SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)

Analysis Successful strategic planning efforts are the product of strategic leadership. Strategic leadership is the combination of strategic thinking and strategic management. A critical component of any initiative is a thorough SWOT analysis that includes possible ethical considerations or conundrums. For your project for this course, you will fill the role as a newly hired quality executive at a midsized health system. The health system has developed a bad reputation for a lack of quality in care provided to patients. The board of directors is looking to you to lead efforts in the organization becoming an accountable care organization (ACO). As you continue working toward that final project, in this unit, you will complete the SWOT analysis and ethical considerations worksheet, which can be found here (see attachment), as an executive who is organizing the development of an ACO. Each question on the worksheet should be answered with a minimum of 300 words.
Harris, J. M. (Ed.). (2018). Healthcare strategic planning (4th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. 

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Strategic Planning

SWOT and Ethics Intervention Worksheet


1. Describe each relevant strategy as a potential intervention.

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2. Conduct a SWOT analysis in relation to your health system’s ability to implement this intervention.

3. Identify any potential ethical dilemmas.

4. What aspects of your health system need to be strengthened to carry out this activity?

5. Summarize what your health system must be prepared to do to implement the proposed intervention successfully.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

1. An intervention that may affect the problem is?

2. Conduct a SWOT analysis.







3. What ethical factors must be considered for this strategy?

4. What aspects of your health system need to be strengthened to carry out this activity?

5. Summarize what your health system must be prepared to do to implement the proposed intervention successfully.

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