baird]
6. offending.
committing a crime?
[Marion Baird]
7. society.
Where is the research?
[Marion Baird]
8. but
(Use a comma before
coordinating conjunctions –
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
– to separate independent
clauses. Example: “Liz
enjoys her writing course, so
she is excited to work hard
at it.”) [Marion Baird]
9. This paper
The paper does not present
anything. The
author/researcher analyzes,
synthesizes, and
paraphrases research.
[Marion Baird]
10. better
Why is this sentence
justified? [Marion Baird]
11. challenge
(Review APA format
regarding headings.)
[Marion Baird]
12. reasons.
Research support? [Marion
13. Child
How is this information
connected to the previous
statement? [Marion Baird]
The implementation of zero tolerance to crime has been a significant policy
contributing to increased arrests among juveniles. The zero-tolerance policy was aimed at
helping understand the need to control crime by ensuring that there is a higher level of
commitment to positive level development. Juvenile offending can be considered as
normative adolescent offending, which is influenced to a more substantial extent by peers and
the environment (Unayah & Sabarisman, 2015). Crime occurs where there is a favorable
environment where there all parties are engaged. Juveniles are more likely to be associated
with nonviolent offending, although repeating offenders is associated with violent crimes.
The development of negative behavior can also be described based on the level of
attachment during infancy. Understanding positive behavior provides a greater understanding
of fundamental factors that are associated with juvenile delinquency and the development of
adverse behavioral outcomes. The development of negative behavior has been diverse, which
means that there is a need to develop a better focus on specific factors that are likely to
contribute to the current situation.
Physical aggression is a behavioral development that is associated with youth
development, which helps maintain a strong emphasis on better measures that help attain
better outcomes. According to Matza and Sykes (2017), physical aggression was highest
among children aged six years, although aggressive behavior declined into adolescence based
on the study findings. The development of these factors is based on a critical assessment of
better elements that help identify specific behavioral traits that contribute to juvenile
delinquency. The development of child behavioral wellbeing begins during infancy under
which there is a strong attachment. Attachment can be positive or negative based on how a
child is engaged (Matza & Sykes, 2017).
– 3 –
1. development.
Where is the supportive
research? [Marion Baird]
2. crimes.
(Hasty Generalization:
Beware of jumping to
conclusions. You need
more information before you
can make this assumption.)
[Marion Baird]
3. infancy.
(Provide research –
quotations, data, etc. – to
support this assertion.)
[Marion Baird]
According to Li et al. (2014), different perspectives provide a strong understanding of
the minimum age of criminal responsibility. Various aspects, including clinical, sociological,
developmental, and legal perspectives, which are essential to consider in maintaining better
outcomes. The age at which a child is perceived to be seen to be mature enough to stand trial
has always been a challenge. The legitimacy of the minimum age that has been adopted is
different. It provides a more significant commitment to fundamental changes that give a
stronger emphasis on critical changes that provide a strategic development where it is
possible to understand factors that increase the severity of the crime as well as essential
measures that help in creating an improved setting. Controlling criminal activities is based on
the need and commitment to ensure there are better guidelines in the society that help provide
a greater emphasis on enhanced factors that contribute to shaping the overall development
(Li, 2014).
Unaya and Sabarisman (2015) highlighted that juveniles are more likely to join
criminal gangs without assessing the underlying implications of their decision. The allure for
easy life and quickness to riches are vital factors that influence individuals, especially those
coming from poor livelihoods, to embrace crime. The study found that children as young as
six years join gangs as a result of poverty and the inability to meet their basic needs. Parents
are usually absent and unable to take care of their children. There is a need to focus on
implementing better strategies that target the development of these children, which is
essential in managing their behaviors. Empowering these juveniles is crucial in controlling
delinquency. The majority of gang members in the United States are minority groups who
mainly occupy the low-income population. The low quality of life presents a stressful
environment where it is difficult to assess and determine critical processes that help define a
strong understanding of essential processes that help attain improved outcomes (Unayah &
Sabarisman, 2015).
– 4 –
1. outcomes.
missing information –
incomplete sentence
[Marion Baird]
2. that
omit [Marion Baird]
3. easy life
Is being part of a gang and
easy life? [Marion Baird]
Sharkey et al. (2015) sought to develop an emphasis on drug use and violent crimes
among adolescents. The results of the study showed that alcohol use was highly associated
with both violent and non-violent crimes. Criminal history and racial identity were also
identified as critical factors that are associated with increased violent crimes among
adolescents. Therefore there is a need to understand the crucial role in controlling essential
elements that help create a reliable platform in managing these factors, which contribute
identify better processes that define a strong change approach (Sharkey, Stifel, & Mayworm,
Living environment and poverty within the community have been significant factors
that are leading to increasing gang membership in the united states. Individuals who live in
poor background struggle to meet their basic needs which discourage many children from
going to school because there is no inspiration on specific elements that present a robust
approach in controlling the level of engagement. Improving the level of commitment within
society has been a significant factor that helps define a strong emphasis on better processes
that determine a successful change process (Gase, DeFosset, Kuo, & Perry, 2016).
Gangs have formed a significant part of criminal justice. The majority of these gangs
flourish in low-income settings and recruit children as members. The level of parenting in
these areas is extremely low, with less consideration of behavioral and individual
psychological wellbeing. According to Sharkey et al. (2015), the findings from the study
revealed that youth gang members were disproportionately male, black, Hispanic, and from
single-parent households. Children from families living below the poverty level were also
associated with increased youth gang membership. The results from the study also identified
that within the United States, there are approximately 1 million youth gang members, with
2% of youth averaging 14 years (Sharkey et al., 2015). Many people are getting involved in
gangs than the previous indications. The primary issue that is defined in this case is the
– 5 –
1. sought to develop an
emphasis on drug use and
violent crimes among
I do not think this sentence
conveys your meaning.
[Marion Baird]
2. united states.
Proper nouns should be
capitalized. [Marion Baird]
3. poor background
Subject-verb agreement:
The subject (noun) of the
sentence should always
agree with its verb (action
word) in number and person.
Example: “The students are
(not ‘sis’s) excited about
returning to school.”
[Marion Baird]
4. criminal justice.
Criminal justice or crime?
[Marion Baird]
5. members.
Where is the research
support? [Marion Baird]
6. indications.
source of information?
[Marion Baird]
limited emphasis on controlling gang development. High poverty levels and lack of formal
education have even identified as primary factors that are associated with gang development.
Gang involvement has become an option for these individuals. Many youths are
joining gangs without understanding the psychological challenges that are associated with
such a move. However, the difficult nature of their surrounding present a more specific
emphasis on better processes that help define reliable change processes which improve the
overall commitment to improved outcomes. Thus the authors sought to explore the
consideration that more extended involvement in street gangs is associated with violent injury
or even death among gang members (Thornton et al., 2015). Many individuals who join these
groups have lost hope in life as a result of a stronger consideration of essential elements that
provide a high level of commitment to the existing issues within society. Communities and
families, therefore, are focusing on different approaches that they can consider in
discouraging gang involvement before it starts.
It is essential to focus on maintaining a stronger level of emphasis on better changes
that help keep a proper understanding on the wellbeing of children. Involvement in crime
does not help improve behavioral development, which helps maintain an improved change
within the environment. The social environment has a crucial role in improving individual
development, which helps create a reliable system for change as well as the implementation
of better concepts that help promote an enhanced level of development. Lack of guidance
among children leaves gaps that are exploited by negative thoughts influencing an individual
behavior (Whitehead & Lab, 2013). Therefore, it is vital to help understand different
measures that can be integrated within society and understand essential measures that can be
implemented to help attain the needed outcomes.
– 6 –
1. Theories
(Review APA format
regarding headings.)
[Marion Baird]
Different theories have focused on explaining the involvement in a crime. These
theories mainly focus on behavior and social environment, which makes it easier for
offenders to commit crimes. Juveniles are encouraged to commit crimes by the favorable
environment. Routine activity theory provides an adequate method that explains the
development of criminal behavior among youths. The routine activity theory highlights that
crime occurs as a result of the interaction of different factors. Crime is a combination of
negative activities within a given society. There is no specific environment in which crime
occurs but is based on the existing level of interaction among individuals from different
personalities (Andresen & Ha, 2019).
Therefore in assessing routine crime theory, three vital components need to be
effectively analyzed to define a highly successful level of engagement. The three
components include potential offenders, the absence of law enforcement officers, and the
target. All these three components operate within a preferred system which maintains a
positive level development. A situation where one of the three parts misses creates a
problematic environment for crime development (Felson, 2016).
The environment plays a central role in crime development. Maintaining a proper
system within the law makes it challenging to allow the presence of the three components of
crime to occur. Low-income individuals will be highly influenced by economic changes
considering that they would be unable to afford quality life. The decreased quality of life
among the poor has a detrimental influence on the ability to maintain a greater emphasis on
changes that help keep improved outcomes (Leukfeldt & Yar, 2016). Therefore decreased life
satisfaction increases resentment and dissent among individuals who inform negative
behavior. These individuals will focus on alternative means which they can use to sustain
their lives. One of the easy options is to commit a crime to meet their needs. Economically
influenced criminal activities have been significant, especially considering the differences in
– 7 –
1. environment.
(Please spend some time
thinking about how the
information connects and
work on explaining it in your
writing.) [Marion Baird]
2. no
There is not a … [Marion
3. Therefore
comma needed [Marion
4. development.
research? [Marion Baird]
5. that
omit [Marion Baird]
social status within the community. Low-class individuals are faced with different problems,
which makes it challenging to avoid crime to meet their needs.
The goal attainment theory also highlights that individual behavioral development is
based on the level of interaction within the environment. Thus, child development is a
specific process that helps understand different decisions within an organizational context.
Implementing a substantial change approach help in creating a highly successful level of
development where it would be possible to define behavioral development (House &
Mitchell, 2019). The level of policing across different settings differs, which helps maintain a
stronger focus on essential processes that help maintain a successful level of change. Law
enforcement officers are not around all the time, which creates a disorganized environment,
which makes it easier for offenders to get an environment where they can target and commit
crimes. When there are no officers within a given setting, it creates a gap that can be easily
exploited by law enforcement officers.
Therefore based on the assessment of the theory, there is a greater understanding of
gaps within the society that allow children to engage in crimes. Limited law enforcement
presents a more specific approach that helps maintain a unique level of emphasis on better
processes that help promote a successful level of engagement. Children are easily influenced,
especially when there is no better management of their personality and development. Social
relations are integral to the adoption of negative behavior within society. Human
development is a process that must be undertaken strategically to promote the integration of
successful behavioral development.
Erik Eriksen’s theory provides a focus on social engagement and individual behavioral
development. Human development occurs through different stages, which help identify
essential elements that define strong change development. Children have different levels of
– 8 –
1. needs.
(Hasty Generalization:
Beware of jumping to
conclusions. You need
more information before you
can make this assumption.)
[Marion Baird]
2. context.
How? [Marion Baird]
3. Therefore
comma needed [Marion
4. Eriksen’s theory
source? [Marion Baird]
understanding, which plays a significant role in transforming their behavior. It is crucial to
help ensure a greater emphasis on critical processes that help identify better measures that
shape individual development. Children have different levels of understanding, which plays a
crucial role in determining their overall growth (Mann, De Ridder, and Fujita, 2013).
Application of the theories
Offenders are individuals who are influenced by negative behavior and intention to
pursue the crime. Victims are always present within the society, which makes it essential to
consider the third component of a crime, which is to eliminate lawlessness. Disorganized
societies have very little law enforcement because of the gangs and criminal activities within
these areas. It is upon the criminal justice to map these areas so that it would be easier to
achieve the intended outcomes. Victims always have something that is of importance to
criminals. Therefore controlling the underlying link between crime and environment creates a
reliable system where it is easier to manage gas within the society.
Juveniles are young individuals who make decisions without putting much thought
into their actions, which in turn creates significant issues limiting the overall understanding of
fundamental changes, which provide a strong focus on better individuals results. This means
that juveniles are more likely to become law-abiding citizens as they mature, and thus, they
are less likely to be given long prison sentences compared to adults. Juvenile offenders are
considered offenders who can quickly transform. Therefore, they are not treated as hardcore
criminals, but there is a significant focus on rehabilitation rather than punitive aspects in
managing their needs. However, there are substantial risks for juvenile offenders if they are
tried as adults (Whitehead & Lab, 2013).
Controlling crime among juveniles requires a stranger approach, which helps maintain
a stronger system, which is essential in embracing strong change development. Maintaining a
– 9 –
1. theories
(Review APA format
regarding headings.)
[Marion Baird]
substantial platform help in creating a secure change process considering the need to maintain
a highly effective system and change development. Improving the behavior of children forms
the basis of attaining highly effective methods within an organizational context. Children who
engage in crime are influenced by negative traits and practice, which is difficult to help in
creating a positive environment for an improved level of change. This means that the basis of
improving child behavior is parenting and embracing education.
Best solution
Parenting focuses on guiding a child’s psychological, emotional, and physical
wellbeing, which maintain a positive change context within society. Different parents
embrace different parenting approaches. However, positive parenting identifies essential
factors that help in maintaining a stronger focus on improved commitment to a positive life.
Different social settings help keep a highly integrated system where it would be possible to
define a successful change process. Children are highly susceptible because of weak mental
strength. This means that such individuals need guidance. The juvenile justice system should
not focus on punishing offenders only but also embrace the rehabilitation and development of
improved concepts involving behavioral development (Sharkey, Stifel, and Mayworm, 2015).
The relationship between a child and his or her parents is invaluable, which is
adequately explained based on infant attachment. Infant attachment presents a firm
understanding of child development, which offers a transparent approach in helping
understand different elements that need to be assessed in determining better outcomes.
Relationships that are formed during infancy are crucial in defining a stronger influence on
child behavioral and cognitive development. Relationships at a younger age are essential in
transforming a child’s mental wellbeing. Child development is necessary at the infant stage,
where they learn and store. Learning is a continuous process, although during childhood,
– 10 –
1. wellbeing.
Where is the research?
[Marion Baird]
there are diverse concepts leaned based on the parenting style that is adopted (Sharkey, Stifel,
and Mayworm, 2015). Having control over what a child learns plays an integral role in
creating a harmonious environment where it is possible to maintain a more significant
commitment to underlying outcomes.
Ensuring that children attend school and gather skills that can boost their development
within society is also a significant way in controlling juvenile delinquency. Quality education
is developed founded on the underlying systems and philosophies which focus on guiding
education curriculums designed across different settings. The ability to empower learners and
ensure that they adopt critical learning skills is implemented with a focus on major
educational philosophies that guide education development. Education policies are grounded,
significant values, beliefs, and principles that guide student development. Different cultural
settings focus on different concepts, which are essential in modifying the quality of education
as well as education philosophies adopted (Castellanos, 2013).
Therefore, in conclusion, juvenile delinquency is a significant challenge within
society. However, the problem can be easily solved through controlling of the vital
components that define crime, as explained by routine activity crime theory. The significant
elements that are identified in this case include offender, victim, and a conducive
environment without law enforcement officers. Controlling juvenile offending is mainly
determined based on the use of improving behavioral management through parenting and
emphasizing education as essential methods to ensure that children can develop into law-
abiding citizens who are the future. Promoting the future of law-abiding citizens starts with
understanding better processes that help identify critical processes that define positive change
within the community.
– 11 –
[no notes on this page]
Andresen, M. A., & Ha, O. K. (2019). Routine activity theory. In The Routledge Companion
to Criminological Theory and Concepts.
Castellanos, I. E. (2013). Parental and peer influence on juvenile delinquency. ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses.
Felson, M. (2016). The routine activity approach. In Environmental Criminology and Crime
Analysis: Second Edition.
Gase, L. N., DeFosset, A., Kuo, T., & Perry, R. (2016). Youths’ perspectives on the reasons
underlying school truancy and opportunities to improve school attendance. Qualitative
House, R. J., & Mitchell, T. R. (2019). Path-Goal Theory of Leadership. In Leadership.
Leukfeldt, E. R., & Yar, M. (2016). Applying Routine Activity Theory to Cybercrime: A
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. Deviant Behavior.
Li, S. D. (2014). Familial Religiosity, Family Processes, and Juvenile Delinquency in a
National Sample of Early Adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence.
– 12 –
1. Reference
References page must
follow APA guidelines.
[Marion Baird]
Mann, T., De Ridder, D., & Fujita, K. (2013). Self-regulation of health behavior: Social
psychological approaches to goal setting and goal striving. Health Psychology.
Matza, D., & Sykes, G. M. (2017). Juvenile delinquency and subterranean values. In
Delinquency and Drift Revisited: The Criminology of David Matza and Beyond.
Sharkey, J., Stifel, S., & Mayworm, A. (2015). How to help me get out of a gang: Youth
Recommendations to Family, School, Community, and Law Enforcement System.
Journal of Juvenile Justice.
Thornton, L. C., Frick, P. J., Shulman, E. P., Ray, J. V., Steinberg, L., & Cauffman, E. (2015).
Callous-Unemotional Traits and Adolescents’ Role in Group Crime. Law and Human
Unayah, N., & Sabarisman, M. (2015). the Phenomenon of Juvenile Delinquency and
Criminality. Sosio Informa.
Whitehead, J. T., & Lab, S. P. (2013). Chapter 14 – Future Directions in Juvenile Justice. In
Juvenile Justice.
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