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Journal Entry #4Programming Tutorial

The objective of Journal Entry #4 is to give you hands-on experience with an online course in learning a basic programming language — HTML, SQL, JavaScript, Python.  Follow the instructions below to try a free programming course, then write a summary of what you learned.


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  1. Select one of the courses from the list below.  All courses are FREE:

    Udemy courses:

    Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying 
    Build Your First Website in 1 Week with HTML5 and CSS3
    Learn to Program in Javascript: Beginner to Pro
    HTML5 and CSS3 Fundamentals
    Introduction To Python Programming

    LinkedIn Learning courses:

    Learning SQL Programming
    HTML Essential Training
    Programming Foundations: Databases
    Learning Data Analytics 
    JavaScript Essential Training (2017)

  2. Spend 30 to 45 minutes on the course.  You do NOT need to finish the entire course; you only need to spend enough time to get a feel for the programming language and to learn the basics.
  3. Use the attached template to report on your experience:

    The course that you selected
    A link to the course you selected
    A bulleted list of what you learned
    A short example of the programming language (Example: Code for “Hello world!” or SQL Statement selecting a few fields from a table)

Programming Tutorial

Journal Entry #4

Programming Tutorial
List the Programming Tutorial that you selected
Provide a Link to the Programming Tutorial

What did you learn?
Provide a bulleted list of what you learned from the tutorial

Paste in a short example of code for the tool you learned. Provide a 1-sentence description of what the code example does

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