Term paper

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The assignment ( annotated bibliography with topic and sources) that you have to do the assignment based off is also attached! You must use the same topic and the same sources that were used in the annotated bibliography!!



Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder (SPD)

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Topic: Effectiveness of Physical Exercise in Managing Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder

Gurusamy, J., Gandhi, S., Damodharan, D., Ganesan, V., & Palaniappan, M. (2018). Exercise, diet, and educational interventions for metabolic syndrome in persons with schizophrenia: a systematic review. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 36, 73-85.

The authors discuss the effectiveness of physical exercise in managing schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SPD). This source remains useful in helping me advance the above topic to determine the effects of physical exercise in managing this disorder by reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome development. The authors argue that exercise remains the mainstay of weight loss treatment. The exercise intervention is helpful in managing schizophrenia spectrum disorder since it leads to weight reduction hence it is an effective non-pharmacological intervention. Thus, this study will be helpful in demonstrating that physical activity remains an effective intervention to lower and manage antipsychotic-induced weight gain. Thus, this study will be helpful in completing my research study by recommending physical exercise intervention in treating and managing people with schizophrenia spectrum disorder since it is safer and effective in promoting and maintaining weight and deliverable at low cost, safer as well as improve QoL.

Manu, P., Dima, L., Shulman, M., Vancampfort, D., De Hert, M., & Correll, C. U. (2015). Weight gain and obesity in schizophrenia: epidemiology, pathobiology, and management. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 132(2), 97-108.

The article remains useful in showing the effectiveness of physical activity in managing schizophrenia spectrum disorder. The authors have shown the latest advances in weight gain and obesity management in patients with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. The authors argue for the use of physical activity in managing obesity and weight gain in schizophrenic patients. Accordingly, the information in this article will help me complete my research study by showing that physical activity should be used in managing weight gain besides obesity to reduce risk in schizophrenic patients who are at high risk due to higher calories intake in terms of higher-density meals besides lower energy spending. This article shows the need for moderate-to-intensity physical exercise as a behavioural intervention to reduce the risk of schizophrenia spectrum disorder. The authors argue that there remains a need to shift antipsychotics to lower-liability medicines by individualizing it and metformin being utilized for adjunctive therapies, provided its preferable risk-benefit profile.

Niv, N., Cohen, A. N., Hamilton, A., Reist, C., & Young, A. S. (2014). Effectiveness of a psychosocial weight management program for individuals with schizophrenia. The journal of behavioural health services & research, 41(3), 370-380.

The authors examined the effectiveness of programs for weight loss for persons with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder in normal care by assessing BMI and weight at baseline, one year later, and at every session of treatment. The results showed the need for developing intervention mechanisms that both enhance utilization as well as produce higher weight loss for proper management of schizophrenia spectrum disorder. The authors argue for the need for weight monitoring alongside management in schizophrenic spectrum disorder patients. This study thus provides valuable information that will enable me to complete the research study by recommending the need for psychosocial weight loss programs in managing the patient with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder.

Buhagiar, K., Parsonage, L., & Osborn, D. P. (2011). Physical health behaviours and health locus of control in people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorder and bipolar disorder: a cross-sectional comparative study with people with non-psychotic mental illness. BMC psychiatry, 11(1), 104.

The authors argue that persons with mental illnesses like schizophrenia spectrum disorder face excess mortality and morbidity from physical illness as compared to the general population. The authors argue that people with severe mental illness (SMI) like schizophrenia spectrum disorder, have remarkably higher mortalities and morbidity rates arising from coronary heart disease besides stroke. This is because they tend to provide fewer priorities for their physical health needs. Accordingly, this article will help me complete my research study by recommending that health promotion for individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorder need to aim at raising the consciousness of modifiable higher-risk lifestyle factors. Thus, the finding of this study demonstrates the need for behavioural change as a means to manage SPD.

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