The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation

Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.

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To Prepare:

  • Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.
  • Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.

The Assignment: (3 pages)

In preparation of filling this role, develop a  3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:

  • Planning and requirements definition
  • Analysis
  • Design of the new system
  • Implementation
  • Post-implementation support

please see template attached

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The Nurse Informaticist Role in Systems Development and Implementation

Your Name

Walden University

The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation

This brief, concise, single paragraph will introduce your paper and the main topic. The maximum length is three pages (excluding title and reference page). In order to complete the assignment, one must review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). You are required to develop a 2- to 3-page role description for an advanced practice nurse in the role of nurse leader on the implementation team. The nurse leader will participate in and impact each of the following steps in the SDLC: planning and requirements definition, analysis, design of the new system, implementation and post implementation support. Use the below headings to help organize the document.

Planning and Requirements Definition

Describe the role of the nurse leader in this stage of the SDLC. Include a description of the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader in the planning and requirements definition.


Describe the role of the nurse leader in this stage of the SDLC. Include a description of the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader in the analysis.

Design of the New System

Describe the role of the nurse leader in this stage of the SDLC. Include a description of the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader in the design of a new system.


Describe the role of the nurse leader in this stage of the SDLC. Include a description of the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader in the implementation.

Post-implementation Support

Describe the role of the nurse leader in this stage of the SDLC. Include a description of the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader in the post-implementation support.



(These are examples for format only; these examples are not related to the content addressed for the assignment. Please use scholarly resources as well as course material to support the information you have shared. Please be sure to review the rubric for assignments; at least 5 scholarly resources are required for full credit.)

Please note for article references: only first word in article title begins with a capital letter, journal name and volume are italics, last name and first initial of authors only. See page 198 of APA manual for additional guidance. See APA handout in Doc Sharing section for additional resources.

Eason, T. (2009). Emotional intelligence and nursing leadership: A successful combination.

Creative Nursing, 15(4), 184-185.

Millar, R., Freeman, T., & Mannion, R. (2015). Hospital board oversight of quality and safety: a

stakeholder analysis exploring the role of trust and intelligence. BMC Health Services

Research, 15(1), 1-12. doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0771-x

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