supply chain


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1.Discussion Questions (150 words total)

Please research the following questions and provide evidence to support your answers.

1. Find banana brands and prices in 3 stores near you. Ask someone in the store (or research online) to see how many bananas they sell each day/month. Show pictures/references of your work. 

2. What are the largest banana brands in the U.S. and how many bananas they sell a year? Where are their bananas from? Can you tell any quality difference?

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2.Discussion Questions (150 words total)

Please research the following questions and provide evidence to support your answers.

1.Where do iPhone Parts Come From? Why do certain parts come from certain countries? 

2. Is iPhone American? On what base do you say so? Please provide legitimate evidence to support your claim.

3.Discussion Questions (300 words total)

Please research the following questions and provide evidence to support your answers.

Everyone: Which countries depend on trade more than other countries? Are the decreasing costs in transportation and communications a result of growing international trade or the cause of it? 

Everyone: What would be the long‐term effects(3‐5years) of COVID‐19 on the global supply chain?

1. Explain the driving forces of global supply chain: global market and geopolitical and economic.

2. Explain the driving forces of global supply chain: technological and global cost factor.

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