Telecommunications and Networking DQ


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Q1. The number of standardized protocols in use at the application layer has significantly increased since the 1980s. Why? 

· Do you believe this trend will continue? 

· What are the implications for those who design and operate networks?

Q2. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion whether you agree or disagree? Minimum 125 words.

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The reason why there are more standardized protocols at the application layer can be directly related to the increase use of the world wide web and graphic interface such as HTTP and DHCP. New protocols that are introduced are developed on work with preexisting TCP and IP networks while newer protocols can be retrofitted to work with new technologies on older networking architecture. As more users are using the web and different types of technology are being developed to enhance user experience developers will need to use a baseline standard for their development. We can see this trend in new technologies to connect our smartphones and tablets to other devices and create local networks. There can be implications as previous or older protocols can be outdated and new protocols will need to be developed as the importance of internet related protocols has increased.

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