theater Critiques

 Critique #1

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After watching the 2008 film version of A Raisin in the Sun please write a two page critique.  Follow the “Production Review Format” found in Unit #1. 

This paper should be written in your own words.  It is your personal reaction to what you have watched.  Please make sure you use examples from the film and be as complete as possible.  This is a TWO PAGE paper.  If you do half the work you will receive half the credit.


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 You will be submitting it to “turnitin”.  If you have any questions please let me know. 

  Critique #2

LAHC Theatre will be performing 4-5 virtual performances this semester. There will be at least two productions that occur prior to this assignments due date. After watching the virtual production  please write a two page critique.  Follow the “Production Review Format” found in Unit #1 or at the bottom of this page. 

This paper should be written in your own words.  It is your personal reaction to what you have watched.  Please make sure you use examples from the film and be as complete as possible.  This is a TWO PAGE paper.  If you do half the work you will receive half the credit.

Critique #3


After watching the your selection for a Play Adapted into a Film,  please write a two page critique.  Follow the “Production Review Format” found in Unit #1. 

This paper should be written in your own words.  It is your personal reaction to what you have watched.  Please make sure you use examples from the film and be as complete as possible.  This is a TWO PAGE paper.  If you do half the work you will receive half the credit.  

Theatre Festival


First Paragraph (A Short Paragraph):

 For A Raisin in the Sun and the LAHC Virtual play, write a short paragraph
about your expectations leading up to this film. For the film adapted from a

play, please describe in a short paragraph why you made that film selection.

Second Paragraph (3-5 sentences):

 State theme and support your viewpoint with examples from the dialogue,
action or scenes.

Paragraphs 3-5 (Choose at least 3 of the areas listed below that you can expand on

and use examples from the production to support your observations. YOU DO


 How was the production staged? This would include elements of:
i. Blocking (movement)

ii. Setting (scenery)
iii. Lighting
iv. Costumes
v. Props

vi. Sound and music

 Can you make any evaluation of the director’s contribution?

 Acting Area
vii. Was it believable?

viii. Were the characterizations clear?
ix. Who were the outstanding performers? Why?
x. Was there any outstanding scene? Why?

Conclusion to Your Paper (Please answer the following 3 questions):

 Were there any weak areas of the production? Why?

 Were there any strong areas? What were they?

 Was the overall production effective? Ineffective? Why?


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