Summative Roadblocks

Your supervisor made suggestions in your first draft. You will revise your original work based on your supervisor’s (instructor’s) feedback(attached)Think about your target audience, and anticipate two possible issues or roadblocks that may arise. Using your background knowledge of your field of study, share two possible solutions for each roadblock. To substantiate your workshop topic and demonstrate the importance of this topic to your director, review the

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Professional Standards by Program table

 for your field of study. You will choose two of the following standards and explain how they represent the objective of your workshop:

  • Environment
  • Supplies
  • Roadblock #1
  • Solution #1
  • Solution #2
  • Roadblock #2
  • Solution #1
    Solution #2

  • Professional Standard #1 and Explanation
  • Professional Standard #2 and Explanation

Environment and Materials
Use the Summative Template(attached) Your supervisor is impressed with your Workshop Proposal at this point and has permitted you to continue working on your proposal. This week you will continue filling out the Summative Template for your Workshop Proposal. Using the Welcome to the Ashford University Multigenerational Center! interactive from Week 1 as a guide, you will describe the space you will use to deliver your workshop. Please be sure to name one of the areas shown in the Week 1 interactive, and explain why this is the ideal space for your workshop. You will include a complete list of all materials necessary to have a successful workshop. Review the rooms and locations from the interactive to determine if specific furniture needs to be included as well. All good presenters prepare for the unexpected. Think about your target audience, and anticipate two possible issues or roadblocks that may arise. Using your background knowledge of your field of study, share two possible solutions for each roadblock. To substantiate your workshop topic and to demonstrate the importance of this topic to your director, review the Professional Standards table for your field of study (included in the course shell). You will choose two of these standards and explain how they represent the objective of your workshop.

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  • Describe the environment or the space needed to deliver your workshop.
  • List the needs and/or supplies for the Workshop.
  • Describe two possible roadblocks and two corresponding solutions for each roadblock.
  • List two professional standards from your field of study.
  • Explain how the two standards support your content.

Use the Summative Template and fill out this section. In the final part of the Workshop Plan, you complete the final two components of the Summative Template. decide which other groups (field of study?) would either benefit from your workshop presentation or could be incorporated somehow. For example, if your field of study is ECE, and you have created a workshop for preschool students to learn specific yoga poses, ask yourself how you could include one of the senior groups that meet at the center as well. The best workshops are those that keep teaching. Think of the positive relationships this could foster! In addition, you will include two strategies (using your text as a guide) to deliver the workshop objective.


  • Partnerships: Identify which groups at the Multigenerational Center could also benefit from the workshop. (Before, during, or after the workshop.)
  • Strategies: Identify two strategies to deliver your workshop.

The Template Assignment:

  • Must be at least three pages in length (not including the title, reference, and flyer pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)
  • Must include a separate title page with the following
  • Title of paper


Workshop Proposal

Lori Sanchez

EDU 499

Dr. Kelley


– 1 –

[no notes on this page]


Workshop Proposal

Part 1A: Workshop Details

Title “Promoting Proper Cognitive Development in Children.”

Explanation Parents will work with their children using “Piaget’s theory of cognitive

development to ensure that the young ones can adequately gain meaning

and knowledge from experience and information” (Beilin & Pufall,

2013). According to Magnuson and Starr (2000), the early stages of a

child’s life are essential to their development. Consequently, parents

should be heavily invested in ensuring their young ones develop

necessary cognitive abilities as early as possible. As humans age, the

ability of their brains to easily adapt to change gradually reduces.

Therefore, the early years of a person are crucial to their development

and future success in life.

Objective/Purpose The objective of the workshop is for the attending parents to learn

various activities that can promote proper cognitive development in

their children. Comprehending the various phases of cognitive

development is challenging. It is vital to involve children in activities,

which push them to apply the lessons they have gained, in addition to

help them innovate ways of synthesizing the information they receive.

There are various evidence-based activities, which have been proven to

promote an active approach to learning about the core phases of

cognitive development. Parents can learn how to offer their children

– 2 –






1. Proper

Is that the right word choice?



2. life.

This is an explanation of the

theory but not an explanation

of what you will be doing

during the Workshop. How

will parents be working with

their children? [Kathleen


3. learn

Are they putting these

activities into play with their

child while in attendance?

[Kathleen Kelley]

4. various activities

can you be specific here?

[Kathleen Kelley]

5. Comprehending the

various phases of cognitive

development is


Is this the purpose? If not, it

should not be included.

[Kathleen Kelley]


diverse techniques to experiment and explore their environments. The

experiences gained by the children will aid in their comprehension of

various concepts in a practical manner.

Target Audience The target audience consists of parents with young children. This target

audience requires assistance in learning about ways to promote their

children’s cognitive development.

Theory The theory selected is Piaget’s Theory of cognitive development. This

theory asserts that the intellectual development of children occurs in

four stages: “sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and

formal operational” (Stagnitti & Unsworth, 2000). During these phases,

the children master various skills gradually. They do not develop all

skills at once. In some instances, they fail to master any skills at all. The

stages described by Piaget occur from birth to young adulthood. The

sensorimotor stage occurs from birth to 24 months old with the

objective of getting object permanence (Beilin & Pufall, 2013). The

preoperational stage occurs from 2 to 7 years old with the objective of

getting symbolic thought. The concrete operational stage occurs from 7

to 11 years old with the objective of getting operational thought. Finally,

the formal operational stage occurs from adolescence to adulthood with

the objective of understanding abstract concepts (Beilin & Pufall, 2013).

This theory supports the content choice by ensuring that parents are

familiar with the natural progress of the acquisition of skills. Many

– 3 –


1. young

Please specify the ages you

are addressing. [Kathleen


2. Piaget occur from birth to

young adulthood. The

sensorimotor stage occurs

from birth to 24 months old

with the

objective of getting object

permanence (Beilin &

Pufall, 2013). The

preoperational stage

occurs from 2 to 7 years

The majority of this should not

be included – please just

include the specific age/stage

you will be addressing.

[Kathleen Kelley]


parents that lack this concept tend to rush their children to develop

certain skills (Stagnitti & Unsworth, 2000). This can leave them

frustrated at their children’s apparent lack of progress. In other cases,

some children may require extra help in developing their skills and this

theory provides techniques for doing so. For children with learning

disabilities, this theory allows their parents to recognize their problems

early on and enroll them in the appropriate learning institutions to cater

to their needs.

Part 1B: Workshop Flyer

– 4 –


1. For children with learning

disabilities, this theory

allows their parents to

recognize their problems

early on and enroll them in

the appropriate learning

institutions to cater to their


Is this part of your focus? If so

please address it in the

objective, if not do not include

it. [Kathleen Kelley]


– 5 –


1. Ages? This is to take place

at the Multigenerational

Center. Time? Here it just

shows parents – is it parents

and children? Include

activities you will do, so

parents are enticed and want

to attend. I don’t think

“proper” is the right word

choice when you are talking

about acquiring skills –

especially when the

continuum is fluid. Does that

make sense? [Kathleen




Beilin, H., & Pufall, P. B. (Eds.). (2013). Piaget’s theory: Prospects and possibilities.

Psychology Press.

Magnuson, C. S., & Starr, M. F. (2000). How early is too early to begin life career planning? The

importance of the elementary school years. Journal of Career Development, 27(2), 89-


Stagnitti, K., & Unsworth, C. (2000). The importance of pretend play in child development: An

occupational therapy perspective. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(3), 121-


– 6 –

[no notes on this page]



Workshop Proposal

Your Name

EDU 499: Shared Capstone

Instructor’s Name


Hint: In this template, you will find purple and orange “hint” boxes designed to help you with the assignment. Please delete all hints before finalizing your project. To do this, click on the hint box and then hit the “delete” key on your keyboard.

Workshop Proposal

Hint: Scroll over linked headings to see additional tips or information about that section.

Part 1A: Workshop Details


Include your title here.


Provide a description of your Workshop.


State your objective or purpose.

Target Audience

Describe your target audience. Your audience should be program specific.


Explain a major theory in your field of study, and include how your chosen theory supports your content choice.

Part 1B: Workshop Flyer
Hint: You will create a one-page flyer to advertise your upcoming Workshop. You will post a PDF version of this flyer in the Week Three Discussion Forum for peer feedback. Your flyer should include:
· The Title of the Workshop
· The Objective/Purpose of the Workshop
· The Target Audience
· Your name (as the presenter)
· Time/Date/Place
· An image to represent the content
· Colorful and engaging visuals
For the final assignment in Week 5, please take a screenshot of your flyer, delete this hint box, and insert the image of your flyer into this space. For help taking a screenshot, see this resource. For help inserting images in Word, see this resource.

Part 2: Roadblocks




List Roadblock #1 here
Specific to the Objective

Share Roadblock #1 here.

Share a solution to Roadblock #1.

List Roadblock #2 here
Specific to the Objective

Share Roadblock #2 here.

Share a solution to Roadblock #2.

Professional Standards

Professional Standard #1
Explain how it supports the solution to Roadblock #1

Choose a standard from the Professional Standards for your Field of Study, list it here, and explain how it represents the objective of your Workshop.

Professional Standard #2
Explain how it supports the solution to Roadblock #2

Choose a standard from the Professional Standards for your Field of Study, list it here, and explain how it represents the objective of your Workshop.

Part 3: Environment and Materials


Describe the environment or the space needed to deliver your workshop.

Needs and/or Supplies

List your needs and/or supplies for the Workshop.




List Roadblock #1 here

Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

Share Roadblock #1 here.

Share a solution to Roadblock #1.

List Roadblock #2 here
Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

Share Roadblock #2 here.

Share a solution to Roadblock #2.

Professional Standards

Professional Standard #1
Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

Choose a standard from the Professional Standards for your Field of Study, list it here, and explain how it represents the Solution to Roadblock #1.

Professional Standard #2
Specific to the Environment or Needs/Supplies

Choose a standard from the Professional Standards for your Field of Study, list it here, and explain how it represents the Solution to Roadblock #2.

Part 4: Strategies


Determine which program(s) at the multigenerational center could also benefit from the Workshop. Explain why they would benefit.


List Strategy for Delivery #1 here

List Strategy for Delivery #2 here

Hint: Your final draft in Week 5 will be your completed template including the necessary revisions based on any feedback from your instructor and peers.

Use APA style to reference any sources used in your proposal. Remember, you must include in-text citations throughout your document to show your reader what information you used from outside sources. For help with the reference page, please see this resource.

Hint: In the final version of your assignment, be sure that you have removed all of the prompt information and “hint” boxes within the template.

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