The purpose of this assignment is to summarize two strategic alternatives for your selected corporation based on individual research and team analyses.


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The purpose of this assignment is to summarize two strategic alternatives for your selected corporation based on individual research and team analyses.

Assume that you work as an analyst team lead at the company you have been studying throughout this course, and you are issuing a high-level communication to company CEO that summarizes your analysis. Based on what you have discovered regarding environmental scan issues, financial analysis issues, industry trends, etc., communicate a plan for implementing two strategic alternatives in an executive summary of 750-1,000 words. (TOYOTA)

Include the following in your response:

  1. Based on your work this semester, synthesize and present key analytical findings about where the company is exceling and how or where it can improve. Refer to both your CLC and individual analysis in your summary.
  2. Propose two creative yet viable corporate-level strategic alternatives. Critique the pros and cons of each alternative utilizing your analytical findings.
  3. Select and defend the pursuit of one of your two viable alternatives. How does this alternative align with the firm’s mission, vision, and values? can management employ this alternative to create competitive advantage for the firm? Suggest next steps.
  4. Based on your analysis, identify a business unit or activity within the corporation that you would suggest defunding in order to finance your strategic alternative, or provide an alternate funding source. Defend your selection.
  5. Given your overall proposal, how do you suggest the company promote its culture, vision, and mission to maximize its chances for success in the industry? How might the company develop its servant leaders to endorse and exemplify tenets of the Christian worldview (CWV) in the workplace? Propose and defend at least one significant leadership initiative.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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