The Future?


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In your final post in this class, I’d like to to share your perspective on the future of Homo sapiens.  We’ve covered millions of years of the history of our kind; what do you think the future holds?  Will we adapt to the planet that we are changing?  Will we slow down, alter, or redirect some of the changes that have begun under our watch?  Are you optimistic…or not?  Why?

  • Please submit one original post of at least 250 words and a minimum of one thoughtful response post to another student for full credit. 
  • While you may reference broader current issues, be sure to illustrate that you’ve reviewed the materials from the modules.  


(  The Agricultural Revolution)

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( new problem)


( Germs vs. Humans Today: Who’s Winning?)

8/4/2020New Problems: Anthropology 1 Sec EN1 (10346) Summer 2020 2/2

You’ll have access to the third video on the next page…

8/4/2020 New Problems: Anthropology 1 Sec EN1 (10346) Summer 2020 1/2

New Problems
One major problem that increased dramatically alongside the Agricultural Revolution was the rise of
infectious diseases, among them the viruses like COVID-19. Where did these diseases come from?
This is critical information for us to understand in the context of what is happening in our society
today. Please watch this brief video (2:40 min) to understand the origin of these infectious diseases:

And how bad did things get? Keep watching Part 2 (2:55 min) to see how human populations and
germs have co-evolved over time:

A Short History Of Humans And Germs: EA Short History Of Humans And Germs: E……

A Short History Of Humans And Germs: The Golden Age OfA Short History Of Humans And Germs: The Golden Age Of……

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