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Drugs and Adolescents

Name: Edith Yanez

Institution: Ana G Mendez University

Date: January, 2021


Alcohol and drug abuse remains a global problem that is associated with numerous adverse health and socio-economic impacts. A good percentage of adults with drugs disorder had first contact with these substances in the youthful age. Drugs do not only affect the consumers but also the wider society. The usage of drugs is recognized by medical practitioners as a major health risk to conditions such as tuberculosis, heart diseases, suicidal thoughts, and cancer, among others. This discussion examines different aspects of alcohol and drug abuse among adolescents to help in coming up appropriate recommendations and interventions to reverse the worrying trend. The report will consider components such as etiology, disorders, impacts, treatment and preventive measures. Adolescents are at important stage in their lives that influence performance and quality of life in the future.

Substance use and abuse among adolescents come out social and environmental influences. Most youths take drugs out of experimentation and peer pressure only to end up abusing the substances. The effects on health, education, and socio-economic wellness are immense. Parents, government, and society have a foremost role in the promotion of initiatives that deter adolescents from abusing drugs. Preventive measures require concerted efforts with institutions such as schools, churches, and law enforcement. Besides, the options of treatment of disorders include medication, behavioral, and counseling therapies. The society needs to place greater emphasis on the prevention using a comprehensive approach. Educational awareness and reinforcement of drugs policies in the society is paramount to reduce the rising trend of substances. Adolescents abusing alcohol and other drugs require behavioral interventions, social support, and awareness to reduce the effects on health and socio-physical well-being.

PICOT Question

In adolescents abusing alcohol and other drugs (P), how does behavioral interventions, social support, and awareness (I), compared to inaction(C), contribute to reduction in adverse effects on health and social welfare (O), over a 3-month post intervention program (T)?

Alcoholism and Drugs use

Substance abuse is a serious problem across the world. It is for this reason that authorities are working in close collaboration with medical professionals to formulate appropriate interventions. In the United States alone, alcoholism contributes to close to 88,000 deaths annually. The shocking report is that the usage of illicit drugs in the country is on the increase across ages. The common substances include alcohol, cocaine, heroine, and marijuana. The long-term effects of substance on health of an individual are severe (Phillips, Lalonde, Phillips, & Schneider, 2017). Young individuals are vulnerable to addiction in later stages of life. It is also noteworthy that difficult socio-economic tidings lure individuals to use illicit drugs. African-Americans have been reported as some of the high abusers of alcohol and other illicit drugs. Medical professionals have identified interventions and medications to help the most vulnerable individuals and addicts.

People report different reasons that motivate their usage of drugs. For example, sports enthusiasts take them to perk up their physical performance. On the contrary, high school students in the United States often consume both alcohol and marijuana for pleasure purposes (Phillips, Lalonde, Phillips, & Schneider, 2017). Unfortunately, many independent studies have found that alcohol and other drugs have numerous adverse health effects when an individual uses them for an extended period. Thus, it is prudent to introduce tough penalties to deter substance abuse as a means to safeguard the welfare and interests of the future generations.

Normally, consumption of illicit drugs such as cannabis changes the normal functioning of the brains. Cannabis is a schedule I drug. Hence, it has no known medical value. Instead, it causes health hazards such as stroke, addiction, insomnia, and weight loss. Findings indicate that the usage of marijuana causes alteration of behavior among the users that contribute to depression and suicidal thoughts. According to Phillips, Lalonde, Phillips, & Schneider (2017), there has been increased use of marijuana among the college students. It is notable that social, psychological, and physical effects are prevalent upon the intake of marijuana. Male students use marijuana more often than girls do, although the frequency levels are not related to the well-being. The relationship between marijuana and well-being is different on individuals. The adverse effects are not yet conclusive as studies indicate that the impacts vary on individuals.

The United States is among the countries in the world where a huge number of teenagers and young adults use illegal drugs; thus, a need to implement necessary penalties is evident. Unfortunately, the vulnerable groups such as youths and college students are among the main consumers of illegal drugs. It is also notable that many youths are turning out hopeless; a matter that should worry the government in its policies to enhance socio-economic development. Hence, by introducing harsh penalties, the government will safeguard the welfare and interests of the future generations.

Smokers engage in the practice for recreational purposes, a practice that grows to become a habitual engagement. In some regions, smoking is regarded in the form of ritual to help induce a trance state that contributes to spiritual enlightenment. According surveys conducted in nations such as United States and China, the number of people who understand the health risks linked to smoking is low. Smokers who understand the dangers have shown great interest in quitting the habit, although the urge for smoking remains. Some smokers undergo counseling and medication to assist in the process of quitting their habit. Currently, there have concerted efforts by multiple players to warn people on the dangers of cigarette smoking to help encourage smokers quit the behavior successfully. Efforts by multiple players have led to considerable decline in the number of smokers around the world. The societies need to realize that smoking is a deluded habit that causes adverse effects to the people in the name of recreational and spiritual purposes. It is high time that all actors joined hands to develop punitive measures to address the problem across board.

War on Drugs

The principles of economics recognize the importance of examining the consequences of any action or policy. As such, financial principles underscore the significance of fiscal reasoning in the creation of policies and legislations that generate controversies. Drug use contributes to adverse effects not only on the consumers but also on other parties in the society. In the United States, the war on illegal drugs has socio-political and economic forces that affect the process of criminalization. Being a multi-billion dollar industry, the sale of illegal drugs attracts the wrath of politicians and lobbyists. Unfortunately, the consequences of deliberations adversely influence the political leadership as the drug lords utilize the opportunity to support ‘friendly candidates’. The ‘friendly politicians’ receive finances for their personal needs and campaigns by sabotaging the war on illegal drugs.

Penalizing the drug merchants heavily will go a long way towards attaining the intended goals of the ‘war on drugs’. Furthermore, numerous studies have shown a close link between criminality and drug use. For instance, illegal substance consumption has resultant effects on the judicial system where the government unnecessarily utilizes resources to convict the merchants and end users. In turn, a close examination of the judicial institutions in the US reveals that there is a high number of drug-related cases that undermine speedy discharge of obligations that enhance justice to the citizens. Therefore, it is evident that the high demand of drugs has made extremely negative impact on the judicial system, thereby, reducing chances to eliminate drug abuse.

Effects of Drugs and Alcohol Abuse among Adolescents

Health Effects

Drug use has short-term and long-term effects on the lives of adolescents. The severity of the effects depends on the type and intensity of drugs use. The common diseases associated with drugs include lung disease, heart disease, mental illness, cancer and deaths. Also, drugs can contribute to injuries and assault since the victims are prone to poor mental performance and decisions. The victims face incidences of stress and depression due to increased worries out of the poor decisions (Carliner et al., 2016). The overall quality of life is adversely affected owing to poor physical and cognitive development. The adverse health effects are also occasioned by poor lifestyle choices and behaviors that end up affecting the quality of life.

In the view of Gogek (2015), marijuana causes massive damage to the brains of young people. The author backs up the assertion using recent addiction reports that have been published in different magazines. In particular, the writers find that teenagers who consume pot marijuana occasionally contain limited gray matter, interrupted blood flow and confused white matter. The damages associated with the consumption of marijuana results in numerous adverse effects, including poor data retention, incapability to reflect and plan efficiently, bad memory and high impulsivity. Further research indicates that marijuana dependent individuals lose approximately eight IQ points, which compromises their general knowledge by a high extent.

Impacts on Learning and Personal Development

Adolescents in schools face challenges in meeting their academic goals when they start taking drugs. The students show little regard for meaningful academic and non-academic activities. The direct effects of drugs such as stress and other health problems affect their attentiveness to class activities. The performance of students is likely to decline as they engage in less productive activities. The affected students may also drop out of school due to indiscipline or peer pressure. Alcohol and other drugs make students engage in illegal activities to get money for the purchase of these substances.

Gogek (2015) uses statistical data and research based on graduates using marijuana to prove the detrimental effects of using the marijuana. The investigation indicates that college students who began using the drug before they attained sixteen years often skip several classes and have high chances of dropping out of school before they graduate. Moreover, the majority of marijuana addicts often take long before they can secure reliable jobs after graduation. In case study conducted using University of Maryland graduates dependent on marijuana, the researchers discovered that the individuals spent less time on their studies, and they also missed several classes (Gogek, 2015). As a result, they scored bad grades, which, in turn, made it hard for them to acquire competent jobs after graduation.

Social Effects

Hazardous drugs and alcohol intake result in marginalization and social discrimination of victims since families and friends exclude drunkards from social affairs. Alcohol abuse also leads to reduced productivity, social issues such as increased violence tendencies, and mental problems in family settings. Further, alcohol addicts are a burden to their families since most of them are unable to maintain a stable lifestyle, which makes them dependent on their loved ones for provision of upkeep supplies such as food. Therefore, relatives do not like being associated with drug addicts because of their rude behaviors and economic dependency.

Adolescents living with people suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD) experience a stressful life. Many families have to endure long-term stressors such as absence of loved ones and illnesses. The feeling of chaotic and hopelessness establish the required opportunity for creating a functioning and stable family that is free of alcoholism. The victims develop low self-esteem that undermines their ability to interact with others. Also, the victims face discrimination due to their age. Still, other of the experiences includes risk exposure to rape and low quality life. The level of suffering and disgrace is intense. The victims and survivors undergo stages of trauma, serialized incarceration, and addiction. Substance use is uniquely presented as a behavior and action that contributes to destruction of one’s future life. Societal neglect and abuse of systems undermine the efforts to safeguard the interests of the vulnerable youths.


SBIRT Method

Babor, Del Boca, & Bray (2017) defines SBIRT as the tool used in the identification, reduction, and early prevention of dependence on alcohol and other drugs. The tool is meant to provide early intervention before one gets into the addiction. The major objective of SBIRT is to offer interventions to moderate and high-risk individuals. It is notable that addicts encounter resultant psychosocial and other health-related problems such as liver disease and cancer. The SBIRT tool is comprehensive approach for providing treatment services to high-risk individuals. The motivation is to help in reducing the high dependency on drugs that end up affecting one negatively. Again, the SBIRT tool for illicit drugs appears useful for diverse populations in range of clinical settings (Babor, Del Boca, & Bray, 2017). Majority of people who undergo screening are hazardous users or have drugs use disorder. The patients received brief intervention, treatment, and referral for specialty intervention. A follow-up on the treated individuals showed a significant decline on the alcohol and illicit drugs use. Furthermore, the patients reported improvements in general health, criminal behavior, and employment. The SBIRT approach helps in improving the quality of life for the affected drugs users.

Primary care centers and community healthcare centers have opened up departments meant for early intervention for drug users. Drug addiction is known to have adverse and severe consequences at later stages of life. To begin with, screening aids in evaluating the severity of drugs use prior to identification of appropriate interventions and medication. The level of treatment depends on the kind of drugs and the severity level. The approach is highly integrative in that it aims at providing personalized care depending on the care needs of an individual. Accuracy and reliability in the detection of alcohol use disorders is prudent to offer the appropriate interventions (Babor, Del Boca, & Bray, 2017). There is ongoing research on the development of specific illicit substances besides alcohol. The prescription of medications for drug users has shown positive results in attending to the needs of the patients with drug-related ailments. Medical professionals recognize alcohol and illicit drug use as a serious social and health problem that require medical intervention. The SBIRT emphasizes on the need to increase insight and awareness on matters related illicit drugs use. It also focuses on offering motivation for behavior change among the affected individuals. In addition, individuals in need of extensive treatment are provided with access to specialty case with the assistance from the primary care providers.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy is an effective approach to deal with alcoholism problems. This approach provides positive peer support that advances the treatment process through interaction. Feedbacks from peers also help to identify weak areas in the treatment processes to enhance the formulation of strong plans. Group therapy facilitates the establishment of a sense of worthiness and well-being among victims. Group therapy also creates meaningful social support system that can be productive in the future. The substance abuse victims need to comply with all the recovery. The stages help substance abuse victims to recover from their problems. It helps understand causes of their problem and the most effective mitigation measure. All stages also ensure that patients interact consistently with other victims.

Dunn & Litt (2019) sought to generate a treatment plan for marijuana users that would help in improving self-efficacy. The authors highlight that marijuana is highly used in the US with many people finding it difficult to abstain. The authors assert that self-efficacy based treatments are appropriate. The self-efficacy plan examined issues such as motivational enhancement and cognitive behavior. The results from the study indicated that all the patients recorded positive improvements. The authors observe that the treatment increases self-efficacy while at the same time allowing the marijuana-dependent individuals to abstain. Most addicts do not receive proper treatment; with some failing to recognize the severity of the problem. Therefore, the integration of behavioral therapy is timely to help raise awareness on drugs uses problems across populations. The move will effectively help the affected individuals get timely and appropriate treatment solutions.

In the US, most of the efforts are geared toward motivational approaches to the affected individual. The approach also helps in getting the severity level of the substance abuse for ease in providing the right treatment. The number of sessions is determined by severity level and the potency of other disorders. By motivating the affected youths, the caregivers seek to persuade behavior change on drug use patterns. Drugs use affects people differently; hence, the importance of customizing the interventions. It is prudent for researchers and medical professionals to engage in further research to help in identifying scientific evidence to support the usage of behavioral therapy on youths addicted with other illicit drugs besides alcohol and other drugs.

Advocacy and Educational Awareness

The depth of suffering in the streets being a drug addict necessitate for a rethink on the development of effective policies and programs to help youths already using drugs (Das, Salam, Arshad, Finkelstein, & Bhutta, 2016). Also, the report underscores the need to strengthen enforcement in schools and neighborhoods as a means to protect the interests of vulnerable groups. The formulation of appropriate programs and policies is sometimes difficult owing to victimization and neglect of the victims. Adolescents are among the vulnerable individuals due to abuse of systems and institutions (Johnston et al., 2018). It is necessary for advocacy programs, including trauma care in prisons and mental health facilities. The move will play a crucial role in protecting children from the effects of abuse of drugs. The findings shows that the society and authorities need to work closely to eradicate the menace through improved institutional and policy framework.

Moreover, researchers should aim at formulating a solution for home-care services. Through the assistance of caregivers, the affected adolescents should be given an opportunity to undertake home-based care. The move will enhance access to important services as some of the drugs abusers fail to take a step to visit the healthcare facilities. The government should also take deliberate efforts to create awareness on the need to seek screening services. The moderate and high-risk patients should be provided with proper care that is covered through the insurance programs. It is also necessary to undertake follow-up on the recovery level of the addicts. The government should also consider training more health professionals, especially social workers to improve health outcomes.

Healthy People 2020

The American health sector has gone tremendous changes and reforms meant to the quality of services, enhance effectiveness, and reduce healthcare costs. The policy makers in the country have realized that increase in healthcare facilities does not necessarily contribute to improved healthcare services. The Healthy People 2020 focuses on critical objectives such as quality, equity, and efficiency in the provision of health services. The approach considers that the facilities will be compelled to provide innovative and improved services. The government has invested in plans to address substance abuse among adolescents and other groups. The intention is to eliminate some of the behaviors and actions that contribute to ill-health (Sharma, 2015). Most of lifestyle behaviors have adverse effects on the lives of the people. The health system has also witnessed increases in healthcare costs yet some of the risk factors attributable to ill-health are avoidable.

The government has committed toward reducing unnecessary expenses and inefficiencies. The current reforms in the sector target need to move from volume-based to value-based approach. This will ensure that the citizens get benefits through accessing efficient services in government-sponsored programs. Also, the efficiency of the system is critical when reforming the sector (Sharma, 2015). The policy makers in the sector should eliminate redundancies and backlogs in the industry. The goal is achievable through investing resources to equip facilities and recruitment of workers to reduce shortage. It is notable that the utilization of medical technologies has potential to enhance efficiency and costs reduction. The initiatives will play a fundamental in prevention and treatment of adolescents affected adversely by substances abuse.


World over, illicit drugs use is becoming increasingly a serious health problem. A number of interventions including medication have been proposed to help the affected adolescents to enable them lead a meaningful life. Drugs abuse has adverse effects on health, social, cognitive, and physical development of adolescents. The society needs to work on multi-pronged approaches to mitigate the worrying trend. The preventive measures through advocacy and behavior change can help in attending to vulnerable youths. Medical professionals should undertake evidence-based studies to evaluate the factors and circumstances that persuade people to engage in risky behaviors related to drugs use. The move will help to significantly address the risk factors affecting the youths affected by the menace.


Babor, T. F., Del Boca, F., & Bray, J. W. (2017). Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment: implications of SAMHSA’s SBIRT initiative for substance abuse policy and practice. Addiction, 112, 110-117.

Bigelow, D. (2015). Marijuana Debunked: A Handbook for Parents, Pundits, and Politicians Who Want To Know the Case Against Legalization, Asheville, North Carolina : Chiron Publications.

Carliner, H., Keyes, K. M., McLaughlin, K. A., Meyers, J. L., Dunn, E. C., & Martins, S. S. (2016). Childhood trauma and illicit drug use in adolescence: A population-based national comorbidity survey replication–adolescent supplement study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(8), 701-708.

Das, J. K., Salam, R. A., Arshad, A., Finkelstein, Y., & Bhutta, Z. A. (2016). Interventions for adolescent substance abuse: An overview of systematic reviews. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(4), S61-S75.

Dunn, H. K., & Litt, M. D. (2019). Decreased drinking in adults with co-occurring cannabis and alcohol use disorders in a treatment trial for marijuana dependence: Evidence of a secondary benefit?. Addictive behaviors, 99, 106051.

Gutierrez, A., & Sher, L. (2015). Alcohol and drug use among adolescents: an educational overview. International journal of adolescent medicine and health, 27(2), 207-212.

Johnston, L. D., Miech, R. A., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., Schulenberg, J. E., & Patrick, M. E. (2018). Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2017: Overview, key findings on adolescent drug use.

Phillips, K. T., Lalonde, T. L., Phillips, M. M., & Schneider, M. M. (2017). Marijuana use and associated motives in Colorado university students. The American journal on addictions, 26(8), 830-837.

Sharma, M. (2015). Progress in Substance Abuse Indicators of Healthy People 2020: Implications for Research and Practice. Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education, 59(3), 3.


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