Tai Chi Practice

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Tai Chi     



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_________________________________                   Date:________________                                            

  Part 1:  Common Principles and Requirements (15 points)

Match the correct term with its category. (Not all the terms will be used)


A. Shoulder                                             1.  “The Three (3) Internal Meetings

B. Chi(Qi)-Breathing

C. Lower                                                  __________________________

D. Returning

E. Shen – Spirit                                        2.  Three (3) External Meetings

F. Toe                                                                  a.  Front View Alignment

G. Heel                                                                 _____________________

H. Unification                                                        b.  Side View Alignment

I. Open mind- be creative                                    _____________________

J. Knee                                                                c.  Levels

K. Elbow                                                              _____________________

L. Li – Force

M. Upper                                                  3.  6 Aspects of Tai-chi-chuan

N. Yin & Yang

O. Balance                                                ____________________________

P. I – Attention

Q. Non-resisting

R. Hip                                                       4. Three (3) Minding (Tips) for work-out

S. Middle                                                

T. Continuity                                             _____________________________

U. Concentrate

V. Thigh

W. Caution

  Part 2:  Yin-Yang & Taiji Concepts (15 points)

What does “Tai Chi” concept have? (Circle one)

A.      The ultimate Kungfu style above the External styles of Kungfu.

B.      The harmonious action the five elements of the universe: fire, water, wood, metal, earth.

C.      All aspects of life are comprised of two interplaying life forces of Yin and Yang.


Give ten (10) examples of Yin and Yang nature: .


What is the correct formula to calculate your Target Heart Rate for Cardio Tai Chi (Circle the correct letter)


A. (220-age) + (RHR x .50 to .85)

B. (220-age) x (.50 to .85) x RHR

C. (220-age) x (.50 to .85)

 Part 3: Therapeutic Tai Chi: (10 points)

Match the technique to the group it belongs to: (Not all techniques will be used)


A. Open the Window                                                         Group A: stress reduction

B. Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg

C. Grasping Bird’s Tail                                                       ________________________

D. Frog Kick

E. Parting Wild Horse’s Mane                                       Group B: upper limb and back

F. Wave Hands Like Clouds Drifting By

G. Needle at the Bottom of the Sea                                            ________________________

H. Carry Tiger Back to the Mountain

I. Brush Knee & Twist Step                                         Group C: lower limb and lower back

J. White Crane Spreads Its Wings

K. Playing the Fiddle                                                   ________________________


 Part 4: Cardio Tai Chi for wellness: (25 points)

Write the relationship between Tai-chi and wellness:
What is wellness? How Cardio Tai Chi can help achieve wellbeing?


  Part 5: (15points)

Choose to answer one of the following two quizzes:

1) Cardio Tai Chi Techniques grouped by Geometric Shapes for countering

Match the technique to the group it belongs to: (Not all techniques will be used)

L. Open the Window                                                         Group A: Square(distance)

M. Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg

N. Grasping Bird’s Tail                                                       ________________________

O. Frog Kick

P. Parting Wild Horse’s Mane                                       Group B: Triangle(middle range)

Q. Wave Hands Like Clouds Drifting By

R. Chasing the bird                                                         ________________________

S. Carry Tiger Back to the Mountain

T. Brush Knee & Twist Step                                         Group C: Circle(close range)

U. White Crane Spreads Its Wings

V. Playing the Fiddle                                                   ________________________

W. Step Back and Repulse Monkey


List the content of a Cardio Ta Chi i routine including warm-up and cool-down exercises:

    Part 6:Design a Self-Evaluation-Progressive Learning Form

 for a friend/yourself  who has consulted with you for particular purposes of  a Tai-chi  work-out(10 points)

Describe the procedure of the training for this person: (20 points)

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