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Info Tool I (Google Forms)

Background: Your company is looking for a market area for a new product/location. Your assignment is to develop, disseminate, and collect data for a survey on a topic of your choice (related to a new market area for a new product/location). Think of it as a real life scenario, and assess your data to determine what the data tells you about your company’s new product/location.

Requirements: You are required to use Google Docs Form application, ask pertinent questions for your selected topic, and obtain at least 20 survey responses.

Also, you will prepare a professional looking, written report that discusses:

  • The goals of your survey
  • Detailed analysis of your survey responses
  • How this information can be useful for your company (based on your responses, reason 1, reason 2, reason n why X new product/location would be/or not a good idea).

When submitting your paper, you are also required to include the actual responses from the Form’s generator (graphic/spreadsheet). You can include that at the end of your report (but not instead of it), or you can attach it as a separate document. 

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There is no specific number of pages for this assignment. It has to have enough pages to prove your point and to cover all the requirements.

You will post both the copy of your report and the responses from the Form’s generator on Blackboard, under “Info Tool I (Google Forms)” link. 

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