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Week 5 – Written Assignment

Cultural Perspectives Draft

The goal of this assignment is to integrate cultural nuances, expectations, and perspectives into a draft of your final paper. You will present a current diversity-related situation or dilemma; compare and contrast the cultures involved in the situation; and provide a historical perspective and analyze the contributing factors to the current state of the situation. You will then interpret the effects of the situation on the cultures involved, provide evidence in favor of and opposed to each side of the situation. Finally, you will assess your beliefs and perspectives regarding the situation or dilemma and identify strategies for building inclusion by synthesizing the varying perspectives.


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This assignment will build upon your accumulated learning from the course and your written assignments from Weeks 3 and 4. Based on your identified situation or cultural dilemma (from your Week 4 written assignment), determine a personal position regarding the topic. Then write a 2800-3500 word paper that:

· Identifies and presents your own attitudes, beliefs, cultural norms, stereotypes, or biases that you may have, or had in the past, regarding the topic.

· Presents at least one argument supporting the perspective of each cultural group involved with the topic.

· Considers how the situation or dilemma may be addressed moving forward with a mutually beneficial outcome.

This written assignment will include: 

· An identified diversity situation or cultural dilemma prevalent in today’s society that involves more than one cultural group. (Week 3 written assignment)

· A comparison of the different cultural groups involved. (Week 4 written assignment)

· Personal position regarding the topic. (Week 5 written assignment)

This written assignment should be double-spaced, and include a title page and references page. Additionally, utilize 5 to 7 resources, including resources provided throughout the course, to support your arguments. Make sure to gather evidence and present persuasive, well-reasoned arguments regarding your topic, and consider all perspectives and opinions.

This Week 5 paper should include all the requirements of the Weeks 3 and 4 papers and also:

· Identify and present your own attitudes, beliefs, cultural norms, stereotypes, or biases that you may have, or had in the past, regarding the topic.

· Present at least one argument supporting the perspective of each cultural group involved with the topic.

· Consider how the situation or dilemma may be addressed moving forward with a mutually beneficial outcome.



Cultural Dilemmas


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Cultural Dilemmas

Between whites and blacks who makes a superior leader

Racial differences refer to the existence of different races at a given setting. At work places especially in multinational organizations, there is a tendency of job transfers happening locally as well as internationally. This results in cases of misunderstanding between work mates of different races due to their physical differences. My interest in this cultural dilemma comes because it seems many people do not want to leave their home counties for international assignments for the fear of racial differences.

One group that has faced a lot of racial discrimination is the black people. It is bad especially when whites are imported into their African countries to head work groups or projects. The whites feel superior in that they discriminate the natives believing that they are not competent enough to work alone. It has resulted in micromanagement.

One so the issue that have resulted in the heated racial discrimination is due to the slave trade that occurred putting the blacks at the center of the business. Given that they were mistreated and segregated, this led to a widespread of racism.

With the current education and the proliferation of technology, there is enough information that depicts all human beings are equal in all perspectives and that no one should feel superior over another race. We should not discriminate one another anymore.

Which religion is better than the other?

One of the issues that have greatly influenced our wellbeing is the way to worship. We tend to believe that we have the most truthful and superior religious beliefs that others. This has resulted in many people not being able to understand whether for example Muslims and Christians all worship the same God. My interest I n this topic is to iron out what truth lies behind each religion.

The cultural group that has been adversely affected with this religious difference are the Christians and the Muslims. They tend to have bad blood when addressing one anther based on what they believe the other is wrong. There is a bad association between Christian and Muslim communities.

The historical forces include civil wars between American and European nations in Islamic states of the Middle East. Thus it was seen as if Christian nations are against Muslim nations. Therefore this is the reason as to why the beliefs about Muslim view of religion are different with that of the Christians.

In the modern society, it happens that as one grows while still a kid, he, or she is taught by the people he looks up to and he or she tends to believe in them. This is what fixes a person to believe in certain religion. However when a person can think and decide for himself, then he or she doesn’t have to continue believing in bad interreligious relations.

Muslim women barred from driving cars

Gender inequality has been as issue, in the Muslim states a lady or a woman is not allowed to drive. It therefore becomes very difficult for other women who are form western nations to decide to drive as they feel that they could be dishonoring the men who are only allowed to drive in these nations.

This is a dilemma that both affects Muslim women and women form western countries. The Muslim women wonder whether they can drive in the western countries since at their home they are not allowed to do so. Consequently, western women wonder whether it is ethical to drive in Muslim nations since the active women are not allowed to.

Societal forces that have resulted in this are the laws drafted by the Muslim leaders barring women form driving in their cities. This is because women are to respect their male counterparts who have been tasked to head such activities. Besides, their dressing code does not give then the ample space to be watchful on the roads.

Muslim women are equal human beings just like the western women. Therefore it should not in any way be a case of discriminative assignment of duties since the female gender is thought to be inferior. They should be allowed to drive as they can drive well in other countries.


Collins, S. (2005). Living islam out loud: American muslim women Speak/Shattering the stereotypes: Muslim women speak out. Library Journal, 130(11), 74. Retrieved from

Fox, J., & Akbaba, Y. (2015). Securitization of islam and religious discrimination: Religious minorities in western democracies, 1990-2008. Comparative European Politics, 13(2), 175-197. doi:

Heath, A. F., & Stasio, V. D. (2019). Racial discrimination in britain, 1969–2017: A meta‐analysis of field experiments on racial discrimination in the british labour market. The British Journal of Sociology, 70(5), 1774-1798. doi:



Muslim women barred from driving cars

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Prejudice, Discrimination, Power, and Privilege

In the world, the societies have been and still to this day diverse and this issue is clear in the United States. For example in a situation that comes to mind is how young men and boys of color living in the US face being murdered by police which is one of the main causes of death for young black men and boys in the United States. A showed that about 1 in 1,000 black males in America will more than likely die at the hands of cops which puts them at a greater chance of being murdered than white young men and boys during the same type of encounter (Los Angeles Times, 2019). Diversity in different states in the US has been an issue for a very long time where malpractices such as discrimination, abuse of power, and prejudice have become reality.

Over the past generations dramatic social and legal changes have been pursued to pave the way for women’s acceptance today; changes such as affirmative action, reproductive rights, abortion, and the pursuit of higher education. Generations of women have come together to help build stronger ground to address women’s rights by participating in civil rights meetings, petition drives, lobbying, public speaking and non-violent resistance acts. Women have also overcome hardships such as rejection, isolation, discrimination, and unfair treatment in the workforce. In today’s society women now have more opportunities then ever before such as involvement in social clubs, career advancement, as well as being able to run for public office. In contrast women have faced inequalities with issues pertaining to the workplace, sports, and pregnancy. In many positions in which women hold the same titles as males they are typically offered less compensation then their male counterparts. The sporting arena, for example, is set up to be a male dominated event. Specifically in terms of sports such as basketball and tennis with players such as Venus and Serena Williams are not equally compensated financially compared to male players. Women are also not treated fairly when they are pregnant and in the workforce. Throughout history women have been frowned upon due to having to leave the workforce because of pregnancy and wanting to care for the child. Muslim women like any other women have the right to be treated equally and the right to exercise their religious beliefs and freedom without prejudice and discrimination. This; however; has not been the case as many Muslim women have undergone and are still undergoing ethnic; racial, gender, and religious discrimination harassment and discrimination. A good example of this discrimination has been seen in Saudi Arabia where for a very long time women have been barred from legally driving or acquiring driving licenses. This is one of the cultural discrimination that has been to bring a great dilemma to the rights and freedom of Muslim women as a cultural group. This cultural dilemma has resulted in many women activist being jailed for championing for the right of Muslim women to drive.

The Muslim and Arab women have been among the most discussed subjects in the Western parties for the last centuries. The veil and oppression of the Arab and Muslim women have been one of the most discussed topics at present than it was before the pre-colonial and immediately after the post-colonial period. Women from the Muslim and Arab cultures who live in the Western countries often engage in the issue of the veil. Once it is know that they are from the Muslim culture, the veil becomes the only prominent topic of discussion. This topic is everywhere in the Laundromat, train, universities or even at parties. The knowledge between those who discusses this varies, some of them show some ignorance on the Muslim and Arab societies, others base their claims on the experiences they had on their travels to the Muslim and Arab societies and others refer their claims to the films and books. All of them regardless of their evidence will adamantly admit that women in the Muslim and Arab societies had rough times in their societies

Although there was a historic move by Saudi Arabian government that gave women the right to drive, the fact is that Muslim women in Saudi Arabia are still under repressive laws that restrict them from making many formal decisions without seeking permission from their male counterparts or relatives (Thorsen, & Sreedharan 2019). Despite this complication, many Muslim women have come out to take driving schools and many driving licenses have been issued to qualified ones. Car manufacturing companies have also joined the campaigns that target Saudi women, and this could mean a positive step towards fighting against discrimination and prejudice against Saudi Muslim women.

Muslim women especially those from Saudi have powers and privileges especially from some of laws, international community, and human rights activists. During the year 2017 king Salman offered some royal decrees that lifted some of the restrictions and laws that barred women from driving, owning business, mixing with opposite sexes in public and attending sporting arenas. Some women are aware of these privileges and have come out even to share their videos behind wheels. Early in 2019, a top general in Saudi government said over 70000 women had been issued with licenses to drive. Many women however are not aware or are afraid to exercise these privileges because other abuses and guardianship laws still overshadow these privileges. Human rights activists for example the women by the name Loujain al-Hathloul, who championed for the right to allow women drive, is still in jail. Women who go against their guardians directives are subject to arrest on the charges of disobedience. This type of discrimination that barred Saudi women from driving can considered as overt because it originates from an Islamic law called wahhabism that is only acceptable among the Muslims that dictates that every woman must have a male guardian and that they cannot travel without who can drive her (Al-Asfour et al., 2017). The fact that it is acceptable by the Islamic religion only and not the society as a whole’ makes it an overt discrimination against Muslim women.

The application of prejudice, discrimination, power, and privilege has a negative impact on the African American culture. Recent studies have explained how police violation and killings have had a negative impact on the mental health of African Americans even those who are not directly involved in incidents like these but because of the diversity the young black men and women when being pulled over for a simple traffic violation is in fear of losing their lives (Smith College, 2016).

These discriminations on muslin women have many impacts on lives of Saudi women in various aspects. In terms of goods and services most of these Muslim women have no direct access without consulting their guardian. They cannot make decisions of their own in terms of goods and services they desire to acquire. Although human rights are making steps to ensure that Muslim women also ascend to positions of power and leadership, it still a being challenge especially Saudi Arabia because of the culture only allows men to in these positions of power. Women who make attempts to go against these cultural beliefs are arrested and jailed because they are considered to be law breakers. Very few Muslims women have access to education and other societal structures. The main reasons being fear of infringements, like harassment, threats, and assaults from others students in schools. Their lives have remained under the power and control of men within their society.


Los Angeles Times, (2019).

Thorsen, E., & Sreedharan, C. (2019). # EndMaleGuardianship: Women’s rights, social media and the Arab public sphere. New Media & Society, 21(5), 1121-1140.

Al-Asfour, A., Tlaiss, H. A., Khan, S. A., & Rajasekar, J. (2017). Saudi women’s work challenges and barriers to career advancement. Career Development International, 22(2), 184-199.

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