Theatre play reaction paper

This is a reaction paper to either one of two plays (Ordinary Americans or Measure for measure). Please follow the guide lines in the attachment. It has to be a total of 1500 words. 

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1500 Word Reaction Paper Due: Tuesday, February 18, 11:59 PM Maximum Points: 100

This half of the “final exam” is to See a Play and Write a 1500 Word Reaction Paper. You’ll need to make reservations between February 9 and February 16 to see one of the live productions listed below. This assignment is the capstone written part of the course. The plays below were selected because they will be performed after we have looked at theatre through the perspectives of all the artists that collaborate to create a production. This paper is my way of assessing your understanding of each of those perspectives and how they work together to create a unified work of theatrical art. Please note: the assignment is a Reaction Paper, not a research paper. Your observations, descriptions and opinions about the details of the play and the production of the play are essential. The productions listed below have been chosen specifically because they will be presented near the end of the semester to allow you to demonstrate what you will have learned, particularly about the perspectives of playwrights, directors, actors, designers and stage managers. Click on each theatre’s link to find out information about the play and the production, student ticket policies, production dates and times. Make your reservations as soon as you can because you can’t complete this assignment without seeing a live production. The Paper is worth 100 points and is due on (or before!) Tuesday, February 18 by 11:59 PM. If you don’t live in South Florida, please message me immediately and begin to search for live theatre productions in your area that will be performed in the same time frame as the plays listed below. When you have found possible substitutes, message me with a list and I will be happy to advise you.

Ordinary Americans

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February 9 – 16

Measure for Measure 

FIU Theatre

            February 9 – 16

The first play listed is produced by a professional theatre that sells significantly discounted tickets to students on a first-come-first-served basis. Tickets can be purchased online or in person with student identification. Credit card purchases incur an additional fee. Discounts are based on availability. Contact GableStage for specific student ticket policies.

The FIU production is in the Mainstage Theatre. Seating is limited, and performances have been known to sell out quickly especially during the last week, so if you want to see this show, make your reservations ASAP.

Culture Shock An alternative method of purchasing tickets to the professional show listed above, is to click on the Culture Shock link below. Students ages 13-22 can buy tickets to the best performances for only $5. (This is also true for museums and other cultural events in and around Miami-Dade.) With the purchase of one $5 student ticket, a second $5 ticket can be purchased for an individual of any age to join you. – See more at: 

Culture Shock!

Submission method:

Please create your paper (consisting of at least 1500 words) and save it as a Word document. Submit the paper by scrolling down to the drop box directly below these guidelines in the module. Click on the underlined words View/Submit and follow instructions.

Please be aware that is a plagiarism detection software and that your paper will be automatically compared to millions of sources from around the world. Plagiarism is a serious violation of

academic integrity

and will be dealt with as such. Remember, this is a reaction paper, not a research paper, so everything in the paper must be a result of your own thinking, ideas, perceptions, observations and or feelings.

It is strongly recommended that you write the paper as soon after you see the production as possible. The assignment should be completed before the due date to be eligible for full credit. Late papers will be accepted for partial credit until February 22 at 11:59 PM, after which no papers will be accepted.


The paper should be a 1500 word essay focusing on your reaction to the play/production, and to the quality of the production. Make sure to back up statements of opinion or observations with descriptive examples drawn from the show to illustrate what lead you to your conclusions.  The three main questions to consider are:

1. What was the playwright trying to say about life?

a. What universal questions or themes are raised? (i.e. Who am I? Why are we here?)

b. What is the central conflict? (i.e. illusion versus reality, Fate vs. Free-will)

c. What is the main action? (What is the main character trying to do?)

2. What impact does the play have on you and your life?

a. How does the play affect you emotionally? Intellectually? Philosophically?

b. What does it make you experience that you might not have experienced?

c. Did it reinforce the way you already think? Feel? Act? Behave? Believe? Conduct your life?

d. Did it change the way you think? Feel? Act? Behave? Believe? Conduct your life?

3. Two thirds of the paper should be devoted this final question: Did the playwright’s collaborative artists and craftspeople help you understand and enjoy the play or prevent you from doing so?

a. Choose at least four actors. Include their full names and the names of the characters they played. Evaluate their work using the following questions based on your observations and opinions:

i. Were the actors believable as the characters they were playing?

ii. Did they speak loud enough and intelligibly enough to be understood?

iii. Did you identify/empathize with one (or more) of the characters?

iv. Did they draw you into the play or were you aware they were “acting?”

b. Evaluate the director’s work: Was the production unified in its vision? Did it flow seamlessly from one point to the next? Was the casting on point?

c. How did the design elements (Lights, sound, costumes, scenery) affect the production?

i. Provide your opinions/observations about the success or failure of each design element listed above.

ii. Back each of those opinions and observations up with at least two detailed descriptive examples from the production.

Remember these are not “yes/no” questions, but “why or why not” questions. Don’t waste space/words detailing the plot or the story. About one third of the paper should discuss questions one and two. Two thirds of the paper should contain detailed, descriptive examples from the elements of the production that either helped you understand and enjoy the play or got in the way of your understanding and enjoyment and why or why not.

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