supply Chain management

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PURPOSE: The purpose of this project is to describe and analyze supply chain management practices of a selected company for the topic below. The project provides the students with an opportunity to link theoretical aspects of the course with real-world situations and to learn the challenges faced by companies in the application of the principles of supply chain management.


· Select
any company of your choice
as long as you can gather sufficient information to provide a good analysis of the company’s supply chain practices in one of the selected areas among the given below. The selected company is preferred to be a significant international company working in Saudi Arabia or abroad ( the company could be Saudi or Non-Saudi).

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· Select ONE of the following topics for your project:

1. The role of innovation in an effective and eco-friendly supply chain logistics.

2. Study on the process management in the supply chain of the company and how effective process management can help in company overall operations and profitability.

3. Stores Identification System – Needs, Advantages and Payoff: An detail overview.

4. Logistics and supply chain information systems: Role of Information Technology.

5. Comparing the feasibility of Road transportation and Rail transportation.

6. The Criteria for qualified and shortlisted suppliers, in the companies and how it effects the overall sales and profitability of the company under the perspetives of SCM.

7. Challenges Associated in Implementation of an ERP System in SCM.

8. Scope, Importance & challenges of Materials Handling in SCM of the companies.

9. A literature based review of the role of robotic process automation in the procurement process and how it can be applied in local Saudi companies.

10. The green supply chain model- implications for critical stakeholders in the procurement and supply chain system.

11. Supply chain performance in knowledge-innovation environments- review of company of your choice.

12. The importance of suppliers for procurement management of the companies

13. A critical analysis of green procurement practices in high-end fashion retail outlets in KSA.

14. The role of ethics and sustainability in SCM and how it effects the company overall performance.


1. It is an individual project composed of a written report. Use books, electronic databases, company websites, social media, search engines, and other suitable sources to collect your data.

2. The report should include your real contribution. Furthermore, the project report should be between 2000 and 3500 words. Students are required to submit a softcopy via Blackboard and through instructor email.

3. Writing Guidelines: Paper size: A4, Line Spacing: 1.15, Margins: 1” (inch)all sides, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 for text, 14 for heading and 13 for the subheading.

4. Your report should be grammatically correct, well punctuated, clear, neatly presented, and easy to read. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a significant loss of marks.

5. Referencing: Plagiarism will not be tolerated at all and will lead to serious action. All sources must be referenced. The APA Referencing style must be used to support all sources of information. Students must provide in-text references as well as a reference list at the end of the document.

6. Evaluation Criteria: Rubrics and forms for evaluation of project report and format of individual contribution reports are provided on pages 3 and 4.

7. The student has to present his/her idea with 10 to 15 slides.

Report Structure

The report may follow the structure given below.

1. Title page with a project topic, company name, student name, and his ID, section number.

2. Table of content

3. Executive Summary

// Clear, concise overview and outline of entire research report.

4. Introduction

// Background about the company (history, structure,products, markets) , objective of the project, methods of data collection, report organization.

5. Theoretical description of your topic

// Describe your selected topic in general as it exists in theory (Concept/definition, measurements, factors, outcomes, etc.). Use charts, diagrams, and pictures in your description.

6. Description of a selected topic in the company

// Describe your selected topic as it is practiced in your selected company. Use charts, diagrams, and pictures in your description.

7. Analysis

//Provide a critical analysis of the practice of the topic in your company with respect to the theories and guidelines offered in the Supply Chain Management course, international stanards and best practices of other companies.

//The analysis should include showing of both positive points and negative points related to the topic in the company.

8. Conclusion &Recommendation

//Brief summary of the report and your recommendations for improvement.

9. List of References (
use APA referencing style

10. Student overall Contribution Theme/idea report organization delivery of presentations (use the form in page 5).

Project Report Evaluation Form

ProjectTitle: Section No.


____________________________________________ _____________________

Name: Student ID

____________________________________________ _____________________




Marking Criterion




1. Presentation

· Fulfilled the required structure, cover sheet, words limit,organization, design, etc.


2. Introduction

· Background to report.

· Statement of purpose.

· Outline of the report.


3. Report Body

· Paragraph structure (topic sentences etc.).

· The main points are debated (strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation)

· Cohesion (logic sequence between paragraphs).


4. Conclusion

· Restate the report & relates to its purpose.

· Summarize the main points.

· Consistency between the arguments provided in the body section and the statement of conclusion

5. Academic English

· Grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, expression, tone, vocabulary, flow.

6. Critical analysis and use of evidence

· Critical approach.

· Appropriate & sufficient evidence.

· Integration of evidence & depth of analysis.

Total Mark


Proposed Companies:

1. Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC)

2. Almarai

3. Saudi Electric Company

4. Saudi Telecom company


Nestle Middle East


General Electric (GE)


Aramex – Saudi


Samsung Electronics Company Limited




Arabian Food Supplies (AFS)

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